The news in this publica tion is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Elxtension. DECEMBER 24, 1919 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. VI, NO. 7 Editorial Board i E. 0. Branson, Li. H. Wilson, E. W. Knight, D. D. Carroll, J. B. Bullitt. Entered as second^lass matter November U, 1914, at the Postofflee at Chapel Hill, N, C., under the act of August 34,1913 THE FIRST YEAR AFTER THE WAR ' which they manage and finance, and their own secretary. Through their Y. M. C. A., they carry on a score of activities of value to the life of the community—relig ious occasions and Bible study work BREAKING THE RErORD The full-term students now registered at the University of North Carolina iium- ber 1,350. Counting those students who . tn,,k work during the 1919 summerscliool ,rut!h.° them to credit toward a uuiver- ^ong the students, welfare work among ■sitv degree, the number is 1,702. Count-: "egroes of the community, hunday mg other students registere.l during the ; school teaching and managemen in the ‘summer school, tlie total number of stu- ; country churches of Orange county, Boy •dents of all kinds who have enrolled at ^coutwork ,n Chapel Hil They ha^ e 4he university since the 1919 commence- t'^eir social department, they arrange a . ^ , . lyceum course tor the students, they m,mt 1^ , . Qt-it.o miivpi- maintain information bureaus, self-help Of the stmlenCs wlio are at tlie uiuvei-, n.1 V f orp Vorfli Tarn ' bureaus, lost-aud-fouiid bureaus, they do aity now, 94.7 per cent are Aortti Caro- ’ iinians, representing 92 counties. This THE HIGH LAW OF DUTY Woodrow Wilson Here in America, for every man touched with nobility, for every man touclied with the spirit of our institu tions, social service is the high law of duty, and every American university must square its standards by that law or lack its’ national title. is the widest distribution of students witli- in tlie state the university has everknown. Mecklenburg leads ail other counties with 69 students, Guilford following closely with 67. Otlier counties with large rep resentations are Buncombe with 51; Or ange, 51; Wayne, 43; Wake,42; Rowan, 41; Korsyth, 38; Catawba, 36; New Hanover, 28; Durham, 25; Iredell, 25. The summer school of 1919 had a total enrollment of 921, of whom 273 were men aud 648 women. Three hundred fifty-two students were studying for university credit, 569 were taking normal and pre paratory courses. North Carolina furnish ed 869 of the 921 enrolled, and 89 coun ties were represented. Tims in the sum mer school only 11 counties were not represented and in the regular session the number was reduced to 8. A Manifest Democracy Classified according to religious aflilia- tions, more than half the university stu dents are either Methodists or Baptists, with the Methodists leading 432 to 341. Presbyterians follow with 238 and Episco palians with 152. The remainder re)»re- sent 12 other religious bodies, the largest single group being only 30 strong. The fathers of these students represent nearly every business or profession to be found in a state that extends from the mountains to the sea and that offers a wide diversification of interests. The de- Aiiocracy and universality of the stu dent body is everywdiere evident on the ■camims. Farmers lead with 339 sons at the univertity and merchants follow with 196. Thirty-three ministers have sent thwr eons to Chapel Hill. Other vocations in 'llie list include plumbers, butchers, l.iakem, florists, fishermen, lumbermen, ship-builders, tanners, moving picture men, miilets, hotel managers, barbers, photographers, meclianics, tobacconists, liverymerq orcliardists, stock dealers, druggi.sts, telegraphers, doctors, manufac- tu';er.H, iawjers, railroadmen, public otti- ciale, salesmen, lir.nkers, teaol.ers, real estate dealers,contn.ctor.-i, insurance men, brokfi’s, automobile dealers, editors, jew elers, bookkeepers, engineers, dentists, auditoTS, arebileeff, and dealers in naval stores. The number of women now studying at the university, not counting those who aUended .-lummer school, is 41. Unavoid able housing (iiliicutties in Chapel Hill re sulted tliis fall in the rejection of a num ber of other applic.-Aions. The scope of the w'ork uuderiuken by ttiese women ■show.s UiC iireadth of tlio educational ap peal to their .sex. Three are .studying law. dhree are in medicir.e, two in pliarmacy, .three are taking graduate work in English, and one graduate work iu Latin. One woman i.s taking a coursr^ in electrical engtiieeriiig, for the very good reason that the Wiurse desired could not l>e found in Any woman’s college in the United States. Training for Leadership •The methods, habits, ami traditions of living in thisotudent community are those of a normal democratic community. The students have their own government, in which etudeut sentiment and thought, interpreted by specially elected student TCpresentatives, control the action of life on tlic campus. They have tlieir activi- tAeiq covering all things that normal young persons are interested in, from religious groups to atliletic teams, from scholarship and debating clubs to social organijiations, {rou4 musical and dramatic associations to military units. They publish and con trol iu every way a weekly newspaper, T'heTar Heel; a monthly literary maga- zijie, the University of North Carolina Maga.riti'..'; a hi-weekly humorous paper Tlie-'l’ar Baby; an annual of college act ivitlcs, the Yaekety Yack; and, through their Y. M. C. A., a Handbook of infor mation for new students and a directory of the students and the faculty of the uni Torsity. They have their' own Y. M. C. A., any and everything they find to be of service to the life of the community. The students have their debating soci eties, the Dialectic and the Philanthrop ic, vvitli more than a century’s traditions of public speaking. Tliis year they have thrown one of them into an open forum for discussion of any matter of importance to the university. The other they have organized into a legi.slative assembly, modeled after the lower house of the General Assembly at Raleigh. Bills and resolutions are presented as the state leg islators present them at Raleigh, and the committee W’ork. the readings and the de bating are carried on precisely as their model carries them on. The two societies debate against each other and, uniting, they debate against other universities on matters of national moment. During the Lift twenty-five years the university has won 70 percent of its debates against in stitutions ranging from Pennsylvania to New Orleans. Of the students at the university ap proximately 200 are dependent upon their own efforts for the money to keep them at college. They are self-help stu dents, they are ■w'orking their way through college. Ninety of them are w'aiters at the university dining halls, the others do many kinds of work, from soliciting as agents to stenographic, secretarial, and clerical work,from teaching and tutoring to chopping wood, firing furnaces, work ing in stores, in restaurants, anywhere they can find work that will pay them. They are among the most valuable stu dents in the university. Physical Well-Being For these and all students tlie univer sity this year has taken significant steps tow'ard the improvement and preserva tion of student health. A new physician of experience has been placed in charge of the university infirmai-y. A professor of physical education has been added to the faculty, with general supervision over the play and recreation of the student body. Freshmen are closely examined for physical defects and wherever possible proper exercises are directed to overcome the difficulty. All freshmen are required to take athletic work as part of their reg ular college work. Otlier students are provided with greater opportunity for sports than ever before. A system of cam pus athletics is being developed that will give every student in college the cliance to play any^ sound, healthy game that he wants to play— all to the end that the standards of health and physical devel opment may be raised. The Carolina Club 1 The North Carolina Club, a volunteer organization to which any member of the University is eligible, has made an inten sive study of the economic, social, civic, and industrial problems of North Caro lina during Die last five years. It has published the results of its investigations iu three volumes, the last one being 190^ pages in length on the subject of County Government and County Affairs in North Carolina. This year it has taken for its program the working out of a plan of state reconstruction, following the lead of Governor Bickett’s f^tate, Reconstruction Commission. well known has its work become, so highly regarded are its inves tigalionsof North Carolina problems, that Mr.E.O. Branson, Chairman of theSteer ing Committee of the club, was chosen as a member of the state commiasion and Mr. J. Y. Baggett, the club president was invited as a student representative to sit with the commission at all its meet ings. Other student representatives were invited to sit with the committ^s ot the commission at their investigations and meetings. This is volunteer student work. sional work. Of 55 students in the School of Pharmacy, 43 are first-year students, the largest junior class the school has known. The other 12 are seniors. The small senior class is due to unsettled con ditions during the war years. The total enrollment in this school is approximately the same as in the last pre-war year, but the marked increase in first-year students would indicate a correspondingly marked increase in the total enrollment next year. The Medical School has had the same ex perience. The total enrollment is not late inThe fall, the division has already undertaken several projects in the utili zation of natural water powers and has much work ahead of it. Its investiga tions and work are free of all charge. Serving the Clu^b Women New and far-reaching strides have been made during the last year in the univer sity’s work with women’s clubs, contin ued now by Aliss Nell Roberson. Three distinct groups are reached by this branch of the bureau of extension; (1) individuals requesting suggestions for study and reading and desiring informa tion for use in patriotic, civic, and social i : Members of the faculty are club meinben, if they so choose, but the invesugations and reports are tlie wmrk of students. Physical Expansion The university has shown substantial physical growth during the kst year. Nearing completion now and available for occupancy^ early in the new year is the new physics building, Phillips Hall, one of the largest structures on the campus and a model in everyway for tlie purposes planned. Here ivill be the headquarters of the scliool of applied science, the home of pure physics, of electrical engineering and civil engineering. In the town of Chapel Hill, but closely connected with university life, the new post office'and the new Presbyterian church will be ready for use early in tlie new year. Two new dormitories are projected and planned for the next collegiate year. To gether they will hold 175 students. Their location south of the famous old South Building -will open up a new area of uni versity expansion. Ne\v plans have been agreed upon for the creation of a new fraternity center on the western side ot the campus where eventually all the fra ternity houses will be placed. Five of the fraternities are planning to build in the spring. A laundry for the university community and a hotel for Chapel Hill are two additional building projects com ing in the near future. Nevtt Schools and Courses Within the university cur r i c u 1 u m growth and development are evident in many places. The present college year has seen tlie beginning of a School of Commerce, born out of'the demands of the people of the state for more and bet ter business training, intenser, more com prehensive acquaintance with the keen business world of present-day industrial ism. A four-year c ourse leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce lias been started, the first two years broadly comprehensive, the last two more techni cally bound up with such fundamental business subjects as accounting, money and banking, business organization, in surance, transportation, corporation fi nance, industrial management, foreign trade, salesmanship, business psychology, markets and marketing, and other kin dred subjects. Besides the courses of study, a lecture program has beeu arranged, which will bring well known business men of the state and the south to speak before tlie stu dents. Representatives of tlie Tariti' Com mission, the Federal Trade Commission, the Census Bureau, and the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce will out line to the school business problems from a national point of view. During the sun.- mer between the .Junior and Senior years eacli student will be expected to spend his time working in an establishment in the line of business for which he is pre paring. In its first year the school lias enrolled 150 students, 117 of whom are freshmen and sophomores. In addition to the school of commerce, the jiresent year has seen the beginning of a new School of Alusic, now organized as a department of music. Lectures on the history, theory, and appreciation of music will be given as regular elective courses, and encouragement and guidance for musical undertakings by communities throughout the state will be furnished through the Bureau of Extension. The department will have supervision of the group music of the students, and eventu ally instruction in music will be given. Professional Schools Other departments of ttie university have shown grow’th in many ways. The Law School, with a long record of service behind it, has a larger enrollment than ever before. It has added a new member to its teaching staff, and the course has been increased from tw'o years to three. Tlie lengthened course, which is in keep ing with the practice of the most success ful law schools in the country, is a direct effort to give a more thorough training in the fundamentals of law, and at the san;e time to present some courses which will cmptiasize phases Of the practical work of the lawyer. One hundred and four stu dents are enrolled in the law school, of whom 84 are first-year students. Includ ed in the list are three women. The other schools have seen a similar increase in students preparing for profer- only Iaro-er but tivo hundred students are I activities, (2) women’s clubs choosing taking ^re-medical work; which again | their own subject/or litemrymh_isto™ would indicate that next year the school will have more students than it can take [ care of. University Publications As a publishing and magazine center the University now issues eight regular periodicals. The University Record con tains the catalogue, the president’s' re port, and other official records of the un iversity. Studies in Pliilology is a quar terly edited by the language departments of the University. It has a circulation among liighly distinguished scholars and learned ■ societies both in the United State.s and Europe. The .lournal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society has the same high rank among the bodies of the country. The Chemist is published by the Chemistry department. The .Tames Sprunt Histori- tudy and asking for outlines and material to use in preparation of club meetings, and (3) clubs adapting the outline pro grams published by the university exten sion bureau and officially adopted by the North Carolina Federation of IVomen’s Clubs. The scope and reacli of the work inay be seen, in part, in figures. The outline program on the Historical Background and Literature of the Great IVar, prepar ed by Mrs. T. W. Lingle, was studied by 806 women enrolled in 42 clubs represent ing 30 North Carolina towns and 4 states. Seven hundred fifty books and 250 pam phlets were issued to club niembers. The program on Americanization, also pre pared by Mrs. Lingle and adopted by the state federation, is now being studied by 75 clubs with a total membership of 1,316. Forty of the clubs, with a member- scientific ! ship of 672, are located in 32 North Caro- Carolina • lina towns; thirty-five clubs, with amem- rehip of 644, are from other states. I Four hundred books and pamphlets were loaned for use in this course during In Oc- cal Publications are published periodical-1 September and October alone, ly by the North Carolina Historical So-1 tober a course on Citizenship, Prepared ■ ^ rr,, TT- 1 c U 1 T „ 1 I- „ ! tw Professor D. D. Carroll, was issued ciety. The High School Journal is a ; ^4 ^ ^ ^lubs with an enrollment monthly published by the school of Edu- j 73 adopted it. Thus within the cation. The News-Letter is published j last year 124 women’s clubs with a total weekly by the university for the Bureau membership of 2,210, more than half of of Extension, and the AlumiA Review is ' "'ll"!" published by the Alumni Association of the University. Library Facilities The University Library jiad on cords up to August its 15, 1919, a total 88,316 volumes/which includes 5,165 vol- ! umes acquired during the previous year. | It does not include, however, three im- i portant acquisitions since August, the; IVeeks collection, and the gifts of the late Col. A. B. Andrews and of E. V. Zoeller, which are now'being catalogued. As these amount to more than 10,000 I volumes, the library at the present time led the courses prepared for them by the Women’s Clubs Division of the bureau of university extension. The library has cooperated by sending to these clubs, at ! their request, more than 1,200 books and re- ' many additional pamphlets. Serving the High Schools Reaching out in other ways to the peo ple of the state, the university has con tinued its high school debates and ath letic contests. The seventh annual con test of the high school debating union was held at the university with represen tatives from 41 high schools present. A total of 180 schools, representing 75 has very close to 100,000 volumes. This | counties, participated in the preliminary makes it one of the tliree largest libraries | contests. Unsettled conditions due to in all the southern states. Down the | the war and the influenza cut into the sweep from IVashington all the way out | number as against that of previous years, through Texas, there are only two other | but there is every reason to believe that libraries of about the same size, but it is 1 this year the eighth contest will include doubtful if either of the other two has material of the same value from a liter ary or historical point of view. The IVteks collection, added within the last year, is the largest and most com plete collection of literature on North Carolina history in existence. It includes books, pamphlets, bound and unbound periodicals, bound and unbound news papers, maps, reports of state officers and state institutions, and is a gold mine of tremendous value to historical students. Swinging out from its own buildings at Chapel Hill, refusing to be bound by the stone walls of its campus, the university has continued during the past year tlie work of carrying its educational resources to the people of the state. As the head of the state educational system, it seeks not only to link itself with all other parts of that system but to go through and beyond the system to the people themselves for whom and by -whom it was created and to whom its leadership will always call. The Bureau of E.xtension has continued its work in many directions, and has in augurated important new services. State and County Council Co-operating with tlie Governor of the state, the state association of county com missioners, and the state departments of education, liealth, highw^ays, public wel fare, and taxation, the university held in September a four-day conference for the benefit of North Carolina public wel fare wprkers. More than three hundred of these workers were in attendance, and every session of the conference was de voted to the consideration of some topic of vital importance to the common weal of the state. Governor T. ’\Y. Bickett f,resided throughout the conference and a number of out-of-state speakers parti cipated. Seventy-six counties of the state were represented. Provision has been made for the continuation of the council in 1920, and special instruction in several subjects will be provided for in the sum mer school prior to its assembly next August. Country Home Comforts At the request of the state highway commission the bureau of university ex tension has organized the division of country home comforts and conveniences under the direction of Prof. P. H. Dag gett, assisted by a group of engineering experts from the university faculty. The division i\nll advise and assist in provid ing rural communities with water supply systems, electric light and power plant, mutual telephone systems, and better sanitation. Authority for the work comes from an act of the General Assem bly of 1917 which commissioned the high way commission to promote these coun try home comforts and conveniences. Though the work was not started until 300 schools. Restricted Immigration is the debate subject for the current year. A 90-pago handbook for the debaters will be issued by the university, contain ing outlines and arguments on both sides of the query with abundant references to other sources of information. Last year state high school champion ship contests were conducted in football, basketball, tennis, track, and baseball. This year the football championship, just completed, aroused more interest in the state than ever before. The contests are conducted as the seasons for tliem ar rive. Reconstruction WorK The whole force of the university’s ex tension lectures and general publicity re sources, which during the war period had been thrown into the problems of the causes of the war, was upon the armis tice and demobilization shifted in a new direction and thrown into the new prob lems attending reconstruction, citizen ship, and the re-gathering of the strength of the nation for its new 1:asks. Com munity centers were organized at IVins- ton-Salem, ' Salisbury, Kinston, New- Bern, and Goldsboro for the special con sideration of these questions. Pamphlets, bulletins, and leaflets describing methods of procedure and suggesting fields of study were prepared and issued. Besides the News Letter with its 50 issues a year, and an average circulation of more than 12,000, the bureau of extension published fourteen pamphlets with a combined cir culation of more than 45,000. The num ber of lectures delivered by members of the faculty on these and other subjects was approximately 175; the number of articles of every sort published in various periodicals all over the country was proximately 70. ap- Alumni Loyalty Alumni loyalty, alumni faith and hope in the university, alumni determination that the university shall press forward to greater and greater service to the people of the state, have been exemplified this year in the interest shown in the univer sity’s develoiiment, in wise counsel and sound advice, and in response to the Graham Memorial campaign. More than $100,000 has been given by alumni and friends for the erection of a student activ ities building in memory of Edward Kid der Graham, the late president. Tire campaign is being pushed now towaid the $150,000 mark and from its success thus far there appears no doubt of the ultimate goal. To tlie Alumni Loyalty Fund the contributions also have been liberal. For jAlma Mater her sons re tain the love that sprang from the reali zation of their debt to her.—Lenoir Chambers. f.

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