LlOl'cUA', Chapel Hill The news ia this publica tion is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Oirolina for its Bureau of Eortension. FEBRUARY 13, 1918 CHAPEL HHJU N. C VOL. IV, NO. 12 EdUorial Board . E. C. Branson, J. W. deK. Hamilton, L. R. Wilson, B. H. Thornton, G. M. MoKie. Entered as second-class matter November 14,1914, at the Postolfice at Chapel Hill, N. C., under the act of August 34, 1912. DEMOCRACY AT SCHOOL Kigbt of tiie social science associations of tlie United States were in session in Piiiladelphia during the Christmas holi days. Everywhere it came out in the discus sions, says Deardorff in The Survey, that civic and political education for the mass of people is the sine qua non of the democracy to which the Tinited States is now committed, and tliat tills educa tion is to be socio economic rather than historico-juridical. And so it appears that our doctrinaires have at last come to realize a fundamen tal necessity in our developing democracy. We do not mean to tie impertinent when we say that the State and County Clubs at the University got there first. For three years they have been hard at work on the assumption that effective cifcizensliip is based on first-hand ac quaintance with the economic and social problems of the home county and the home state, and on competent interpre tation of nearby puzzles in the light of world-wide condilions and universal laws of life and business. The Club Sc.lirdules and Year-Books tell in detail the fltory of their efforts to prepare for iaUiUigent, effective citizenship. They lis.ye been trying to escape the “econom- , i-. illiteracy" that Mr. Vanderlip says j A.-'r-rica is afflicted with. And they have | Ir'ini going at this difficult task right- I eo.j foremost, as the Georgia Crackers say. Local Essays at Democracy Wfiat these University students have hvvm doing here in their club studies th MC last tliree years is exactly what similar clubs ought to be doing in every coiwty and community in the state. Whicli is to say, Local Study-Clubs com- of sturdy, public spirited people oogid' to lie working at the local prob- lewiu of business and life in a hundred comities. This is the^suggestion of R. 1). \J. Connor, our state historian; but since we threshed out this idea in his othce some months ago, the suggestion has cxime from a score or more of other devoted citizen.? of North Carolina. And so the Bureau of Extension of the University has published a bulletin of 70 jingofi showing in detail (1) What Local Stody-Clubs are, (2) The plans and methods of organization, and (3) The riirijw and variety of local problems that clulletige mastery and constructive effort. Thixie typical club studies are offered in ration. This bulletin which will be going into tie' mails next week makes it easily pos sible for alert (leople in any community t', Imnoh-up for self-tuition in essential (leiw icratic concerns. Local Study-Clubs Tlie title of this bulletin is lascal Study Du.hs: 1 Issay.s at Uemocracy. The chaji- -teiM are (1) Wliat sucli Clubs are—ideals, filmui, purposes, methods, and details of V'lrli, i2) Vitalizing County History, (3) Vitalizing School Activities, (4) Home s'-. nV> Studie.s at the University, (S) rif-eh'AS in County Government and Coun ty Affairs. 16) A laical Tax-List Sthdy, (T) Rroperty Values and Taxes in Uan- hdpL, (B) Our Fee and Salary .Systems in N .vUi Carolina, (9) Tlie Schools and the G;nm>u-at-War, (a) The Teacher’s Chance Hvr.ve the Flag, (b) University War Lectures, and (c) University War-Iaiaf- 1 vou want this bulletin drop us a post- cjr? at oiice. It will be sent without to anybody that applies for it vjvithm the state, and for 25c a copy to s.n.ifl4ody outside the state. coarse of the year, this meeting to be called, for the time being, a Lafayette Association. No other organization is necessary than the appointment of the chairman from one society and a secre tary from anotlier and a program com mittee representing all school literary organizations. 3. The suggestions made in the Uni versity War leaflet may be applied also to meetings of parents’ associations, joint meetings of women’s clubs, etc. Speci men programs will be supplied by the Bureau of Extension to any schools or organizations desiring to follow out these suggestions. 4. In the regular work of the school, or in connection with the work of some school organization, or in a specially formed reading circle there should be a copy of some such book as ‘‘American Ideals,’' published by Houghton Miffiin Company, Boston, “American Patriotic Prose,’’ published by D,. 0. Heath & Company, Boston, “The Battle Line of Democracy,” published by the Commit tee on Public Information, Washington, or the community leaflets pnblislied by the Bureau of Education, Washington. A full list of such books with suggestions for tlieir use will be supplied by the Uni versity Bureau of Extension to tiiose who are interested. 5. It is suggested that a part of the program in any meeting such as has been suggested under the various head ings shall consist of reports of the va rious community activities that are asso ciated with war work, such as, for ins tance, the Red Cross, the Junior Red Cross, various relief organizations and otlier work for community welfare. By this means coordination and unity of ef fect may be gained. 6. It will 'oe observed from the above suggestions that the Lafayette Associa tion seeks more the expression of an ideal than the addition of a new and complicated organization to those already in existence. An example of the sort of thing that is contemplated may be found in the visit of the British and the French Commissions to the tomb of Washington, or the words of General Pershing in Paris before the Lafayette monument, “Lafayette, we are here!” 7. By some such simple means as are outlined above we may accomplish the following results: (1) to give expression to our feeling for France and all that France stands for in this trying hour, (2) to see clearly that in paying tliis debt to France we are doing just what Lafay ette himself did at tlie birth of our na tion, and (3) to realize that it is neces sary for us to get into the minds of American citizens a knowledge of what American ideals are, of their significance to ourselves, and of their relations to the struggle that is now going on tliroughout the world. THE BLUE AND THE GRAY George Morrow Mayo, Gunmate U. S. Navy Here’s to the blue of the wind swept North, When we meet on the fields of France! May the spirit of Grant be with you all As the Sons of the North advance. And, here’s to the Gray of the sun- kissed South, When we meet on the fields of France! May the spirit of Lee be with you all As the Sons of the South advance. And, here’s to the Blue and Gray as one, When we meet on the fields of France! May the spirit of God be with us all. As the Sons of the Flag advance. What’s the answer? We leave it to you, Have you our new Year-Book? If you want this University Bulletin, let us know it at once before the edition is ex hausted. It goes free of charge to those that write for it. Six high school principals have order ed supplies of it for their senior classes. They are pronounced and emphatic in stating the value of “Wealth and Wel fare in North Carolina.” Is it worth adopting as a required text-book in the t'rofessional reading courses of our public school teachers? We are hoping tliat our State aiitliorities will tliink so. A note from one of our splendid tarm women comes to town today calling for material for hospital shirts. ‘ ‘I shall un dertake to make 100,’’ she says, “before garden crops and fruit come on ' to be taken care of.” Think of that—for a busy farm woman 1 It means an average of about one shirt a day for the next three months or so. Blessings on the women—the town women and their sister women in the country, in the greatest charity Christen dom has yet discovered. THE DEBATING UNION More than 250 high schools have en rolled in the High .School Debating Un ion of North Carolina for this year’s con test. The query which is to be dis cussed is. Resolved, That Congress should enact a law providing for the compulsory arbitration of industrial. dis putes. A great interest is being taken in the High School Debating Union throughout the State and indications are that the contest to be held this spring will be one of the most comprehensive and instruct ive in the history of the Union. This is the sixth of the State-wide contests of the Union, the debates having been inaugu rated in the college year, 1912-13. The query of last year was. Resolved, That the Government should own and operate the railways. The Waynesville hiah school debaters, representing the affirmative side of the query, were victo rious ill the final debate and were award ed the Aycock Cup. a the A MILLION ON DEPOSIT The tliree banks in Lee now have cool million dollars on deposit, says Sanford Express. Never in tlie history of the county lias tliere been as much money on deposit in tlie local banks or in tlie hands of the people generally. High prices and good crops have brought this great prosperity to our people. The farmers can sell everything they raise on their farms at higher prices than they ever received for farm produce before. The manufactur ers of Sanford and the other towns of the county are selling their output at high, prices. Our merchants have had a splendid trade this year. Wages are higher than ever before and the people generally are enjoying prosperity.—The Sanford Express. cai?ayette associations Th ' following suggestions have been THE TEACHERS WANT IT The superintendents and teacliers of the State are sending in a steady stream of letters for the War-Time Special is sues of the University News Letter tliese days. We iiave added to our regular mailing list nearly 5,000 names in the last eight weeks, and letters from 425 teachers are stacked on our desk in waiting. This word of earnest request for 6ur readers who cliange tlieir post office ad- dresse.s—to preacliera and teachers in particular because tliey are most careless and most need it: Drop us a postcard when you move, that is to say if you still want the paper. Don’t—please don’t— fail to do it, because your paper goes to waste until the postmaster notifies us of your removal. Four hundred and twenty-five people are now waiting for the paper you waste in this way. RICHER BY 275 MILLIONS The value of farm crops in Nortli Garo- lina in 1917 was 145 million dollars more than the total for 1916, and 275 million dollars more than the total for 1909. In eigiit years the money value of our crops lias risen from 142 millions to 417 million dollars. Here is an average an nual increase of nearly 40 millions a year in crop values alone. It sounds like Die abundant corn, oil, and wine of Joel’s prophecy, in his day the revival of material prosperity was the forunner of a great spiritual awakening. We wonder if it is a prelude to a great spiritual awakening in North Carolina today—to a great revival of interest children and schools and churches, books and libraries and tlie larger mean ings of time and eternity. Our abounding prosperity is a great problem for the ciiurch. The church must either spiritualize tlie wealth of the world, or the wealth of the world will materialize the church. Tlie.se are the horns of a great dilemma. The President holds this opinion of Mr. Baker, and the country at large can well afford to agree with liim. of es- • concerning ways and mean.? trj.h1ii.hing I.afayette Associatiora; I lave A patriotic meeting once tiie hiffh school devoted i a in Die high school devoted to ono'. i.il prO‘grains about Lafayette, french .virvico to America, England in its rela- ti jini io democracy and to the United £ The literary societies in the high fKlioot or the college may appropriately hold n joint meeting several times in the A TEXT-BOOK ON CAROLINA Ought any liigh school graduate or any public school teaclier to know any less about the State than the new North Carolina Club Year-Book can teach him? A high scliool principal and a county school superintendent fire this inquiry at us 111 the same mail in almost these words. COUNTY RED CROSS WORK The town women have everywhere been busy knitting sweaters, socks, and helmets, and making bandages, napkins, and hospital kits, and tliey liave been more in the' public eye than the farm women in the remote country homes. Blit the country women have also been busy in Red Cross work. If they have been busier in otiier counties than in Orange then it is a glorious chapter of patriotism the country women of Carolina are writing witli their of mercy. Some day when the record is complete exactly we sliall tell the story of country i Gross work in Orange in full detail. Nori;h needles Red A JOB FOR SUPERMEN Not merely training an army but train ing and shaping a nation for war is President Wilson’s job—to use his own phrase; and to do in' eighteen months what Germany spent forty years in doing is a job so huge tliat it staggers the im agination. It is a job not for men but for supermen, and no country turns out more than half a dozen of them in as many centuries. It is the job of organizing a hundred million people with two hundred and fifty billions of wealth scattered over three and a half million square miles. The change from a peace to a war basis in the United States means an upheaval in life and business so radical in nature that mistakes are inevitable. Mr. Wil son admits them. The war end of the job—that alone— involves a payroll of two million names and a business of nine billion dollars. It is a business many times bigger than the biggest private business in America. And mistakes have been made. Air. Baker confesses them. What Good Men Will Say It takes rare greatness of soul to con fess mistakes. Robert E. Lee did it at Gettysburg. After the assault of that fateful third day, he said to General Wil cox, “It’s not your mistake, it is my mistake; and all good men must help me out of it.’ ’ Ami so will all good men now say to the men in executive authority who are struggling with the difficulties of trans portation, with food and fuel shortage for ourselves and our Allies, with the ob stacles offered by a cruel winter, with the critical necessity for men and war materials on the fighting front—the struggling most of all against delays in this year of destiny. So they will say and so they will do- all good men. Instead of being set by the ears, Y'asli- ington ought to be set unitedly upon the job of winning this war. Jockeying for political advantage now, when time is so precious, is quite of a sort with Nero’s fiddling while Rome burned; and not impossibly it stands a chance of being just as famous or as in famous for a thousand years or so. Superman Results Never before in the history of time has a nation been so quickly mobilized for war as ours, or an army of its size raised, equipped, trained and prepared for battle. So say our President and our Secretary of War. And it’s true. The tragic necessity now is time, and Mr. Baker’s time is being wasted in Star Chambers, exactly when he needs it else where for tlie superman job tliat he is working at in superman ways. THE WOMEN’S DIVISION An important part of the work of the University Bureau of Extension has been recognized by the creation of a special division—the Division for Women. This does not separate women and their needs from men and their needs, on the contrary it gives emphasis to the fact that women have a place in the work of a great state University. Any institution which would today serve the people of the State must acknowledge with Presi dent Graham that “women are people.’' That the women of North Carolina look to their state university for help and in formation is evident by the fact that many scores of individuals are in con stant touch with the correspondence de partment. Women in all ranks of life are begin ning to write to the University when they want information along any line, and the range of inquiries is limited only by the variety of the activities of women of today. Mrs. Lingle in Charge In a sincere desire to meet these needs more fully the University has established the Division for Women, and placed Mrs. Thomas W. Lingle.in charge of it. Mrs. Lingle’s connection with the women of North Carolina is already vital and inti mate. She is well fitted to understand and even to foresee their desires. With the resources of the University at her dis posal, tlie head of this division will be able to meet the present demands and to direct the unfolding of plans for stimu lating and encouraging North Carolina women along the lines of higher educa tion, social welfare and individual re search. The hearty welcome that Airs. Lingle has received in the University circle proves that Dr. Graham is not the only one who has a dream of the future use fulness of the institution to the mothers and daughters of North Carolina. The women of the state will not be slow in their appreciation of this definite effort to meet them more than half w'ay in their search for information and encourage ment. Tlie help that is offered is abso lutely gratuitous, and is not limited to those already known or enrolled in study courses. Any woman or girl is invited to write to Airs. Lingle about any phase of her activities. A separate office has been given over to this work and each request will receive consideration. The generous cooperation of other de partment specialists, the resources of the library and her own wide experience witli women and tlieir work will enable Mrs. Lingle to put each inquirer in touch witii the source of the desired information. Studying Latin America Over four hundred club women are en rolled in the Latin America Study Course which was published ikst year in booklet form by' Dr. Pierson with the cooperation of Airs. Lingle and Miss Roberson. Other courses for club and private study are now in course of preparation. Club women are invited .to offer suggestions both as to the topics and the methods which would interest them for use now and next winter. Airs. Lingle asks that in writing for suggestions and help for club papers, members will give date of the club meet ing, and will also write early for this as sistance. It is well also to give some idea of the entire program for the meeting as well as the topic for the specific paper, and to state what material is at hand for reference. The correspondence, however, is not limited to clubs, but is especially directed to serve rural women, individual readers, teachers, college graduates, and commu nity workers. The News letter is offering to give some space in its columns from time to time to this Division for Women. AVe are therefore sending this copy to a large circle of women not hitherto on the mail ing list. All that you have to do to get your name permanently on the list of subscribers is to mail a jiost card to the News Letter or to Mrs. Lingle giving your name and address very plainly. You may also add the words ‘ ‘ Woman’s Di vision” if you are interested in this 8}iecial feature.

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