wctive at Carolina by Jamiyla Bolton and Shake ft fast but watch yourself! When people first get to college the first thing they think about is going out and partying. They are away from their parents, “grown” and ready to do any and everything they want. They put on their best and hit up Treehouse on Thursday night, then struggle to get to class Friday morning. The glamour of parties soon disappears once the reality of how hard it is to maintain the balance between doing schoolwork and “gettin’ your club on” sets in. Club fatigue hits you and the bailer from the other night doesn’t look as good as he did before. Something about missing teeth and halitosis isn’t conducive to pro longed correspondence, i.e. “call me, shorty!” After staying out all night and waking up to catch an 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. class, the urge to skip comes to mind. Yes, it’s happened to us all before at one point in time. Most of the time the regular excuses that come to mind are a bad hangover, too high or just way too tired to go to class. Anyway, most of us will go with the skipping option. I ask you “grown folks,” who are you try ing to impress? I know that college is the first time that we’re really considered adults, but even adults have to go to work in the morning. I’m not hating, but for those of you who don’t have scholarships, I can’t imagine that your parents are dishing out between ten and twen ty Gs a year so you can go “make it hot.” And I know your club clothes are rather expensive for people who, for the most part, aren’t employed. Ladies, he’s probably going to be there next week. And fellas, unless Vince Carter comes back, I think she’ll be available next time. They don’t offer degrees in “play- alistics,” so why are you trying to major in it? In conclu sion, don’t OD on the party scene. Grades, as square as they may seem, are hopefully going to get you that job which will, hopefully, get you that dough which will, again hopefully, enable you to party like it’s 2099. Besides, your 8 a.m. professor misses you and wants you to come home, (sniffle, sniffle) Jamiyla Bolton may be reached at jbolton@emall.unc.edu Nicole Harrison may be reached at nrharris@emalll..unc To the freshmen pictured above jWe realize that you are not the only freshmen on [campus and we will try harder not to keep recycling your picture for this section. November 2000