The news in this publica tion is released lor the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. AUUGST 6,1919 CHAPEL HHJ. N. C. VOL. V, NO. 37 Bdltorial Board ■ E. 0. Branson, J. G, deB. Hamilton, L, R. Wilson, D, D Carroll, G. M. McKie. Entered as aeoond-olasa matter November U, 1914, at the Postofflce at Chapel HIU, N, C., under the act of August 24,1913. THE SUMMER SCHOOL The registration at tlie Summer School this year Vas unusually large. Before the «nd of the second week 875 students had registered for work. Of these 500 took -courses in education and 353 pursued '•work leading to college degrees. The proportion of college credit stu dents this year was unusually large. It -is clear that the summer work is becom ing more and more an integral part of the work of the University. The list of graduate students was large also. There were 27 who pursued gradu ate courses in education, and nearly every department of the University had some candidates for the higher degrees—A. M. ■or M. S. A wide variety of college and graduate courses was offered this year by the summer school, and these courses were nearly all well filled. SOCIAL WORK CONFERENCE One of the most important conferences held here during the University of North Carolina Summer School this year was the Social Work Conference, which began on Sunday, July 13, and continued through the following Sunday. This con ference brought here many of the leaders in social work of this and other states. A far-reaching program was planned un der the direction of Professor E. C. Bran son, and many well-known speakers were secured. A large number of visitors were present for the conference. Among the many subjects which came up for careful consideration were: Culture for Citizenship; The Social Message of Jesus; Bed Cross Home Service; Child Welfare Work in North Carolina; Mill Village Welfare Problems; The War of Homes against Social Vice; Eural I lealtb and Sanitation; Southern Country Church and Sunday School Problems; Country Illiteracy and the Country Church; The Church and our Landless Multitudes; Country Y. M. C. A. Work in the South. In addition to these set topics there were many entertainment features. Pro fessor F. 11. Koch gave an illustrated lecture before the conference on Play- makers of the People, and there were six lectures on Culture for Citizenship by Dr. Henry E. Jackson, Special Agent in Community Organization for the U. S. Bureau of Education. Other speakers of note were Dr. Alex ander Johnson, Director of the Bed Cross Home Service work' for the South, Dr. W. D. Weatherford, Field Secretary of the College Y. M. C. A’s in the South, Mr. Howard Ilubbell, director of coun try Y. M, C. A. work in the South, Mr. C. M. Oliver, of the Erlanger Mills, Dr. G. M. Cooper, Director of Medical Inspection of Schools in North Carolina, .Hr. Eva M. Blake, national Y. W. C. A. ■worker, Mrs. Kate Brew- Vaughn, Di rector of the StateHureau of Infant Hy giene, andBev. L. B. Hayes, of Franklin, N. C. the presiding officer of the con ference. This conference w-as planned specifically Jor .social workers,—ministers, Sunday ischool teachers, public school teachers, club women of the state. Bed Cross home service workers, community organizers, mill welfare agents, country Y. M. C. A. ssecretaries, county health officers, county -welfare superintendents, defenders of the home against social vice, and so on. The Carolina Playmakers entertained 'the visitors with two original folk plays, written by students under Professor Koch. The Summer School of the University also offered several full courses in various phases of social work. There was a^ed ‘Cross Home Service course, which em braced Domestic Nursing and Dietetics, ■and a course in I’ublic Health and Sani tation, First Aid, and the Medical In spection of School Children. The latter was given by Dr. C. S. Mangum of the University Medical School. 498 country homes supplied with run ning water. 320 had bath-rooms and inside toilets, 407 had power washing machines. 520 had electric and acetylene lights. 129 had open-air sleeping porches. 850 had screened porches. 918 had pianos. 1,651 had daily newspapers. 1,516 had current magazines. 2,126 had farm papers. 1,878 had automobiles. 97 had gasoline tractors. 139 had fruit-spraying outfits. 903 Infd incubators. 127 had milking machines. 1,234 had silos. They found 19 creameries and 28 cheese factories in this one county. It is significant that nearly nine of every ten of these farm homes were occupied by owners. The farm tenant homes were only 398. Nearly anything worth while can happen in an area of liome-owning farm ers, and nearly everything falls to pieces under the curse of excessive farm ten ancy—scliools, churches, whatnot. Is there any county in North Carolina that has the home and farm equipments of tills Wisconsin county? Whicli one comes nearest the record of this Wisconsin county in home comforts, conveniences, and luxuries? JV'hat are the facts indicative in tliis wise of country wealth and culture in the various counties of Nortli Carolina? The county school superintendent, teachers, and children could assem-ble the facts in any county in a single week. The bare facts, whatever tliey are, would he tremendously informing and stimulating. In one country county in North Caro lina in 1915 we found running water in only 9 of the 3,400 farm homes. What corps of teacliers in Nortli Caro lina will undertake to make a county sur vey of tile sort these Wisconsin teacliers and school children liave just published? A sample survey card for this kind of County Home 8tock Taking will be furnished upon application to tlie Uni versity News Letter. A COUNTRY COUNTY SURVEY Here’s a hint for wide-awake county school superintendents in North Carolina. Out in Wisconsin the school children directed by a live school officer recently took stock of the 3,412 farm homes in one county. Here is what they found. STATESMANSHIP AND NERVE An item in the English newspapers catches our attention. Great Britain, it appears, lias rahed the grant of government funds to her col leges and universities from two to seven million dollars a year. It takes grim grit and clear-eyed states- niansiiip to do a thing like that, the crusliing war debt of i-ingland considered. It brings to our mind tlie 75 thousand dollars for university extension service that appeared in tlie sundry civil list in Congress tlie otlier day. Seventy-five thousand for tlie universities of the United States does not show up big against the seven millions that England is setting aside for her universities this year. The Federal funds that are being pour ed into our land grant colleges are a capital instance of the wisdom and cour age of Congress, but it is time for our sAtesmen, state and Federal, to take thought of the universities of the United States—especially in the nineteen states where the universities are aside and apart from the the A. & M. Colleges. These 19 universities are supported by state funds alone and the support is therefore meager. When compared With the working incomes of the land grant colleges, re-enforced as they are from the National treasury, the support funds of these 19 state universities are small and the disparity promises to be even greater as the years go on. Almost without exception these 19 state universities are struggling to reach and serve the multitude beyond their campus walls; and in the South they are doing it without any special appropria tions for extension work from any source whatsoever—even for summer school ser vice to the teachers of the various states, in many or most instances. As a remit the University of Mississippi has been obliged to give up its summer school. Usually the field work of these univer sities is done here and there by a small group of devoted faculty members, as a THE DREAM WE DREAM Suppose we had in every county in North Carolina a body of closely in tegrated social servants composed of (1) the school board with its superin tendent and supervisors, (2) an agri cultural board with its home and farm extension agents, (3) a public health board with its whole-time health officer, its public health nurses, its clinics and dispensaries, (4) a public welfare board and its secretary charged with specific social concerns, and (5) a ministerial board composed of all the preacliera of all tlie churches busy stamping every common effort with the ultimate values of life and destiny, time and eternity—suppose, I say, the civic and social mind of North Caro lina were organized and federated in this way! If only it could be so, and it can, tlien wliat an era of democratic wholeaomeness and effectiveness we should enter upon, and how rapidly our beloved state would move to tlie fore in the new social order that is even now breaking upon the world. Man freely self-surrendered to his fellowkind and whole-heartedly given in organized effort to the common good is the dream we dream. Man dedicated to the state is Prussianism ; man dedicated to humanity, in His name, is the last word in any kind of religion tliat is worth calling Christain. The Kigdom of Heaven doubtless means much more tlian this, but I am sure tliat it ouglit never to mean less. —E. C. Branson, an address before N. C. Social Work Conference. lalior of love. Pay or no pay, it is work tliat must be done if a university is to live, if a university ceases to be in daily vital touch witli tlie state it is set up to serve, it ceases to live, or lives at ‘a poor dying rate.’ The situation is hccoming acute in 19 states. England is facing the dire neces sity of conserving lier universities. And tliese 19 states face tlie same necessity. Tiie burden lies on the state legislatures or on Congress. One or the other of these supporting agencies must assume tlie burden, or some of these universities will speedily be reduced to zero. ONE PASTOR’S WIFE We know of one pastor’s wife wlio on tlie second Sunday in May distributed to the motliers in her Sunday school a large number of tracts furnislied her by the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. Diet for tlie School Child, was the subject of one of the tracts. The object of this tract is to teacli tlie people tliat every child lias a right, to be as strong and healthy as present day knowledge can make him and also to point out in a convincing way tliat proper feeding is one of tlie cliief factors in health. The second was a blank individual weiglit record. This minister’s wife could not have picked out a better time for tlie distribrtion of tliis literature. It was Mothers, and Cradle Boll Day in the Sunday school and she used this oppor tunity to great advantage. If Jesus took time to heal the sick and suffering we certainly ought to seize op portunities to teach the fathers and mothers how not only to prevent sickness but what to do to help their children grow up strong and healthy in every way. —G. C. Hedgepeth, News and Observer. THE COUNTY OFFICER JOB Most county governments have a prosy set of duties. To get up a great popular enthusiasm over a change in the filing system in the county clerk’s office, or over a new heating system at the county jail, would not be an easy matter. And yet such things are about as near to the people at large as any concern the county has. Once in a while you put in a new road or bridge, and popular interest in one end of the county may be fanned for UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LETTER SERIES NO. 179 A RINGING CALL Superintendent T. T. Murphy of Pen der County has sent out the following ringing call to the school committeemen in North Carolina. ‘ ‘Several of the counties of the state have had^ the opportunity this year of getting a woman for all her time while the schools were in session to stay in the field and help to direct the teaching in every school, and see that it was done right. If for any reason the teacher was not doing the work as it should be, it would be a part of her duty to teach the school as it should be taught so that the teacher in charge could get some better suggestions about her work and impart it to the children in sucli a way that they would understand w’hat they were doing. The Way to SavesMoney “Weare planning to spend $45,000 on teachers’ salaries this fall in the county with no supervision at all. Is this fair to the children? Is it fair to the tax payers? Would you spend $45,000 in your line of business without having some one to supervise the way it was spent? There is not one County Superintendent in 50 in North Carolina who is a Super visor. I mean by that, a man that visits tlie school, sees exactly what is going on in the school and stays at the school long enougii to help reorganize it if necessary, and see that the work is done in some systematic way that will mean results to the children. ‘ ‘You do not want to waste any of your I money around the farm, and I do not I believe you want any of your sclicol ! money wasted, but judging by tlie differ- ' ent teacliers you employ in your school ; every year, I take'it for granted that you or the patrons were satisfied witli tlie progress of their cliildren. Is it fair to the children wlio sit in the school six liours every day to say: Oli well! we sliall get anotlier teacher next year, wlien pos sibly you or the good mother in the liome knows tliat tlieir time is about one-half tlirown away, the way tiie school is going on. A'ou do not discliarge every work man you hire if you find out lie is not making good, but you try to show liim wliat you want done and how you want it done, and if after tliis lie jiersists in making a had job you do the next best tiling. Why not do this sciiool work in a more business like way add see tliat neitlier tlie money nor the time of the children is wasted. Why Do It? ‘ ‘But some one says, wliy pay one-lialf' of tlie salary of a woman to look after ‘ this work wlien we are already paying ! the present county Superintendent to do ; notliing? Now, there you are again. This is the the argument that is put up ! to the Board c^f Education, and if it; represents your sentiment, it certainly ' seems to me that it is time for somebody to get busy telling the Board of Education that this kind of talk must stop. You can not very well expect a Board of Edu cation in any county to be enthusiastic about getting some help to supervise the schools in the face of this argument which is said to be exactly what the peo ple are thinking and saying. An Illustrative Case “If an honest confession is good for the soul, I have stated that I am not the supervisor, and I do not see how any county superintendent can be a super visor in a county the size of ours and try to do all the routine work, visit 80 odd schools during the year and write some thing like-15 or 20 letters per day when our nearby county of Columbus is paying a woman $1,200 per year to do the cleri cal work alone. Columbus is also paying a man $1,500 per. year, furnishing him with a Ford Machine and paying all the repairs, to enforce the compulsory attend ance law and fill the office of Superin tendent of W'elfare. “In order that the present County Superintendent of schools would not have to take a tonic for his appetite for lack of exercise this new office has been tendered him. Do you think that one man in Pender can do as much as three people do in Columbus? “Bealizing that the county was not extra wealthy, and never will be, as long as parents make slaves and servants of their children rather than men and women, I oft'ered to do tliis extra work, or try to do it, for toy expenses, if the Board of Education would take what money they would pay on this work and . use it to emiiloy a Supervisor on trial for one year. I have not pressed tlie matter with the Board, They understand better tlian I do what is not best for tlie county. ' ' ‘If the people in Pei^der county do not see anytliing in this proposition, if some of them have their fighting blood up and are ready to kill this proposition like killing snakes, of coursejhe; work could and would not amount to much even tliougli tlie schools might be temporarily benefited. A Comparison “Booker AVasliingtou said that the wliite people could beat the negro at al most any proposition in a competitiye class, but the white man could not beat tlie negro singing negro songs. But my friends, the negro has beat us to it. Did you know that you, through your school taxes, liave been paying one-half of the negro jsupervisor’s salary in this county for tlie past two years? Ask any of the county officials if they think this colored woman is worth what she is paid. Per sonally ] am unwilling for the negro children to liave better supervision than the white'children; however, I do not know how you feel about tlie proposi tion.”—L. A. Williams. a little while. A'our great difficulty is that, altho you are always performing duties which are extremely important, tliey are rarely of general concern and never spectacular. But there are possibilities before you for making county government take a greater place in the affections of the peo ple. You are a part of a system that spreads over the United States, with scarcely a break. You are the founda tion of the great structure of organized democracy. The state is pretty much' the sum of its counties. Of the unofficial organization—that is, the party system— you are a particular indispensable part. The county is the unit of party organiza tion. What form its policies take de pends very largely upon you.—H. S. Gil bertson, An Open Letter to County Ot- flcials in The American City. WAKE COUNTY WELFARE To county Superintendent of Welfare Childress The Times would extend its best wishes. He has something of a job; it is gratifying to learn that he is much of a man. Mr. Childress has been supply pastor to a church near Wendell. That’s fine! No man can be too good to be a county superintendent of welfare. He is a grad uate of Wake Forest, which again is fine; his new job requires vision and should be held by an educated man. He has in times past been connected with the Odd Fellows’ Orphanage, and this is even better; a man without warm sympathy with and understanding of cliildren would be an utter failure in a position which makes him chief truant and pro bation officer tor the county. He is to receive $2,000 per annum as salary. He will be worth vastly more or not that much, and if he deliver the goods, he can expect to have hia salary raised. We are not sufficiently temerarious to attempt to advise the new official as to his specific duties; in a general way everybody at all familiar with the new laws governing compulsory education, child labor and juvenile courts knows that the prime prerequisite of an efficient county superintendent of welfare is an intelligent interest in the well-being of others. This, we are quite sure, has. If he receive, as he the support of the rest of ment folk, he should be Mr. Childress must receive. Wake’s senti- able to polisli and brighten the community’s uncut and tarnished gems till they gleam like those of Cornelia, mother of the Grachii. —Baleigh Times.

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