By April Bethea "Thank you for our African villages. Thank you for having more black men in priM^n than in schools. Thank you for being our fathers by blood and our oppressors by Um\" Sentiments once reserved for con- versntions iiniong close friends suddenly are thrust into the public light .IS students across the UNC campus debate the presence of institutional racism and discrimination at the University. While campus organizations debate con troversial issues such as the death penalty and abortion throughout the school year, the in-your-face displays of two campaigns during university Human Rights Week cel ebrations created visible stirs in emotions among students. First, the Genocide Awareness Project exhibited graphic displays of aborted fetuses as well as victims from other world wide acts of genocide, the Holocaust and slavery. Throughout the two-day display, GAP organizers argued that the same injustices found in Holocaust and slavery' can be seen in abortion. Then on March 26, an anti-reparations column by conservative political pundit David Horowitz appeared in the Daily Tar Heel. Originally sent to the paper as a full-page ad entitled "Ten Reasons why Reparations are a Bad Idea - and Racist, too — DTH editors instead decided to run Horowitz's ideas as a col umn and allow members of the UNC com munity, including Chancellor James Moeser and BSM president Tyra Moore to respond to Horowitz's claims. At campuses across the nation, includ ing Duke University, student demonstra tions often followed the publication of Horowitz's ad. Horowitz has said he tar- 7 Black INK