The news in this publica tion is released for the press on the date indicated below. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA w NOVEMBER 18, 1914 Published weekly by the Bureau of Extension of the Uni versity of North Carolina. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. I, NO. 1 Editorial Board: E. C. Branson, J. G- deR. Hamilton, L. R. Wilson, Z. V. Judd, S B. Winters. Application for entry as second-class matter at the postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C-, pending. THE NEWS LETTER The UNIVERSITY NEWS LEri'ER will go regularly to the reading public that wants it in North (Carolina. A post card will enable ns to know the reader’s wish. Advise us at some early date, and thereby help us make up our permanent mailing list. BEHIND AND BEYOND COL- LEGE WALLS Behind campus walls in North Carolina in 1910, all our colleges counted, were only 6,594 students of both sexes. Or only 12 for every thousand children enrolled in our elementary schools, pub lic and private. Our State ranks 40th in this particular. Six southern states make a better, and seven a poorer allowing. WIN A COLLEGE DEGREE AT HOME Beyond campus walls in North Caro lina in the census year, were 74,600 boys and girls, between 16 and 20 years of age, who were bread-winnei'S and wage-earn- ers—our own race and color, kith, kin and kind; ('aught in the fell clutch of cir cumstance and forced to work—many of them at back-breaking toil. Thel’nivereity holds out a hand to them. Outside our window's hang kindly lamp.! of leai ning. These young people cannot goto col lege. And so the llniveisity goes to them witli correspondence courses; 19 credit courees leading to linivereity degrees, and 17 non-credit courses. A post card of in quiry will bring full infonnation about tlie chances offered. THE BRAHMIN CASTE OF SCHOLARS What Emerson called the Bialunin caat« of scholars is never a large group of people—in North (Carolina or elsewhere at any one time in the world’s history. The graduates of all the colleges in the Slat« number perhaps fewer than 50,000 people, all told. So few are the weaiers of academic purple! But two and a half million people in the State live beyonil college walls, busy with the nagging problems of a woik-a- day world. ^ Nearly one-founh of the white girls and women of North t.'arolina, ten ye.ars of age and older, are at woi>k for a living outside their homes or home occupations —130,000 of them! Our toiling brothei-s —'white youths and men—number 460,- 000. What chances have they hal at college or univeraity culture? If the learning of colleges does not mean a leaning towaid the toilers in North Carolina in the mills and factories, in the shops and on the fanns, and a longing to serve them, it is a shabby, sor ry, parasitic something that deserves neither encouiagement or support by the tinpaying public. DEMOCRATIC CULTURE The Univei'sity is busy extending its cajinpus limits to the boundaries of the j State in eveiy direction; is putting the culture of the rnivereity centre at the command of all the people of every sort and kind; is i-elating, adjusting, and adapting its activities to democratic needs in North Carolina, in a state-wide minis try of service. Whatever anybody in tlie State wants to know, and is prepared to learn, the University ought to be ready, or ought to get ready as soon as possil>le, to teach. What else pray ought the word Univer- sity^to mean? Sealing up the learning of the race, setting it in air-tight ves.sels on the shelves of acadeujic work-.shops and breaking the .seals at sfateil timt« for the favored few' was the old-time, world-wide ideal of I’niversity jiropriety and dig nity. .Mready the I'liiversity ol North t’aro- lina has a Bureau of General Information. It offers to the public afield instruction by lectures---128 this year. Its Debating Union reached between thirty and forty thousand people last year. Its Teachers’ Bureau is a busy place. It maintains a ■^Municipal and i^egislative Keference Li- t)rary. ,\lso an Economicii and Social Reference Library, devoted to the prob lems of business and life in North Caro lina. * Its Know-Your-Own-Hon)e-State and Your-Own Ilome-County clubs are search- ijig out the forces and agencies that are making or niarring the future of the State. Here is the llniversity helping or try ing to help the folks—not just the few be hind college walls; but the multitude.^ beyond. THE HNOW-YOUR.HOME- COUNTY CLUBS The county clubs at the University are studying economics and sociology through a microscope mainly, .ilso, through a telescope incidentally, in order to get ourselves properly relattnl to the grand scheme of tlungs. Many a student knows these large subjects fairly well; but about liis own community and county he knows pitifully little. I'he county clubs are bent upon a com petent knowledge of the home-county and the mother-state. They are concen trating upon the e'onomic and social problems of the people who are their own. And already they are beginning to realize that they have entered upon a new field of ITnivei-sity learning—a field of rich information, education, stimula tion anl preparation for competent citi- •zenship. The new Kxtension Bulletin, number 9, (mailed upon request) gives full de tails of The Home-(;ounty-Club Studies. THE CAROLINA COUNTY CLUBS They shall be th(“ artist, the com poser, the portrait' painter, of their people. Their faith, their cry, tlieir anger, their love shall be in them. In them shall be seen the panorama of the crowd, focused into a single pur pose. In them shall be put in the fore ground of the Stiw’s attention the things that belong in tlie foreground. And the things that belong in the background shall be put in the back ground, and the little ideas and little men shall look little in it, and the big ones shall look big. GERALD STANLEY LEE, In“('rowds.” HOME-SPUN STUDIES Know-Y"our-Home-(^ounty (^lubs are needed all over the State, in every com munity; and they are being rapidly or ganized. Directions, infonnation, de tails—whatever is needed—can be had by addressing the North Cai-olina Club at the Univeraity. The other day, the Hbine-t'ouiity ^tudy-('lubs came up for discussion in a county-site town. “.Tust what do you mean by studving a county?” piped up a Tar Heel in the crowd. “I’m a college bred man,” said he, '*1 was hatched out in this c«uht^. Man and boy. I’ve lived in it all my life. I know all the folks and every goose trail in it. If there is anything about it I don’t know, J would like to know' what it is?” A bulletin was mailed out to him. In a few days, came tliis answer: “Gee Wliiz! If I knew as nmch about my county as this bulletin calls on me to know, I’d be of some account in it, sure enough! I didn’t know there were so many important things to know about a body’s own home people. Guess I’ll or ganize a Home-Study-Club right here.” Send for the Bulletin. Read it and do likewise. COUNTRY-LIFE LECTURES Duriiig 1913-14 lectures were deliverei in 128 North (Carolina comniunities by membere of the Univei-sity faculty, no other expense being ijicurral by the com munities for which the lectt ires were made than the traveling expenses of the speak er. Among 125 oi- more subjects which are offered for the present year upon the same terms are the following which are of special inten^st to rural c(jmmunities: Comnumity Nest Kggs, by I'rof. E. C. Branson; Geology in Relation to Soils, by Prof. ('oilier Cobb; Electricity on the Farm, by Prof. P. H. Daggett; Home lUinnination, by Dr. C. H. Herty; Pri vate VVatei' .Systems for the Home and Farm, by Prof. T. I'. Hickerson: Hu' Origin and Prevt'ution of Typhoid Fever, by Dr. \V. D. MacNider; ( V)-opei ative Marketing of Farm Products, by Dr. C. L. Raper; The Fannei ’s Part in Highway Improvement, by l^of. ,\1. H. Stacy; ^ The Farm-Life ScIkioI, by Dr. L. A. Wil liams; Books for the Fami and How tj Them, by Dr. L. K. Wilson. DID YOU KNOW IT? Do you care to know more about the people of Europe and the conditions which made this war? Do you care to do supervised study in preparation for that State examination? Would you like to continue some of your I’niyersity studies where you had to break them off? Have you some spare time which you would like to turn to profit? There aiv offered by the University thirty-six coui-ses by correspondence: about one-half of tliem give creilit toward a degree, and for successful work in the others a certificate is granted. The work is under the direction of the regular facul ty members who receive no extra renui- neration. Enrolhnent has already begun. Who’ll be the next? For fuller infonnation write to tlie Bureau of Extension, Chapel Hill, N. C. COMMUNITY SERVICE WEEK For Better, Richer, Greater Slate I'he current number of the Ahmmi Review carries the following open let- tci'by President E. K. Graham to the Alunmi of the , University: “You Jiave probably received from the committee at Raleigh a copy of the Com- nuinity Service W'eek Bulletin, Our Bureau of Extension has gent yovi a copy of our Syllabus of Home Ounty Studies. If you have not received these bulletins they may be secured by writing to the University or to W. C. Crosby, Secretary, Raleigh. The purpose of both these pamphlets is to arouse a deeper and more intelligent civic consciousness throughout the State and to direct it along definite, constructive lines. Local, national, and world, *onditions urge upon us the supreme oppor tunity that will be offenxl to our State in the great exi»ansive etionomic and intellectual movements of the decade. To take our due share of their bene fits we nuist prepare ourselves energetically and in fundamental ways. These pamphlets provide a clear, detailed and abundantly fruitful plan. They point an open way. They tell how. “Men and w'omen trainwl in our colleges and in the University may liere show in a fine and productive fashion the splendid loyalties we profess, by enthusiastically ent^ering this non-partisan campaign foi- a better, richer, greater State.” ’ ’ COMPULSORY EDUCATION A Hig'h School Debate Do you have a public discu.ssion society in your community for the school children or the adults? If so, the following brief discussion may be sug gestive for an early meeting. If you do not have a society, write to the Bureau of Extc-nsion of the University of North Carolina for a copy of a mcKlel constitution and directions explaining how to organize one. For lit erature on the subject given, writi! t« the Bureau of Extension at Chapel Hill, or the North (lirolina Library (Commission, at Raleigh. Other subjects for discussion will appear regularly in the Univei’sity NEWS LETTER. J > ■ (X)MPlI].SORY EinumTION Resolved, That the present school law of North Carolina should be. ho amended as to require all children betweenHhe agi^s of seven and fourteen inclusive, who are not physically unable, to attemi six months ('ach year. AFFIRMATIVE ARGUMENTS 1. The Static should have the legal right to enforce as complete edncation as possible of all children, because the efficiency of its citizenship would thereby be increasetl. 2. The Statt> should have the legal right to insist that public money spent iipon the public school system for the whication of all children of school age should accomplish the end sought. 3. Compulsory educatioji within these limitiitions would increase tlie s-hool enrollment and lengthen th»; time spent in school by each child. North Carolina’s avt^rage in these two important respwts has bi>en very low. NEGATIVE ARGUMENTS 1. Such an extension of the present law would result in the further in fringement of individual liberty. One man has no riglit to dictate the standard of education for another man’s child. 2. Such extension of the law would residt in further over-crowding of schoolhouses and classes. It would result in very inefficient teaching 3. Other things are neededmore today than themeasuresuggested. Our present law should be strictly enforced. Greater int«>rest shotdd be taken in the school by the committee and leading citizens. The teachei' should draw a better salary. He should study local conditions more carefully. These things would count for far more in our school syst(>m an) for the in- vidual child than the measure proposed. A DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEMONSTRATION FAIR FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE WEEK What are the ladiejs of your conummity doing to make(Jonununity Service Week a great big succe,ss? Why not go tfi work at once and arrange a lo- mestic scienct- exhibit? In every community there is always some woman who makes the very best hiscuit-s, another who excels in bread-making, another who is famous for the tine muffins she mak!s or for her neat, clean, and tidy kitchen, and there is still another who knows how to “fry” meat, when frying is neces sary, without sending the food to the table“swimmingin afiood of grease." These women are domestic science experts and they ought to “get togetJi- er” and give to each other and the general public a demonstration of that in which each excels so that all may be benefited. The ladies of a (!onmiunity (^lub in a little North Carolina village ar ranged to give a domestic science demonstration “Fair,” as they called it, and advertised that an exp(>rt lady instructor woidd be pi-esent to lecture and to give practical demonstration in domestic science. 'I'o their great consternation, a few days before the appointwl time, the lecturer sent w'ru’d that .she coull not conic. Of necessity th*y turned to themselves for help and at once re.Holved that each would demonstrate at the 'Fair” that which .-(he coidd do best at home. The following is the j>rogram which was successfully carried out to the xerv great delight and benefit of a large crowd of visitors: Bread making with pat‘nteil mixer, Patty cases. Cold Slaw, tfotfee making. Cake making. Tomato canning, Tea making, Cooking—oil stoves, tireless cookers, and chafing dishes. I'here was also a display of labor saving devices such as mop wringers, meat choppers, dothespin aprons, dish drain, a kitchen cabinet, carpet sweeper, washing machine, oil stoves, and many other useful articles, all of which were loaned by merchants in the village or by the lady owners them- s(“lves. The demonstration was continued through the entire day and was vot‘d a most helpful and in.stnictive affair. Why caiuiot your community do something like this fjr Connutinity .Service Wec'kand add plain anil fancy sewing and any other featmv that may ix;cur to thosi' in charge ? The Fair costs nothing and is worth much. It can be quickly arranged, try it.—The University of North Carolina, School of Education, U'tter Se ries No. 3. FIRST IN NORTH CAROLINA Some Carolina Club Findtaes Bertie, first in miles of improved publii' roads—411 miles. Scotland, first in per cent of public roads improvetl—88 per cent. .New Hanover, in density of populatii>n —148 per sq. mi. Gaston, in density of rural population —84 per sq. mi. (ruilford, in increase of population, 1900-1910—54.8 i>er cent. Guilford, in increase of of rural popu lation, 1900-1910—41 per cent. Scotland, in p»>r-acre value of farm land—$44.82. Pamlico, in p(>r-acre increase of farm land values, 1900-1910—321 per cent. Si'otland, in average per-acre ci'op yielding power—$42.02. Alleghany, in per capita wealth of coimtry population—$560. Alleghany, in per capita foxl and teed producing power—$106. .4she, in cattle per 1000 acres—81. Johnston, in hogs jxm- 1000 acres—121. Rol)eson, in total cotton picxluction 1913 —54,039 bales. Scotland, largest per cent of cultivated acreage in cotton—57 pi>r cent. Pitt, in total tobacco productiou---10,- 973,950 lbs. Greene, largest jier ci'ut of cultivated acreage in tobacco--12 per cent. Robe.son, in totnl cereals prcKluctiou-— 1,148,630 bu. Burke, large,st per cent of cultivated acreage in cereals--56 per cent. .lolinston, in total corn prtKluction-— 951,441 bu. Davidson, in tx>tal hay and foi-age pro duction—17,340 tons. Unless otherwise indicatetl, the figure*^ above are taken from or based on the 1910 census. THE NORTH CAROLINA CLUB ANNOUNCES PROGRAM The following program for the year has b(*en aimounced by the stf'cring commit tee of the North (Jarolina (^ub at die Ihiiversity; October 21 The Food Producing and Wealth Retaining Powei- of North Caroli na, Fit'd H. ^ culer of ('atawba County. November 4—'I'he Decreasing Meat Sup ply of North ('arolina and the Increasing ('Ost of Living, .1. DaniehKof Davidsoii County. .November 18—LiK-al Paitking and Re- frigeratiug Plants, W. K.'I'aylor of Frank lin ('oimty. December H-5—(!el(>bration of Commu nity Servic(> Week. Decetnber 16—Are Farm Lands Beitr- ing ail f’^jircasonable .Sh.'ire of the. Tax Burden? .January 13—Debate. Question : A Stat'- Wide Dog Tax for Schools. iH’bruaiy 10—Th* Firmer’s Sluin^ of the' ConsuTuer’s Dollar. February 24—Open. Mareh 10—Orange County Club. -March 24—l)ebat(‘. Question: Rtajol- \h1, That home and farm owneiijhip is beneficial to the negro and the communi ty in which he lives. ;Aj)ril 7—Wake (!ounty ('lub. April 21—Mecklenburg (lounty Club. May 5 New Zealand’s Gradnat«11.4tmi Tax. May 12—Final Rally.

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