call them 'punishments.' After the 'punishment' Cosby said he was revived to find his mother rubbing butter on his forehead. It wasn't until as an adult, Cosby said, that the topic of that day came up while having dinner with his parents. He asked his mother why she used butter to revive him. She said she just felt like she needed to be rubbing him with something, Cosby said. Then Cosby recalled his father jump ing in with, "You're the one who sent me up there to kill him." Mothers; innocent sympathizers or guilty conspirators, you be the judge. Just as the immortal Cliff Huxtable was the father of five children, so too is Cosby the father of five: four daughters, Erika, Erinn, Ensa and Evin, and one son, Ennis, who is deceased. During his performance Cosby enter tained the crowd with a Father's Day rou tine reminicent of the episode from The Cosby Show" of the same topic. "Everybody remembers Mother s Day, Cosby argued. They make the reservations and buy the flowers way in advance, he said. But when Father's Day rolls around, everyone says, "Oh sh*t, really?" He called it the worst holiday of the year and recalled some of the poorly-thought-out gifts he has received from his children, the infamous light up Miami tie among them, no doubt. Beginning with his television debut m 1965 when he broke the color line to co-star with Robert Culpe in "I Spy," Bill Cosby has remained a mainstay in the entertain ment world. Can you believe it's been eight years? Eight years since Cliff and Claire danced out into the audience during the last episode of "The Cosby Show" and danced out of American living rooms. They danced back in four years later on the sit com "Cosby," only to leave yet again, four years after the show's debut. Never fear, Cosby has found a new way to positively influence the lives of America's youth. This time, he s catching them at a slightly younger age with his daily animated series, "Little Bill, which airs on Nickelodeon and Saturday morn ings on CBS. A new millennium has been ushered in and with it came a lot of unfamiliar nega tivity: the disintegration of family values on television, and very recently, the loom ing threat of war. Though it's a new millennium, refres ingly. Bill Cosby is still the same. Some things should never change. Bill Cosby is definately one of those things.