BLACK ir^K Editor-In-Chief Carmen Scott Managing Editor Cheritta Pridgen Editorial Staff April Bethea, News Jessica Folmar, Photo Alexis Gines, Poetry Sylvia Glover, Editorial Leah Irin, On the Yard Darrell Johnson, Online Demetrice Smith, Entertainment Kelly Williams, Fashion Layout Design Edward Bremner Carmen Scott Art Design Q Copy Editing Leah Irvin Jai Jennings Erin Moore Deidre Pinnix Photography Jessica Folmar Renee Jackson Carmen Scott Tamra Thomas Tto- BtACTv Ink founded in 1%9, is the official publication of the BUck Student Movement at the Univereity of North Carolina at Oiapel HilL Our mission remains: 'If Blackness can be trarvv fotmed into pictures and woris, we intend to do 90, by any means necessary." All articles, letters, editoriaK illusĀ»ration.s and poetry are welcome and must be signed. Submissions may be sub mitted online. Mailing address, CB# 5210 Student Union. University of North Carolma at Oupel HilL NC Z754. ThLs publication is paid for at least in part by student fees. Last month was certainly a September to remember. We will never forget the first home football game of the season when Carolina shocked the world and flipped the script on Florida State, for the first time ever. It was priceless to witness overzealous fans take a full 45 minutes to tear down Kenan Stadium's goal post, which was appar ently made of steel. The Coronation Ball was definitely one for the books this year. Congratulations to Thurston Cherry and Sundarkia Newman for walk ing away with the coveted Mr. and Ms. BSM crowns. (One-on-One with Royalty, p.13) Those in attendance had a good time. (Coronation Ball Photos, p. 15) I've honestly never seen that many 18- 22 year olds doing the electric slide. I thought we'd moved on from 1991. But it was fun, wasn't it? With all the graduation classes being represented, we could not resist a class war. By the way, "'O2!" Is it just me, or was it inter esting to hear the freshmen giving shout outs to'05? Seems a little premature to start a graduation countdown so soon. The freshmen are deep this year. They make up the largest fresh man class ever to attend this University and they already have a lot to say about Carolina (According to the Freshmen, p.21) Carolina was a much different place when when the upperclassmen were freshmen. We all have fond memories of the UL, the Union steps, etc., etc. (22nd Page, Top 10 Things the Freshmen Missed Out On). Have you ever noticed that every time a fall semester rolls around, Jay Z drops a new song? Last fall it was "Give it to Me", the year before that, it was "Girl's Best Friend." All the '02's remember fresh man year's "Can I Get A . . This fall "HOVA" is blowin' up on the radio. In this issue, Black Ink writers determine whether "The Blueprint" as well as various other CDs, movies and books are "Worth the Cash or Straight Trash" (p.i?)- Just when we were beginning to get over the shock of Aaliyah s plane crash and sudden death (At Her Best, p. 5) we were hit with the tragic events of Sept. 11 (Pulling Together, p.?) giving new definition to the word senseless. Who better to help us think positively again than America's favorite father? "Hey, hey, hey" guess who showed Carolina a thing or two. None other than Bill Cosby and he hasn't changed a bit. (New Millennium, Same Cosby, p.23)