Pieces ^he beginning of my journey toward becoming cultured ani refineo began as J stepped into college life; but the cultivation of my dpires, my fears; my passions come from the lessons he taught me. 7rom our conversation. J became intrigued. This was so differ- ent. His views are so solid. He believed in what he said, hie said what he meant. Hty initial reaction caused me to close my eyes and open myself to a new way of seeing. Coming in contact with him was like an electric shock stimu lating me in different degrees but never missing one area. 'He frobed my mind with questions that J have never been asked before, and J'd often contemplate about the impact he has had on my life. J'm not sure if J modeled my actions after him but J do know that he opened me up to a new way of looking at things. He explored my mind with such intensity that J never doubted a word of what he spoke or second-guessed any of his actions. J waited anxiously to hear him. J was on edge lor the next words of wisdom he chose to manifest. Ciut you know, it was almost perfect because each time he would tell me just enough to form my own opinions. Hf journeyei ieep into my soul but J’m not sure if he ever (Pieces of him are still there. Iboni Staton Junior Afro-American Studies 19 Black Ink