HU, “ Oc° 29, .99* , Release c rten. Mo.emen. (BSM) of the pen is of October 23. 1998. ihe „f ,he five of „ee. various Carolina a. Chapel „„ suspensior, „( each subgroup .reasur- s,o„s. The ;„„ . The Lm.nis.-a.ive treasury resp ^ er/president rnclu ' budget 'J'jsM Treasurer; (1). attending one training wit ^ percent, completion o one o grade ”";'; selintonthly ^--^'^'^''C.ents (such as re,u,sitious and (4). completing all treasury d (5). successful CO P ,f„,en.entioned Icheck requests) suspension if any o t e misuse or ma A subgroup may be P j subgroup funds was n organization. The are not met. The suspension^ subgroups or ive measure by the Lropriate “P'''‘“"°b„oup funds «as made as a P" j^,„,ive problems now Lision to suspend the sub as well as improvement of organ.- Executive Board to dedicated itself th.s year ,„,„rmat.on Ld .n the future. The BSM as^^^ ‘7;o" v." o- >» "''^'“r'emi Ltional functions, and .t ,„,pension ® „e subgroups to d.ssem.- the spec.f.c de.a,^^ ^^fessionalism, and a s^P^ organizat.ons and 'cUi"'ab"u?'he“ ' P'-f-'^^^cCtbaU Coach Carl Torbush's example a ou | cl .am -"_-:f.r:;;l”:nal matters privately. L rmportance of de wtl^lrd^^ handled by can bene misleading. l::s-:ri:::e:r.::v«»e. p.. .ent Le BSM wifi ';"\';:;:.lV^e':hrs:ld»Thod, to lej- 0,nlng Hall. a.tacU and would U (Wednesday at 5. P ' Uhuru Ni Upinduzi The Black Ink 19