The news in this publica tion is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. JANUARY 14, 1920 CHAPEL N. C. VOL. VI, NO. 8 Bdltorlal Bonrd i B. C. Branson, L. K. Wilson, E. W. Knight, D. 0. Carroll, J. B. Bullitt. Entered as second-class matter November 14, 1914, at the Postofflce at Chapel Hill, N* G., under the act of 24, 1913 TEXTS ON RURAL SOCIOLOGY Various einiuiries aiv coming to us of lato for a brief list of text-books on coun try-life problems, or rural sociology, for higli-scliool pupils in our farm-life and country high schools. (Yiuntry boys and girls and country lioines everywhere can ali'ord to thumb tlioronghly the books we name in the next paragraph. They are arranged in the order of difliculty. As for liural Mauliood, we should like'to see it in a hundred thousand homes in North Caro lina. Our Neighborhood; Good Citizenship in Rural Communities, by .lohii F. Smith, pp 262.—,Tohn 0. AVinston Co., Chicago. The Challenge of the Country, by Wal ter G. Fiske, pp 282.—Association I’ress, 124 K. 28th St., New T'ork. Rural Life, by Charles .1. (ialpin, pp 386.—Century Company., New York. evolution of the Country t'ommunity, by Warren II. AVilson, pp 221.—Pilgrim Press, Boston. Rural Manhood. 347 Madison Ave., New A'ork. An indispensable magazine. Tea issues 311.50 ; standpoint, it means the provision of well ’ surfa;ed roads of easy grade; it means , creating open spaces for common use and ! recreation in community centers; it ; means a consideration of the desirability and practicability of a water-supply and a sewage disp(^sal system; it means an i appropriate design and setting for homes, i public and semi-public buildings, includ- ; ing the town hall, schools, and churches. '—The fAurvey. A COMMUNITY KINGDOM The most complete democracy will ex ist where practically all of the people liv ing together in a given area recognize ' common interests, and common needs, and acquire a tlioroughgoing union be cause of common participation in these SCOTLAND LEADS The Scotland County Community Life Association is the name of the new or ganization which has received definite character and which embarks ilpon a high enterprise with the purpose of promoting all things high and holy in the life of the county. A meeting at the court house I Tue.sday afternoon, which was attended by a numher of inliuential citizens, for- ! mally passed upon and adopted a report of the committee on bylaws and constitu- I tion, which creates not only an organized I body with authority to act in all matters pertaining to the actual business side of the proposition, but also an executive committee and board of control in which shall be vested property rights and au thority to direct the activities of the or ganization. This board of control is to he made up of members of the white prote-stant churrhn.'^ of Scotland county, each church electing its representatives on this board on a basis of one representative per hun dred members or fraction thereof. For mutual interests; where the laiople meet, purposes of this organization the sta- together, talk toget er, uy an se j gether, and in general act together for mutual protection and advancement. Suppose we say that community ideals are, for example, making one's daily work primarily'a service to mankind, be cause the laborer in any field of work is a worker together with God in carrying out G id's plan. Suppose we assume that the development of the indvidiial personality of a white protestant church shall be the same as that of a church member, and the sovereign authority and court of final resort in all matters shall be the ipember- ship of these several churches. A committee to be selected for this purpose will carry the proposition before every white protestant congregation in fullest .scope is the principal thing i ®ach church will be to its to keep in mind in the community and must be applied to every individual. Suppose we recognize that friendliness or neighhorliness of spirit, wliicii is iierhaps the highest test of the religions life, is the foundation stone upon which to build any jiermanent human activities. Sup pose we believe that in all these activities we art- kM by God, the Invisible King, and are seeking to learn llis will, to con form to His methods, desiring tliat all j>eop1e stiall recognize his leadership. We have then, it seems to me, a pretty full ixiHipli'ment of ideals with reference both to coimiiunity building and King- d-m building, ajid we may then intor- ch.-uiqe our phraseology with perfect im- puuity according to■ our mode of think ing. Th(*e who seek cominunity build- ty grasp hands warmly with tliose who seek the Kingdom of (iod, both recognizing that this common end is not .attain:\hlo at ail unless it is attained in priijiary a.ssociations involving the irequent contacts of men with one .aiiolhei', namely, the local group.-^Ken- yui)« r.ufte.’’iield. RyBALCaMMUHITY BUILDING Riira, community building means mak- iug nirat surroimdings more healthy, comt.irtahie, convenient, and agreeable. - It Micaiis couuteraetiug the drift from tlie fans to thq town by ujaking farm work aa-.l farm life more attractive on the one hail and on tne other by so improving farming .metliOtis that the siime results can tm oecimid vi'ith less labor, or a much better result with the same labor. f'd-oin the standpoint of health it means the careful consideration of wkter supply and sewage disjKisal, also of tlie problems of bringing adequate air and light into the. home and the farm building. It fcueatw sanitary surface clo.sets, adequate protcctiou against Hies and mosquitoes, and the proi>er care of milk, meats, etc. rom the standpoint of comfort, agree- ahlenea.s, and convenience, apjiropriate icouiimmity imilding means farm build ings phuiiied for simplified and economi cal fmu,sekeepiug, including the making of butter, ciieese, etc.; more comfortable amt agtcaahie rooms and outlook, more attractive farm surroundings in general, ^heUer opp.irtiinities for education and i'recreation, the creation of cominunity 1 centers to provide attractions to take the !| Rl rce of degrading distractions. From a general community iilanuing peeted to act upon the articles of incor poration, either ratifying or rejecting them, as it sees fit. A Community House The object of this movement, which is in its very conception too great for one to comprehend- its full meaning without diligent study, is primarily to build at some central point in tlie county--the location to be determined by vote of the church members — a great community, including an auditorium, library and reading rooms, and possibly other parts, which shall be used as a public gathering place for the people of the county., To make sure that nothing but the liighest class of entertainment shall ever he offered at this place its destinies are placed in the hands of the protestant churches of the county. The whole idea is so novel, so broad and far-reaching, that in the end it will probably evolve into an institution of tremendous importance, alTe.iting the lives and happiness of all the people of the county. Those who are promoting it are striving after an ideal and desiri- to bring great good to all the people. Machinery has been created for giving the idea publicity and deadly setting it before the people so that they may com prehend its meaning and lend it their support and co-operation. Dr. F. 0. Hellier was made chairman of the meeting Tuesday afternoon, and Mr. E. F. Murray was its secretary. \V. 11. ATeatherspoon and Rev. Carl B. Craig pre.?ented the report of the committee on constitulion and hylaw.s—I.aurinburg Ex change. NEIGHBORING In these days when women are feeling responsibilitie.s in citizenship, the old art of “neighboring” i.s important. The word comes from Anglo Saxon, the near-boor or farmer nigh you, so it is a true rural term. City people are comparatively independent hut the coun try is the place where neighboring is need ed. An old woman was asked, “Have you planted your garden?” She replied, “Nobody’s ploughed it yet: no one takes any intenrst in us lately.” “Taking an interest”—there is the key to neighbor liness. The community is critical of that wretched woman and fails to put them selves in her hard place. The Golden YOUR COMMUNITY Josiah Royce. AV’hat is practically necessary, there fore, is this: Let your Christology be the practical acknowledgment of tlie Spirit of tlie universal and beloved cominunity. This is the sufficient and practical faith. Love this faith, teach thi.s faith, preach this faith, in what ever words, through wiiatever symbol,■ by means of whatever forms of creeds,- in accordance with whatever practices you find best to enable you with sin cere intent and a whole heart to sym bolize and to realize the Spirit in the community. .fudge every social device, every proposed reform and every local en terprise by the one test: Does this help towards the coming of the universal community? If you have a church, judge your own church by this stand ard ; and if your own church does not yet fully meet this standard, aid in re forming your church accordingly. If you hold the true church to be invisi ble, require all whom you can in fluence to help render it visible. districts and the school teachers should handle the business w’hereotlier facilities are not available. Alunicipal or governmental ownership of the electric railw-ays was the only way out of the desperate conditiem into which traction companies have fallen all over tlie United .States, Mr. Abelkop said. He quoted figures showing the loss in valu ation of properties and loss in operation ail over the country. On the subject of rural telephones the committee, ‘through B. E. AA^eathers, recommended an extension of the work now being done by the State Highway Oommi,ssion in this direction and urged further appropriation.^ for the auditing and inspecting of-rural systems.—Lenoir Ciiamhers. Rule is the measure to be used in neigh boring. The same woman from her poverty brought me a gift of carefully picked huckleberries, wliich suggests that in the country there is much to give and to share at comparatively little cost—fruit, flowers, seeds, vegetables, honey, nuts, meat at butchering time, rides in your automobile or carriage, books, papers, and magazines. Thoughtfulness and generosity are country virtues. The pros perous must feel responsibility for the less fortunate. The experienced should be ready to guide the ignorant, especially in matters of health. The best neighbor I ever had died because a family near her failed to exercise precaution in con tagious diseases. The happy should desire to see the whole community united in simple pleas ures, such as picnics, field days or ex hibitions. \ Every night a busy farmer calls up two old lad^s living alone a mile from him to see that all§ia well with them. The telephone is a real help in neighbor ing. In some communities “neighborhood insurance” is practical AA’hen a poor man loses a hosse or cow, every one gives a small amount to e.xpress synipatliy and replace the loss. Times of illness and trouble, and also of joy, are real opportunities for serving our neighbors, which leads me to a real country text. “But to do good and to communicate (share with) forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” —Airs. ‘AA’afreu H. AA’ilson, in Rural Life. TRANSPORTATION REPORT Attacking the problems-of transporta tion and communication raisetl in the State by war-time conditions, a commit tee of the North Carolina Club of the University of North Carolina with Phillip Ilettlemau, of Goldsboro,' as chairman, in its report here tonight on the campus p'an of state reconstruction in which the club is following- the lead of Governor Bickett’s state reconstruction commission, recommended many changes in state pol icy on railroads, highways, rural tele phone and motorized parcel post system. Associated with Mr. Hettleman on the committee were B. E. AA^eathers, of Shel by, S. 0. AVorthington, of Pitt County, and I. AI. Abelkop, of Durham, To improve railway transportation the chairman strongly recommended that cities have their own traffic managers and chat manufacturiug concerns pool their interests wherever possible and hire their own rate experts. Freight yard conges tion ought to be handled by local trade bodies, the chairman urged, and he point ed out the important progress made by the Durham Chamber of Commerce in chat work. In advocating a motorized parcel post system, I. M. Abelkop quoted at length the experience of other states, show-ing greater cheapness and quicker delivery by trucks. County school houses should be the parcel post stations in country MOVING THE UNIVERSITY It might be a trifle difficult for a wom an’s club, or a Y. AI. C. A., or a cham- lier of commerce, to go to the University of North Carolina to be instructed, so the j unirersity lias arranged to pick up and I come to them. It lias been the dream of the university for years to serve, not merely the students at Chapel Flill, but all the people who desire its services; and every year it is elaborating its arrange ments to do that. The program for this year has just been published, and may be had” from the bu reau of extension for the asking. The university stands ready to send the best man it has in any given subject to de liver a lecture at any place in the state if the people who wish to hear the lecture will pay the speaker’s expenses. No charge whatever is made for his services. The leaflet just out gives a long list of subjects and lecturers that are at the people’s disposal. Any community can secure one man for one lecture, if itlikes; or it can arrange for one man to deliver several lectures; or it can secure a series of lectures covering the same general sub ject, delivered by two or three men who are experts in that line. Teaching Citizenship For example, there is a course in Citi zenship that has been arranged with an eye to the intere.sts of women who may be considering the question of suffrage, and perhaps wondering just what is going to be demanded of them if they find them selves suddenly endowed with full politi - cal privileges. It comprises eight lectures, on such subjects as Suft'rage; Its Oppor tunities and Obligations; The Origin and General Nature of Our Government; The Origin and Development of Government in Nonh Carolina; Contemporary Re- fortns in Government and Politics; In ternational Government or the League of Nations; AVomen in Industry: Their Achievements tyid Problems, and the like. As stated above, the course was designed with an eye to the needs of women, but nine-tenths of our present voters could follow it wdth profit. There is another series on Americani zation, and a tremendous one ou Prob lems of Democracy and Reconstruction, besides a long list of miscellaneous lec tures. In fact, a-lecture may be had on almost any subject from Lord Dunsany’s Plays or Life and AA’orks of Composers of Alusic, to a Study of the Cause and the Prevention of the Toxic Effect of the General Anesthetics in Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease. No one in North Carolina wljo has in cliarge tlie, arrangement of a program of study for the winter can afl'ord to act without giving this bulletin at least glance. It may contain the very thing you were looking for.—Greensboro News. THE WAY AT YALE The Yale Corporation has recently jacked up the level of university salaries. Full-time professors are now paid from $5,000 to $8,000, and in exceptional cases $10,000. The salaries of deans range from $6,000 to $8,000; while associate and as sistant professors receive from $2,500 to $4,500. Teachers of all grades have re ceived salary increases of 25 j>ercent .or so, but what is worth noting is the fact that the new salaries are graded upon (1) the teacher’s usefulness as a teacher, (2) his productivity and standing in the world of letters, science, or art, (3) his service to the public, including the uni versity, and (4) his executive responsi bility and efficiency. This sort of thing must be discourag ing to college teachers who lack insti’uc- tional skill or inspirational force; to dawdlers who lack productive vitality and virility in scholarship, research, or en gineering fields, physical or social; to teachers who can think neither in terms of the university as a whole nor of the public the university is set up to serve; and to deans who lack initiative and vis ion, and constructive, directive skill in developing their scliools or in command ing their fields of responsibility. A'ale has faculty members of this sort. Every school has them in numbers large or small, and nowhere is it easy to get rid of them. Blit A'ale is trying to do it. And the plan is to eh^ke them down to the bottom of tlie salary list, with the hope that they will choose to fall out and drop into other jobs. And the time is oppor tune, because wages are now high in the trades and occupations. PLIGHT OF THE COLLEGES More than 100 colleges and universities are conductiiig campaigns for endowment funds to increase the pay of professors, according to a report made public yester day by^ the HarcartJ^ Endowment Fund. The Harvard Committee is seeking $15,- 250,000 to increase salaries and expand facilities. It/is estimated that the total number of ^^udents in these colleges is 250,000, and that every state university is demanding increased budgets from the state funds. “The list of the needy colleges, which runs from Harvard, with 38,000 living alumni, to Reed College, Portland, Ore., with 138, includes institutions in all parts of the country,” said .the report. “The amounts they seek vary from $400,000 to $15,250,000, but their plights are all alike. The high cost of living, with the increased cost of operating, has obliged all endowed colleges, in fairness to their I acuities and to their standards of in struction, to go out for more money. THE NEW QUARTER The fall quarter of the University of North Carolina ended December 20, and the Christmas holiday began on that day. Examinations started Tuesday, Decem ber 16. They lasted therefore only four days. This is much shorter than in former years, partly due to the change in the curriculum this year whereby the collegiate year was divided into three terms instead of two. The fall term W’as shorter than it had ever'been before. The great majority of the thirteen hun dred students left for their homes imme diately after completing their examina tions. Many members of the faculty also departed to attend scientific meetings, scholarly and educational associations, and other professional engagements. Chapel Hill during the Christmas holi days is a quieter village than at any other time of the year, The new quarter began again ou Jan uary 5. Alany new students entered the University at that time. It is pointed out by university authorities that under the new quarter system, it is much easier and more convenient for students to be gin work after Chri.stmas than in former years. Alany courses are repeated each quarter, and students entering at the be ginning of the third quarter can adjust their courses so that utilizing the fourth quarter of the year, wliich comes in the summer school, they can make up easily for not being able to enter the university at the beginning of the collegiate year. High School Debates Alore than two hundred high schools have already joined the high school de bating union for 1920, according to E. R. Rankin, secretary of the committee on arrangements. This is more than the total number of schools in the union last year. During the seven years in which the state-wide debates have been held the average number of schools participating has been 231, with the high-water mark of 331 schools in 1917. Unsettled condi tions cut into the list last year. Restricted immigration is the debate subject for 1920. A hundred-page bulle tin has been prepared by the university committee and is being distributed co all schools in the union. It contains out lines and arguments on both sides of the query and references to sources from which further material can be obtained. The committee estimates that an average of 80,000 persons in the state has listened to the debates each year. The triangular debates throughout tiie state will be held in Alarch, and the final contest at the university will be held in April, tue exact dates to be announced later,—I^enoir Chambers.