The news in diis publica tion is released for ithe press on ihe date indicated below. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Publiehed weefcly by the Univercity of North Carolina for its Bureau of Elxtension. DECEMBER 1,1915 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. KditorUl Board! B. C. Branson, J. G. deK, Hamilton, L. B, Wilson, L. A. -WaUanis, R. H. Thornton. VOL. H, NO. 3 Sutered as second-class matter November 14. iOU, at the postofflce at Chapel Hill, N. 0.. under the act of Angnst 24,1918. NORTH CAROLINA CLUB STUDIES THINGS TO BE PROUD OF IN RICHMOND COUNTY FEDERAL PENSIONS IN □:the south rriie F«derai Pensions disbursed to | 1. Rockingliam, au enterprising, ^Idters, widows and dependents during | busy, beautiful little capital city, witli 10 cotton mills in it and clustered around it, ;the year ending July 1, 1915 was $165, :518, 266. ft is nearly seven million dol lars less than the year before. So reads A recent report of the Federal Pension CommisBioner. representing an investment of .?2,000,- 000. 2. A high grade mill population. They are stable, law-abiding, useful citi- *>ur readers. -States. Pensions. .^mounts Kentucky 19,491 $4,313,894 Tennessee 15,477 3,425,758 , Arkaasae 8,040 1,779,647 i ■Vii^inia 7,950 1,759,606 ' Louisiana 4,902 1.085,5931 -Florida 1,027,368; Mississippi 0,660 810,081i North Carolina 3,315 733,7141 Alabama 2,949 652,706! 3eorgia 2,734 603,240 S^outh Carolina 1,547 342,385 'I A SELF-SUPPORTING ACRI- TURE Bradford Knapp, Farm Demonstration Chief. 'We have a good thing in the South, if 'w^e will only go to work and make agri- i2ulture self-supporting. The plan of the Federal Department of Agriculture is to foster home gardens, to •encourage thrift by teaching people to «an fruit and vegetables for home use as they do in every thrifty community, to have farmers grow their own corn, oats, liay, peas, beans, potatoes, and some ssane or sorghum for syrup, and to pro- 'duce their own meat supply from a rea- ■•sonable industry in poultry, hogs, and (Cattle. Of course this would require some re duction of the cotton acreage, unless •more acres w'ere taken up; but under 4his plan we would establish a live-stock industry sufficient to utilize the waste •Sand. On every farm there is waste land which could be made productive with live stock. This is purely a business proposition, hnt one that has been sadly neglected in i-aU our Southern territory. The BanKers Can Do It Tlie Bankers have the power, in my judgment, to institute a safe, sound, self- supporting agriculture in the South if rthey will do it. The key to the whole ;:situation lies in the hands of the bankers Jind credit merchants of the South. ili bankers and credit merchants of tlie South still fail to lend their construc tive backing to the estabhshment of self- supporting agriculture, and are still going I “O nna"ke their loans and finance the agri- - 'ulture of the South as a one-cro]> agri- aculture, then we are going to have a one- crop agriculture until such time as hu man nature breaks and we have a revo- . lution which will overthrow the present system. jTheJarmer Not To Blame Can you blame the farmer, especially the little farmer or tenant, if he does not follow the advice of agriculturists and ’ »loes not diversify, when he well knows that .when he goes to the small banker or sup- i^ly TTiercbant of the South the basis of iiis credit is fixed on the number of acres of the onft cash-crop that he is going to 3sroduce? I want to tell you now there is nothmg imore important, nothing, more helpful, you can do than to help the Southern .farmer find reasonable markets for local- !’y grown produce other than the one isash-crop of the community. Support Livestock Farming Tlie only class of farming we support, Mays an Iowa banker, is diversified farm ing and in order to have diversified farm ing you must have live stock. The most •of our loans are for live stock. I Ijelieve that this system X)f farming is the only •successful one, because it means employ- Maent the whole year; while with a one- “rop system farmers are employed for only a, few montlis of the year and for the bal ance of the year are idle, and it does not r^m to me that being idle would help iny class. The Number of Federal pensioners liv- i zens far above the average in mill towns, ing in Southern states and the sums they ; 3. The first moonlight school in North received last year may be interesting to j Carolina, 3 years old and still in opera- Ition, under the direction of Mr. L. .J. Bell, superintendent of the city schools. 4. A lieautiful school building in Rockingham and a most excellent school system. 5. The orop-yielding power of Rich mond soils, $25.64 per acre in the census other counties of the state, and 7 of the 8 banner agricultural counties of the Unit ed States, 6. The small per cent of farm mort- ^ges in 1910, only 11 per cent among white farm owners, and only 14 per cent among negro farm owners. In this par ticular, Richmond outranks 80 counties of the state. 7. The improvW public roads; 263 miles or 60 per cent of the total public roads mileage. Further improvements in 1914 raise tliis per cent to 90 or more. In goods roads Richmond ranks among the first half-dozen counties of the State. 8. The wonderful recovery of the county during the last census period, during which the population increased 24 per cent, the total taxable property 96 per cent, and the Ttbtal farm w^ealth 156 per cent: in marked contrast with the twelfth census period during which more than a third of the population moved out of the county and the property values suffered accordingly. 9. The unusually large number of col lege bred men and women who are mind ed to know where Richmond leads, where she lags,and the way out; and to lead in solving community problems of progress. This spirit was inspiringly evident the other night in tlie annual University Alumni rally. THE FARMERS AT UNIVERSITY THE A long string of thirty-five automobiles brought 151 farmers from their meeting in Durham to the University week before last. They came as guests. They went away with a large sense of proprietorsliip and pride in their partnership' in the State University. Three hundred and two young men from farm homes, their own and their neighbors’ sons, quickly made them feel that they were at home and not on a visit. President (iraham’s welcome gave them a bird’s-eye view of the University and its State-wide purposes and work. And the-vision they got of this institution, left out of account no man or woman of any vocation or calling whatsoever. They dined with the students and facul ty in Swain Hall, and were served by stu- ,l,$nt waiters, some 40 of the 200 Tar Heel boys who are working out their salvation here, not with fear and trembling, but with a sturdy pluck aiid pride that wins universal respect and applause. “I never saw anything like this Ijefore in all my life, said Hon. Charles C. Bar rett, the President of the National Farm ers Union, referring to the attitude of the. farmers to ward the State University. COTTON—A CROWN AND A CURSE In The News and Observer, November 16th, Richard H. Edwards, editor of the Manufacturer’s Record, had a full page article on Cotton Culture in the South: Origin, Causes, Consequences. Thoughtful people everywhere will read that article, file it away, re-read it often, and think on it, hard and long. If you belong to the thinking class in North Carolina, write for it. The Professor Says The Uttle fellow was right when he said, ’Tain’t fair! Teacher tells us to close our books, and then she opens hers Some teachers are stagnant pools; others are living fountains. DETHRONING KING COTTON The highest ultimate prosperity to the South will jcome not from high prices of cotton, though high prices always bring temporary prosperity, but from the gradual lessening of the South's dependence on cotton and an increase of the South’s attention to the raising of larger diversified crops and of live stock, for which this sec tion is so splendidly equipped by nat" lire. May tlie day be hastened when cot ton .-^hall be dethroned as king in thought as in trade and in commerce, and when it shall be made a servant, blessing the South as a servant, where it cursed it as a king. Then this section will look back and rejoice that through intich tribulation it has reached the Promised Land of diversified agriculture; for with diver- »ifled agriculture in its broadest a?Qse will come the widest diversity of eco nomic thought, educational advan*‘e- ment and abounding wealth. —Manufacturers’ Record. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LETTER SERIES NO 53 MENACING PROBLEMS IN RICHMOND Some of the fundameiital problems calling for solution in RicbmoBd are as follows; 1. Illiteracy, Nearly one-tenth of the white voters and more than one-fifth 'vf tlie mill operatives are iStiterate. 2. Increaising farm tenancy and^ ab sentee landlordism. Fifty-seven ijer cent of the farms are cultivated by tenants, a® increase of 5.4 per cent in tea^ years. Ex-- cessive tenancy means flecreasing home- raised food and feed supplies,- and in creasing difficulty in solving country church and country school problems. 3. A distressingly low per cent of white school attendance, of children be tween 6 and 14 years of age, 61.8 per cent. Seventy-four counties made a^ bet ter showing. The negro ratio was-64.5 per cent. Tliese are 1910 censiis-fig ures. 4. The money sent out of the county in 1910 for imported food and feed sup plies, 11,283,000. Sixty counties made a better showing. In three years it exceeds the wealth accumulated by the farmers of the county in 131 years. 5. The feeble wealth-retaining pcuver of the farm population. Every two years the wealth the farmers produce nearly equals the wealth they have saved dur ing the entire history O'f the county. 6. The small per capita country wealth, $176; against $560 in Alleghany, and $994 in the United States. Ninety counties made a better showing in. the census year. The per capita taxable wealth of the entire population was only $282 in 1910. 7. Bringing into productive use-297,- 000 idle acres or nearly five-sixths of the county. Here is room for 3,000 nevsTlarni families, and treble the present farm population. The well-being and future prosperity of Rockingham are dependent upon pros perity in the surrounding countsy-side— not upon mills and factories^ banking and trade alone. THE DRILL LESSON The drill lesson is an exercise which has for its purpose the formation of a specific habit. Usually several such les- .son.s are required, and in some caseB many. The successful drill lesson must conform to the psychology and principles underlying habit-formation. It must first, insure that every pupil understands exactly what is to be done, and that his attention is focused on just that thing. It must, second, provide for attentive repetition of the ta.=ik until it can be done automatically. fVom these general laws there follow certain practical suggestions. Drill Should Be Concentrated Do not try to *'oVer too much in the drill It'sson. fn t’roni two to four 01' five new wordi? a day are enoitgb. Concentrate. Be to take np on ly a Siniall bit ol new drMi material each day, whether in teaching the fnndamen- t-al« of arithmetic, or J^atinv ot* Knglish composition . Focus the drill Fre^iient Review* flold frequent reviews. Reiuefssber thj# habits are fortned by repetition, bukI that without rer^fcition they rapidly ’K»- j amount ot time divided into one or two I longer periods. Drill siibjects should come I five days in every week. Attentive Drills Do not be satistiel to go through the motions of a drill. Require constant attention from every member of the class. Watch for mistakes and correct them the first time they occur. A wrong habit once st^irtcd grows continually harder to over(!ome. Look For a Motive In order to secure constant attendoM and interest, provide a motive for success. In spelling, for example, (tppeal ta rival ry. Ho-ld contests in which sections of the class are matched against each other, or cla.s.s mafched against class. In some subjects you may set a st^andan? which the individiia;! mtwt reath, and excuse him from further drill in' that sabject when he reaches it. Vary your appeals. Do nor expect all studWts to responds to the saflEise incentive. Be Tltoi^ot^ Mast inj^rtant of all, ne'^^er be .satis-> fied with haSf ^way results. Keep up your drill imtil the dawi lia.« formed' sJsp habit. out. fJeviews sl?!iu)d hm more freqiient ^ Test this by »king yourself whettier it in the Itabit subjeefe-thai? in subjects liks' history ct geography or'liTerature, Short and Drills Make yo-sr drill lessons* short and fre quent . Ten or fifteen mihutes every day in the week •^voted to dr«ll yn .“rpelling sw synt^ix is far better she same 9t»s become mec%iiicaI. So loflgiis the needs to 'thiShk about how to-per form the habit, it i^ia» not been learned. Hahiit subjects shoniW be learned Hntil the'appointed tasks caiii' performediaa mecha^iicaJly as you recite the alpha bet, Then, even if yoE* coverles.s ground, the fins*!', results will be'’better: SCHOOL INSPECTION STARTS The work of medical school inspection begins Monday, Nov. 15, in Alamance county. The Stale Board of Health, is co-operation with the County Board of Education, will have the work in charge, and Dr. T. M. Jordan, of Raleigh, will be the medical inspector. For three months Dr. Jordan will give his entire time to visiting the 57 white schools, ex amining and reporting the special de fects of school children, and teaching health and health conditions to the school and the community. On November 29, the same system of work starts in Northampton county. Dr. A. C. Bulla, of Asheboro, will be the physician in charge. Dr. Bulla has re cently returned from Philadelphia where he took special training in the Philadel phia schools under Dr. Chas. S. Cornell. Several other counties have made appli cation to the State Board of Health for this feature of health work. Their appli cations are now pending. —State Board of Health. e?EN AIR SCHOOLS NEEDED “¥>pen air schc«fe Imve t» be a j real' necessity,” sawl a inerr!Jer oi 3be i State*Educational E>!^f>artment yegtsrifeis. ©hlir recently,” sk'M'he, “t.^ere have- conie-fioi our attentioK a number of iis-, stances'©if real need fosr such a csBittiha;' ' tion of! liealth improveisaent and sehoot, work as- tfne open air schools arc especial ly desindfed and are ablrtogive. Mese'i cases, for the most part, '^ure childreK'who'l are not up to normal in Jiealth and who I yet insist on getting an education. l?iey j have brigilt minds and ia a numbw--of; instances lead their classes as long: as- they are p&ysically able, but' in a fSw months- they grow thin and pale, i6ee weight,-become nervous anil tiave to-be-: kept at home-. | Cripples Too ! ‘Then tliere an.- the cripples,- thcse’f with curvature oi tlie spine, with lao8'! feet, or scame othe-r defect,—it seems thafej they too. silould be included. Snnshine'| and fresh' air are- so good for' so many.! things tlMWiit seecas such a pit^notto letr all the tats have- it that nee^l-it. Arwi;- you woiii'd' be smip.rised,” he declarodv how many that wonld be. ifi- looking: over a selloolrooiar of boys and girls, .I!^e wanted, to pick ®u.t as many as a dozens and g?.!'« - them: sueh treatiseat—: study, play, i»«urisliment, fdis- iBi tSvs»i fresh air and uader the care of soHie^)«>di; teaclw-doctor^.—and see how Sliey-.g.rG>is!,; how TBpidly they begin to take-aa,gl«.w-1 ing Saces, increase in weight asid-iaean-! whiie do bett»B sehool work thaa they i ha'se- ever de«*- before. ’' i S«re to Come la conciosion, this man wita.t&e fresh air ideals saiid rather hopefalls*,;—‘^It is only a msSter ol time when will have open air schools for our tubeeoular school children. We are up againsi that prob lem now, and it seems to m#’ that there’s no otlxa: way to solve it] t^n to have!a. school where children suffering from ta- bexculosis can go, take &e cure and ia the meantime improve liheir minds, ^ reality it would be nothing short of a sanatorium with the school featut!»-ad ded, and that is juat wh«,t they need aad what we want am\ snust have.”'-.^tR,te Board of Health. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES I>ast yeaWvsoo copi(',soi iBe-balletiu for Corres[)ond»iice Division University Extension printed and dSfrtributed. By the niidd'S*- of October of this year the total edition > wvts exhausted aud a new bulletin has prepared. This year’s * balletin is nov,v-ceady and will be sent free to any upon application to tJie Bureau of ®stension. Already the -s' fmve been distiributed OTer 750 copies of. this bulletin ^hin and without the s-tate; Have yst*-- r?ceived yonr copy ? GROWING BETTIR Last year the*. Hertford graded: school u«Jer the dirtietion of Prineipal L. B. Crawford held ftsuecessful fleld?daiy. This year cn EHotober 29ti« > the plan wsui again carriel, out with e*.*en- greater stM^cess than las^^sar. On November-5th* Arbor l>Ay-esercises “we-re held in the aaditorium foli®wed by ai basket-ball game between:, the girls of the Hertford 'agl? school an-S."ot?he girls ot Bhe Elizabeth CSty high schoel, , We did nat'^leam hoM' the. game came oat, but VV& axe- snre such secaaions will kelp niightiijviiii making HiEtford a bet ter,county i.a.\whiieh'to live.. A SCHOOL PIG Harmony High School, over in Ire dell, R. H. Lankford, Principal, has a school pig. The porker was purchased by each pupil contributing 5 cents to the pur chase fund and is fed the waste from din ner pails. This comes mighty near making a silk purse from a sow's ear. B^W^BULLETIN Bulletin-, Noi. 12, The Tf^ajliing of Coun ty Geogisphy^ by Prof,.M. C. S. Noble is ready foE- distribution Its fw-jpose is clearly stated bv-Dean Noble,—fco.give methods and sug^tions to thos5 teachers wliUs'wisli to tea>h their pupils, tftifr geography of their cou.«^ty. OrMxge county is iaken as a basis and upon.lta features i&- constructed an out-, line and resume, which may, be adapted, for- ijse in any coonty of the gsate. ■pean Noble %asmade valuable cosi- t*it>ution to the study of, local resoujrcea a©d, needs. Teacher, superintendents I giiipils, and ^e citizens Sntei^eeted. ija local : problems i«ill find tVie pajjiphlet inter esting an4 instructive-.. Write, to the Bureau of Extension foi- a free e®py. .,.1 A MODERN SCHOOL Notice haa come to the University News Iietter that Mr. J, D, McVean of Qran--i ville county is'condueting a school for the purpose of teaching hoys how to judge livestock. Truly a modern type of school and wor^ thy of extensive emulation. The selfish|]unconcern of literates is as bad for a community as the apathetic un» concem*of illiterates, or worse. O

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