The news in this publica- on is released for the press on iceipt. THE UNlVERSiTY OF NORTH CAROUN/^. NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. jPTEMBER 8, 1920 CHAPEL HHX, N. C. VOL VI, NO. 42 . tc. O. Branson, L. R. WUaon, B. W. Knight, D. D. Carroll, J. B. Bullitt. Bntereci as ssjicond-clasa matter November 14, 1914, at the Pfxstofflce at Chapel Hill, N« G., ander the act of August- 24, 1912 fHE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC WELFARE COURSES OF STUDY The Public Welfare Courses of tke liversity of North Carolina are inned in such a way as to give the cessary background and philosophy social work as well as the requisite shnique. The component courses ne- ssarily range themselves into certain neral groups dealing with large as- cts of social life, as follows: (1) The ;ate and Public Institutions, (2) The amily; The Individual, (3) Community ife, (4) Methods of Organization and dministration, (5) Field Work. • Public Institutions Social workers are of necessity thrown ito constant contact with government Qd public institutions. Many public jrvants are themselves, in fact, social 'orkers. It is therefore necessary that ny course of professional training for )cial work should include a study of le functions of government in the eld of constructive social legislation, 1 the growing assumption by the state f responsibility for the weaker and 3SS fortunate members of society, and fi administrative technique to make emocratic government an efficient ser- ant of social progress. The courses dealing with this subject rill include a study of the increase of he functions of the state in relation to griculture and industry. Public educa- ion and public health will be treated as bowing the growth of a public con- cience, and with it, of the state’s re- ponsibility for the welfare of all its itizens. Crime and punishment to- ;ether with penal legislation, the poor aw, and the history of poor relief will le discussed. The students should be- ome acquainted with the various de- artments of state and county govern- lent, with distribution of powers and unctions between the township, coun-1 y, state, and nation, and especially with he problems of municipal and county dministration. Institutions maintained •y the state, county, or city for all pur- oses will be studied, and consideration e given to modern standards of institu- ional care. The following are the courses outlined nder this section: Introduction to the Study of Social Insti- Litions and Public Welfare. One term, 'ive hours a week. This course deals with the historical ,nd philosophic background of modern ocial movements and shows the bear- tig which anthropology, psychology, conomics, and ethics have upon present ay social problems. Rural Social Problems and Rural Eco- lomics. One term. Five hours a week. This course will coyer: (1) The rural ocial problem—what it is and is not. 2) Socialization—what it means; ideals, tnds, and aims. (3) Rural social insti tutions. (4) Country-life agencies. (5) Developments in other states. Progres- ;ive Communities in North Carolina. (6) rhe sources of our primary wealth. (7) Dur accumulated wealth and its forms. (8) Factors involved in the retention of farm wealth. (9) The civic and social ises of ■ wealth. (10) After-the-war problems in farm areas. Social Reform and Legislation. One term. , Five hours a week. Given to second-year students. A study of reform movements and social legislation with special reference to agriculture and industry, and including both governmental activity and sponta neous movements arising out of educated public opinion. Comparative studies of reform organizations and social legisla- lation in the difierent Continental coun tries. 'Special studies of local county and municipal legislation and improved administrative methods. Poor‘Relief and Correction. One term. Five hours a week. A history of the poor laws and ad ministration and their relation to eco nomic and social changes in Great Brit ain and America. Study of eleemosyn ary institutions—their activities and standards. The outstanding features in the history of criminal law and forms of punishment—their relation to changes in social philosophy and to newer crim- inol^gy. A discussion and examination of types of penal and reformatory insti tutions, coiyts, and probation systems.' Municipal Utilities. One term. Three hours a week. A course dealing with the physical problems of community life, such as lighting, sewerage, water supply, street cleaning, garbage disposal, etc. The Family The family has been and is the funda mental unit of society. A thorough ap preciation of its structure and nature is necessary both for an understanding of social forces and for the constructive treatment of maladjusted individuals. The subjects in this group will include a brief outline of anthropology, and the historical development of the family from earliest times to the present day. Differences in the town and country, the agricultural and industrial families will be studied, with special emphasis on the changing position of women and children. Child welfare in all its rami fications will form an important part of this section, and will include a dis cussion of the child of today and to morrow, the exploitation of childhood, child health, the exceptional, the delin quent, and the disadvantaged child. An important part of every social worker’s ■ task is the discovery and treatment of the maladjusted family and individual, and this section will therefore attempt to cover those sub jects which are especially related to that undertaking. The contributions of mental hygiene and psychology, of the movements for public and personal health, of home economics in the widest sense of the word will be carefully con sidered. Types of dependency, and liv ing standards will also be covered, and the whole will lead into a full study of the technique of present day case work with the unadjusted family, especially in its relation to the peculiar problems of the rural family in the South. The courses offered under this head ing are: Family Welfare. Two terms. Two hours and three hours a week respect ively. The social treatment of maladjusted families and individuals. The study of breakdowns in individual and in family social life. The causes of maladjust ment and the technique of social treat ment. The care of such cases during the field work term is an integral part of this course which thus corresponds, in social work training, to the doctor’s study of clinical medicine. Special Problems. Seminar. Two terms. One hour a week. Each student will be required to spe cialize in some one of the recognized de partments of social work, i. e., child welfare, mental hygiene, industrial problems, housing, public health, home economics, delinquency, etc. During the year he will do research in this subject and his field work will also be directed as far as posssible to this end. Special conferences will be arranged under ap propriate leadership to assist the stu dent in this phase of his work. Standards of Living. One term. Three hours a week. This course will comprise several groups of lectures dealing with various subjects related to standards of home life, such as home sanitation and hy giene, home economics, standards of housing and home-making, with special reference to conditions and problems in rural communities. History of the Family. One term. Three hours a week. This course is mainly a seminar for research in the history of the family group with special reference to the in fluence of economic and social changes upon the fortunes of families as a whole and upon the structure' and cohesion of the individuals constituting families. The Individual. One term. Three hours a week. The study of the individual in the newer psychology as a matter of para mount importance not only for compe tent case work but also for an under standing of the larger cultural move ments and disturbances in industry and political life. No constructive plan of social organization, of industrial read justment, or of constructive develop- MEN TO MAKE A STATE George. Washington Doane The men, to make a state, are themselves made by obedience. Obedience is the health of human hearts; obedience to God; obedience to fathers and to mothers, who are, to .children, in the place of God; obedience to teachers and to masters, who are in the place of fathers and of mothers; obedience to spiritual pastors, who are God’s min isters; and to the powers that be, which are ordained of God. Obedience is but self-government in action; and he can never govern men who does not govern first him self. Only obedient men can make a state. —Masseling’s Ideals of Hero ism and Patriotism. COUNTRY HOME CONVENIENCES LETTER SERIES No. 26 THE BUSINESS OF HOME MAKING ment in democratic technique can be un dertaken without a full appreciation of the meaning of instincts and emotions. Social psychiatry and mental hygiene, the psychology of morale, the relation of eificiency to happiness, special forms of mental deficiency and disorder, etc., wiU be dealt with. Community Life While the isolation of the family con stitutes one of the big problems of ru ral life, especially in America, it is nevertheless true that even the most isolated of rural families has a number of community interests or ties: the school, the church, the farmers’ union, the common trading center, all play an an important part in the life of every individual in such a family, and it is the business of every social worker to en rich this community life, and to bring it within the reach of every individual with whom he deals. There will be considered, therefore, the voluntary groupings of society and and their comparative importance, es pecially in the case of the vocational as contrasted with the geographic group ings. The modern development of com munity organization as a means of both enabling individuals to meet their o-wn needs cooperatively and of revivifying their- relation to government, local, state, or national, will be studied as necessary parts of the social worker’s training. Under this heading will be the fol lowing courses: Recreation and Dramatics. One term. Three hours a week. Recreation as a means of developing potential personality, together with the study of definite recreational activities such as community drama, folk plays, and motion pictures, both as media of expression and as factors in the finan cial support of community programs. Technique of Community Organization. Two terms. Two and three hours a week respectively. Largely a seminar course for the dis cussion of the development of the group as a social phenomenon, of forces which discourage group life and of prevailing methods of community organization, as, for example, the school center, the com munity council, the farm bureau, etc. National and State Voluntary Agencies. Two terms. One hour a week. This course aims to acquaint the stu dent with the resources which are of fered by the various social and philan thropic agencies of the state and na tion. As far as practicable, these lec tures will be given by the executives or field agents of these organizations in person. Public Health This course will be given largely in connection with other courses, fitting in with a study of state, community, and family at points where the func tions of those units make, or ought to make, for public health. A supplement ary series of lectures will cover the newer knowiege of nutrition, the rela tion of diet to health and disease, the deficiency diseases, the preventable dis eases, food spoilage and intoxication, j^ygj0j^0 and sanitation, exercise and recreation, and health prophylaxis. History of the Community. One term. Three hours a week. A study of organized group life on Progressive business firms are con tinually on the look out for new methods and devices that will perfect and in crease the output of their concerns as well as develop smoothly working or ganizations. The typewriter, up-to-date filing systems, mimeographing and ad dressing machines have done much to promote office efficiency while'numerous inventions for doing the work formerly done by hand have revolutionized mod ern industry. Wide awake business men realize that improvements and con veniences in their firms not only are of tremendous value in dollars and cents but the indirect benefits are equally as greater even greater. Healthy, well trained and contented workmen are secured and retained in such establish ments. People like to- work in the healthful atmosphere of a modern con cern and well trained workers stay with the firm which has trained them. The home is just as much a place of business as the office, factory, or store. This is particularly true of the farm home. The business and home life of the farmer and his family are so closely associated that it is impossible to tell where one leaves oif and the other com mences. The farm is the big work shop of nature audit is up to, every farmer to put aside a certain percentage of his income each year to improve the living and working conditions of his business. Modern machinery and electric service guarentee efficient work and are paying investments. Labor-saving, profit^ pro ducing devices should be regarded as so much currency with which to buy efficiency. Electricity in the home makes housekeeping light housekeeping while electric help in the dairy and barns is invaluable. Hired help of the best sort is also attracted and retained on the up-to-date farm. This is an age of efficiency and rival ry and a farmer who is not prepared to compete with his neighbor who has ev ery modern appliance to assist in grow ing and harvesting large crops, in rais ing better cattle and in having better dairy products will soon find out that he has not only failed as a business man, but, handicapped with incompetent or insufficient hired help, inadequate machinery and no modern conveniences, he may even be forced to struggle for his very existence.—A. N. geographic, race, and vocational bases, covering types of organizations from the beginning of the history of civiliza tion with comparative study of present day communities. Cooperative Movement. One term. Three hours a week. A descriptive and critical study of the cooperative movement with a special emphasis on the Irish, Danish, and Rus sian experiments, and the beginnings of American cooperative organization. Administration In order to equip students for positions of an executive character the curricu lum will include a section dealing in some detail with the administrative side of social work. Under tfiis head will be considered committee-organization, par liamentary practice as applied to the conduct of group activities, and the du ties of officers, with special reference to the functions of a secretary. Statistical methods, the collection and interpretation of quantitative social data, the use and meaning of records, cost accounting systems, and the gen eral management of a business office will be included. The conduct of finan cial compaigns, and other methods of | money raising will also be considered, with special emphasis on community self-support in social effort. Another important topic will be the analysis of the various forms of pub licity as a means of informing the pub lic of the needs and achievements of social work. The following courses are offered: Statistical Methods. The use of quantative data in social work. How to recognize facts and how to interpret them. Record-keeping and the use of recorded information. Cost accounting, budget making, etc. A demonstration of a social agency. Administration and Management. Business methods as applied to social service administration. Office manage ment, filing, etc. Publicity financial campaigns and federated finance. The organization of communities and the elements of parliamentary practice. Social Research. The entire second year work of each student will be grouped around some special interest requiring intensive field work and research. The research ' will be laboratory and statistical as well as field study. There will be utilized such experts at the University or outside as may be necessary for each special study. The new bulletin of the School of Public Welfare will soon he ready for distribution. Address Dr. Howard W. Odum, director. Chapel Hill, N. C. best can material wealth be converted into human welfare. North Carolina now stands fourth in the value of agricultural products, hav ing produced last year the enormous total farm wealth of $683,000,000. Her taxable resources now stand at over three billion dollars. The federal taxes, mostly from tobacco products, amount to approximately $170,000,000 a year. These figures ought not to mean ex travagance in the use of state revenues, but they ought to mean an end of par simony made necessary by poverty. In the past North Carolina people of forward vision have had to be content with dreams of what the state might do if ever the burden of poverty could be lifted. The devastation of four years’ war was for two decades a heavy hand icap to progress; the people grew ac customed to small thinking in education, business, community advancement. It has taken time to live down that herit age. But the natural resources were here, undeveloped; the native capacity for leadership was present. This gen eration has therefore a great op portunity to advance the state in the utilization of those community resources that are not found alone in rich lands and valuable forests and mines. The people themselves are the proper study of statesmen and lawgivers. Several fundamental developments may be expected to follow the reform of the tax system, provided that reform is completed by the voters in the No vember election. There must be a state system of hard surface roads; the school teachers must have adequate salaries; there must be more reformatories and sanatoriums for the unfortunate. There is now in session at Chapel Hill a school that will send out leaders for a new era in commnnity organiza tion and development. The central high schoool in the rural township will become a center of social life as well as the seat of learning. Community en tertainments, games,'contests; home comforts and conveniences; farm ma chinery-all these things will be the subjects which school, farm and home agent and county welfare supervisor will bring out of the cloisters of theory and put to the test of daily life’s needs. It would seem that we can in the com ing ten years make any sort of state j history that we desire. And the Uni versity Community Service school' is I training the leaders of the next great North Carolina renaissance.—The Ashe- j ville Citizen. / MATERIAL FOR PROGRESS Demonstration that the state is worth two billion dollars more in taxable re sources than was shown a year ago will not cause North Carolinians to ask what they shall do with so much money, but it may well put them to thinking how j A LIVE BANK ■ The Farm Service Department of the : Farmers Bank & Trust Company of ! B orest City has begun to issue a month ly bulletin entitled. Farm Service ' Department News. Mr. C. C. ’ Proffitt is editor-in-chief. The bulletin is sent free to all patrons of the bank and I others who ask for it. It is a neat little . sheet, full of good information for farm- ! ers and should be in every farm home in the county. The bank is to be high ly commended for its progressivehess. —The Rutherford Sun. It 'N ."1 ! i