r The .library, Chape'l Hill. The news in this publica tion is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Elxtension. FEBRUARY 20, 1918 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. IV, NO. 13 Editorial Board i E, C. Branson, J. G. deE. Hamilton, L. R. Wilson, K. H. Thornton, G. M. McKie. Entered as second-class matter November 14,1914, .it the Postofflce at Chapel Hill, N* C., under the act of August 24, 1912. SAVING AND SERVING The jieople of North Oarolina are this year called to the high calling of thrift— to the patriotic duty of saving 50 million dollars and lending it to our government in the purchase of thrift stamps, and savings certificates bearing four per cent interest. These 50 millions are to be loaned, mind you, and they bring a double bless ing. They ble.ss both the lenders and the cause for which they are loaned. The teachers and the pupils in our public schools are called into leadership in this great thrift campaign, under the joint direction of Col. If. H. Fries, the State Director of War Savings, and Dr. J. V. Joyner, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The teachers and the school children of North Carolina can put this thing across, if tliey go at it hammer-and- tongs in our town and country regions. The country schools alone could do it. Our farmers are 275 million dollars rich er this year than they were in the census year—in crop values alone. The farmers, bankers, and manufac turers of the state have made more mon ey the last three years than they ever did liefore in all their lives. We mu.st consecrate our wealth to the cause of freedom in the earth or our wealth will corrupt and corrode our souls in this year of destiny. Who saves freedom for humanity saves all tilings, and all things saved shall bless him : who saves for himself alone, loses all things, and all things lost shall curse hiai If democracy lives, who dies I And if detiJ icracy dies, who lives! is the chal lenge of Dr. .loyner. ,Ci.i now it is the little children in Nortii Oarolina who are being organized to lead us into serving humanity by sav ing : and the Master himself is our au thority for saying that following the lead- ersfiip of children is finding the way into the t'vingdom. LINKED UP WITH LIFE (o the second Liberty Rond Campaign, the school children of Philadelphia were to the seemingly impossible task of selling two million dollar.s worth of bonds. They went at their job in a whirlwind of eothuji.asm, and sold not two but eight mifiloit dollars worth. “ V/ith these figures for a basis, bank ers have calculated that, if the Philadel- ptda plan were made nationwide and all tlj0 school children were .sefto selling the ncKt loan, their total sales might easily agtgicgate a solid billion. It is not at all unlikely that the National Government wilt avail itself of this new found selling force. The familiar-cry of progressive educa tors, “l.iuk up tlie schools with life,” fia.la, ill the sale of the liberty Bonds, concrete expression in terms of utility, rejl Cvlucation and practical patriotism. Kv'?ry such contact that can be establish- , ?d between the theories of tlie classroom and Uie realities of life will make com mon-school education richer and more ; ,oro I active.’ ’—.Saturday Kveniiig Post. SCHOOLS CALLED TO COLORS Vfarttdiigton's Birthday, Feliruary 22, will celebrated this year in the HCboola of North Carolina as War Sav ings Day. The usual program of patri- ■otia songs and speeches will be turned .into a program of concrete patriotic ser vice and definite action. At every scbnt on that day will be a representa tive of the State M-’ar-Savings committee to e>;p(ain Tlirift Stamps and War-Sav- iiig Certificates. Another feature of the lirogi am will be organizing War-Savings ,Sjcietie.s both in the schools and in the uchool communities. Hiip(.. J. Y. Joyner announces that 'llivift Day is only one of the series of M die, Have, Serve Days that will be ob- Hci vcd once a month for the remainder of the tenii. Tlie puWic school army en rolled i.s 619,246 children commanded 'oy i4 569 teachers. To teach tins number of Worth CaroUnians the lessons of Thrift and ICconoiny, Dr. ,loyner believes, will he along step toward saving the State and providing for future prosperity. To this work he has called all superintendents, principals, and teachers in the name of their country and for the life of freedom. His request'to his co-workers is: Superintendents, principals, and teacli- ers, in the name of your country, 1 call upon you, one and all, to respond to her call in this hour of need, and to marshall and to lead your forces in a vigorous campaign for the sale of War-.Savings Stamps and Oertificate,s. Follow it up unremittingly until North Carolina’s (luota of fifty million dollars has been sold. In a time like this, every school should be a patriotic association, ready to respond to every call of the Government for such service as it can render. If we lose this war. Government of the people, by the people and for the people will per ish from the earth. If Democracy dies, who lives! If Democracy lives, who dies! NOT WORTH FIGHTING FOR Our boys are fighting our fight in France. It is our glorious privilege to support them as they offer up their lives at the front. If we will not deny ourselves and save for their sakes, then we are not worth fighting for. A dime spent in needless self-indul gence is a traitor dime, and the spender is a slacker. Thrift stamps cost only 25 cents at the postoffiee; and when eight or nine of them have been saved, they can be ex changed for a five dollar certificate bear ing four per cent interest. The poorest man or the smallest child at home can fight for humanity with dimes while our boys tight with guns in the battle line. AND PETER SAT WARMING In the February issue of the xLtlantic Monthly, Reverend Joseph H. Odell, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Troy, N. Y. pours out his soul on the text, And Peter sat by the fire warming himself. It is easily seen that his message con cerns the part played or not played by the Christian ministry in the present cri sis of the world’s history. We are here noting this really wonder ful piece of essay literature not to agree with it or to approve it, but to call wide spread attention to it. Dr. Odell ha.s probably written as much in defense of the church and the ministry as any other clergyman in America, but in this deliverance he is subjecting them both to the rough elec tric shock that Kmersou called the sin- cerest friendship, A GOD OF BLOOD AND IRON The average Englishman, Frenchman, or American would not like to go among a foreign people with the long set pur pose of betraying his neighbors. No re luctance of this kind handicaps the Ger man. The school of ethics in which he was educated—the devil religion of mod ern Germany—holds that the supreme duty of man is toward the state. And this god of blood and iron reijuires only one morality of its worshipper—to serve the glory of the state, thougii every per son therein be poorer, more degraded, less happy because of that service. And no moral command of Christianity or any other religion, must stand be tween the pan-Germanist and his god. For it men must give their souls, if need be, women must give their bodies. That policy of implantation, that education in the sancity of duplicity, accounts for the success of the German spy system, both before tiiis war began and since; and it also accounts for the machinery of prop aganda, by which the psychological board in Berlin gets at the mind of the enemy.—Will Erwin, in Saturday Even ing Post. PAYS IN A HUNDRED WAYS At the regular meeting of the N. 0. Club at the University on Monday night Dr. B. E. Washburn, of the State Health Board, and Dr. ],. B. McBrayer, of the I ADDRESS TO AMERICA Walt Whitman As a strong bird on pinions free, Joyous, the amplest spaces heaven ward cleaving, One song, America, before I go. I’d sing, o’er all the re.«t, with trum pet sound. For thee, the Future. Hail—sail thy best. Ship of Democracy! Of value is thy freight—’tis not the Present only. The Past is also stored in thee! Thou boldest not the venture of thy self alone— Not of thy western continent alone; Earth’s resume entire floats on thy keel, O Ship— Is steadied by thy spars. With thee Time voyages in trust, The antecedent nations sink or swim with thee; With all their ancient struggles, mar tyrs, heroes, epics, wars, Thou bears’t the other continents; Theirs, theirs a.s much a.s thine, the destination-port triumphant; Steer, steer with good strong hand and wary eye,— (I helmsman—thou carryest great companions,— Venerable, priestly Asia sails this day with thee, And royal, feudal Euroi>e sails with thee. State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, were the speakers. County Health Work Dr. Washburn spoke upon County- Health Work, and outlined the aims, purposes, and plans of the State Health Board in carrying on health work by counties. The essential thing in health work is the education of the people about preventable, disease and postponable death. Health problems must be at tacked in such a way as to give maximum results, from an educational standpoint, at a minimum cost and at the same time to demonstrate the best methods of con ducting health work. This is the object of the State Board through the County Bureaus. The chief obstable in health work lies, said he, in the difficulty that iseople have in giving up old-fashioned notions about diseases and remedies. 'They are slow to learn to apply the simple laws of hygiene and sanitation in their homes and com munities ; and I say this, said he, altho I believe our country people are the most progressive in the South. Whatever opposition there is lies in the fact that they have not yet learned that health conservation produces greater monetary returns than any other invest ment. Education and nothing else can remove these obstacles. Wonderful Development The State Board of Health work began in 1877 with an appropriation of $100 a year. Now the state public health fund from all sources is 1150,000 a year. In tensive county health work began with the dispensary system in the hookworm campaign of 1910-14 conducted by the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission and the State Health Board. This campaign was essentially educational and during the course of it the people of 99 counties were reached and taught the essentials of dis ease prevention. This was followed by more intensive community work. The plan proved conclusively that a small governing unit like a county can deal ef fectively with its definite health problems and get results. Following this intensive work nine counties in co-operation with the State Health Board undertook health work lo cally under whole-time health otticers. These,counties are Wilson, Nash, Rowan, Northampton, Lenoir, Davidson, I’itt, Robeson, and Forsyth. They are epneen trating on soil polution, anti-typhoid vaccination, malaria, the medical exami nation of school children, life extension, infant welfare, and so on. And they find it paysjn a hundred ways. Public Health Nurses. Dr. iMcBrayer spoke on Public Health Nursing in North Carolina. At present, said he, there are 65 public fiealth nurses in the state, supported by public funds, mill companies, women’s clubs, philan- J thropic groups, churches, and lodges, I aided by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, They are organized under the State Bureau of Tulierculosis and the State Health Board. Durham leacs with five such nurse.s. • The demand for public health nurses is greater than the supply. The salaries of- fererl range from .$900 to $1,200 a year with expenses while away from home. To meet this demand, a Training School for Public Health Nurses is being planned by the State Health Board co operating with the University of North Carolina. The courses in Sociology will be given by Professor Branson of the Uaiver.?ity faculty. Both Dr. Washburn and Dr. McBrayer congratulated the N. C. Club, the Uni versity, and the State on the work the Club is doing. FRANCE RESTORED Those who have always admired the national character of the French are grat ified to know that in the present great war the conduct of this brave and gifted nation has justified their favorable opin ion. No one ha,s ever denied to the French brilliancy and courage. But jt has often been claimed that they are fickle and un stable, guided chiefly by an emotional temperament, and incaple of sustained eflbrt. The courteous forms of expression nat ural to them have been called insincere. Their delicate language, which permits even commonplace ideas to be expre,ssed with elegance, has seemed to some a proof that the nation lacked virility and truthfulness. But now, in the light of present experiences, such judgments must be reconsidered. Suddenly called to arms, for three and a half years the French, with the aid of their ally, have held in check the armies of Germany, armies fully equipi>ed and commanded by oflicers of first-class abil ity. And who knows what sacrifices have been made at home, what sorrows and privations have been endured, with no word of complaint? Brave, resourceful, formidable in the field, at home they are united, patient, untiring in the efl'ort to save the nation’s life and honor. It is evident that they possess strong powers of will and stead fastness of purpose. Their brave words are sustained by deeds equally brave. If we grant that their natural vivacity makes them easily excitable, is it not also clear that in a great national crisis they can rise to a full and manly performance of duty? It is well known that the love of the' French for their country is intense. From the earliest times la patrie, la belle France has been the object of an almost religious devotion. This devotion, sup ported by unquestioning religious faith, made the achievements of Joan of Arc possible. The same devotion to country has now enabled France to stand before the world in tier true character. With her lost territory restored, with her fertile fields once more yielding their fruits, she will, we hope, again become strong in the arts of peace as she has shown herself strong in the arts of war.— Walter D. Toy, University of North Oarolina. LAFAYETTE. WE ARE HERE In connection with the Lafayette Asso ciations and the organization of reading and study circles on war topics, a new interest has developed in the life and per sonality of the gallant young Frenchman for whom this patriotic movement has been named. We all want to know more about the Marquis Lafayette who came from the court of Marie Antoinette to throw in his lot with the American “peasants,” and to espouse the cause of liberty in the new world. There is no better reading for the American today than the life story of La fayette. To get it in an hour, pick up the little book lately added to the library, called Lafayette, the Friend of American Liberty, by Alma Holman Burton. This will lead you to want to read The Life of the Marquis de Lafayette, by B. C. Head- ley, also a late addition to the shelves. While for the family circle or the read ing club there is the The True Story of Lafayette, called the Friend of America, by Elbridge S. Brooks in the Children’s Lives of Great Men Series. Here the story is so charmingly told and illustrated that the book is worthy of a place in every school library in the state. The youngest children will be able to find on the map the department of Auvergne, where there still stands, as it has stood for nearly six hundred years, a great for tified country mansion, known as the Chateau of Chavaniac. It was in this grim old castle in tfie rugged Auvergne mountains that a delicate child was born on Sept. 6, 1757—bom a Marquis of France, and styled Monseigneur Marie Joseph-Paul-A'ves-Roch-Gilbert - Demon - tier de Lafayette. How the small boy with the long name, rich in lands but poor in pocket, was trained and educated by his noble mother until he was ready at seventeen to marry the beautiful Adrienne d’Ayen is a ro mance to fascinate the High School peo ple. While older heads will trace with keen interest the growth of the spirit of independence in the young courtier, and his growing determination to escape from the thraldom of court life and seek ad venture and distinction in the army of the colonists over the seas. Lafayette’s Prophecy It is precisely in time of danger that I wish to share whatever fortune may have in store for you, declared the Marquis to Franklin in Paris. But it was no easy matter to break the home ties, and mar quis though he was, Lafayette had to run away to sea in his own ship to escape the French army and the still stricter dictates of the French court. Among his family and friends, only his girl-wife understood his motive and-sympathized with his de sires. And it was to her that he wrote during the five weeks of discomfort and seasickness that marked his voyage to America: “I trust that for my sake you will become a good American. It is a sentiment made for virtuous hearts. The happiness of America is intimately con nected with the happiness of all mankind, she is destined to become the safe and worthy asylum of all virtue, integrity', tolerance, equality, and perfect liberty.” Like a prophecy, came these words from the lips of the nineteen year old hero speaking of a land which he had never seen, and of whose language he was ignorant, yet whose liberty-loving spirit was alive in his breast. It is a far call from that day when the little ship “Victory” sighted'the Carolina coast and the brave adventurer came ashore in an oyster yawl on a sandy shoal —a far call from that day till the one when the tide had turned in the other di rection and at last, at last, Pershing and the American troops had landed in France and stood with bared lieads under the statute of Lafayette in Paris. ‘ ‘La fayette, we are here, ’ ’ tliey .said. A far call from the one landing to the other, but i« between has been fought the struggle for liberty, equality and brotherhood on two continents. strug gle which has cost dearly. Precious lives and great treasure have gone, down into the sea or have gone up in the air in smoke—a struggle whichjs/not yet over and in which we of th.ftwentieui century are now callerl upon to play our part. So long have we had recess from war’s fierce schooling, and so long have we en joyed the results of other men’s strug gling that we had almost forgotten that we too have a part to play in the great struggle for world-wide democracy. Called out suddenly we Americans have almost staggered to the stage. We are blinded by the footlights, the chorus of our own nation is out of tune. \l’e see an immense audience—th.Jipast and the future—intent upon'our every awkward gesture, we are wavering, when suddenly an heroic figure here and there fixes our attention and seems to guide our steps. Among them is Lafayette, from the deck of his little sailing vessel giving us a sig nal, “I trust that foi my sake you will become a good American.” A hundred thousand American women clasp hands with you, little Adrien de La fayette, across the expanse of time and space. We too have been called out of a life of selfishness and ease to give son or father or husband to the cause of liberty. The prophecy has been literally fulfilled, “The happiness of^America isj intimately connected with the happiness of man kind.”—Mrs. T. W. Lingle, University of North Carolina.