The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina Press for the Univer sity Extension Division. JANUARY 21, 1923 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. IX, NO. 10 BJItorlal Buard » B. 0. 3raucio:i,S. H. Hobbi, .Tr., L. R. 'Wilson. E. W. Knight, D. D. Carroll, J.B. BttUitt, H. W. Odnm. Entered as second-class matter November 14,1914, at the PostofBce at Chapel Hill, N. 0 , nnder the act of Augnstri^, 161* BUSINESS IN CAIOLIMA IM 1922 A BILLION OF NEW WEALTH First and fundamentally, the volume of brand new wealth created in North Carolina in 1922 amounted all told to nearly one and one third billion dollars, at farm and factory prices, as follows: Manufactured products, $832,000,000; crops, livestock, and livestock products, $410,000,000; woodlot and forest pro ducts, $70,200,000; mines and quarries, $2,500,000; fish and oysters; $2,000,000. The total is more than three times that of 1915—1317 million against 402 million dollars. In a single year we created more than a third as much wealth as we have accumulated on our tax books in two hundred and fifty years. It averaged nearly five hundred dollars per inhabitant in 1922, counting men, women, and children of both races, or $2,600 per family. No other state in the South begins to approach North Carolina in her per capita production of new wealth, and in the total annual output only seven states of the Union stand'above her. Second. Despite the drop in market prices, the total farm wealth produced in the state in 1922 is more than twice the total of 1910—$410,000,000 against $175,000,000. We produced 75,000 bales of cotton more than in 1921, aiid climbed to the fourth place in the cotton-belt South. The average advance of cotton and tobacco prices throughout the sea son gave to the farmers, the merchants, and bankers of the state sixty-seven million dollars in cash more than the year before. As a result, North Caro lina is paying back the eight-million dollar agricultural loan of the War Finance Corporation faster than any other state in the Union. Third. Our mills and factories have been running on full time almost with out exception. Factory prices are less, but the volume of manufactured goods is greatly increased and the volume of wages is scarcely lessened. New mills are being built all over the state. The new spindles to be set going in North Carolinain 1923number 550,000, which is more than two-thirdsof thenew spindles of the entire South. Thedemand for la bor in our factory and building trades and in highway construction has been steady throughout the year just closed, and at no time has unemployment been a serious problem in North Carolina, as in the Great Industrial area north and east and in the boll-weevil states south. Fourth. These are the fundamental facts that explain our four hundred eighteen millions of bank resources, our one hundred sixteen millions of bank account savings, our investment of an additional twenty-seven millions in motor cars in 1922, our ability to own one hundred forty-six million dollars’ worth of automobiles and trucks, and passed by Pennsylvania alone. During the last eighteen months we have built 1377 miles of hard-surfaced and other types of dependable roads, and have spent for this purpose nineteen million dollars in round numbers. In public school support we have moved up from six million to twenty million dollars in ten years. In twenty years we have moved up from one to twenty million dollars in public school maintenance money. At last North Carolina is establish ing her state institutions of charities and corrections,, liberal learning and technical training, on a basis of ade quacy. Which is to say. North Caro lina is at last minded to base her fu ture on the intelligence, the skill, and the character of her people. It is these a- lone that can make a state great. The steadfast belief of North Carolina in herself is far more important than the applause of listening multitudes in oth er states. It makes history faster. OUR FEDERAL TAXES 1922 One hundred twenty-two million four hundred thirteen thousand dollars is the total collected in North Carolina in 1921-22 by thu Internal Revenue Bureau, mainly as taxes on profits, incomes, capital stocl: and inheritances. Only seven states of the Union paid more federal taxes, namely, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Mas sachusetts, Ohio, and California. Since 1939, we have moved ahead of New Jersey and Missouri, and our rank is now eighth instead of tenth. Fifth in crop-producing power, and eighth in federal tax-paying power— that’s the record of North Carolina in 1922. As for the South, our rank is first. The table is as follows for the year ending June 30, 1922: 1 North Carolina $122,413,000 2 Texas 52,348,000 3 Virginia 46,596,000 4 Kentucky 33,122,000 5 Louisiana 22,754,000 6 Tennessee 21,796^00 7 Georgia 20,989,000 8 Oklahoma 3 8,402,000 9 . Florida 14,320,000 10 Alabama 11,464,000 11 South Carolina 13,447,000* 12 Arkansas 6,979,000 13 Mississippi 4,640,000 Arkansas Mississippi Texas and Virginia are our nearest competitors in the South in federal tax totals paid in 1922, but North Carolina paid more than both of them together —twenty-three million dollars more. We paid more than the rest of the South Atlantic states combined—Vir ginia, South Carolina, Georgia, andFlor- I ida—twenty-nine million dollars more. We paid more than the five Gulf to buy seventy-five million gallons of' together, Texas included gasoline in twelve months. They ex- i - seventeen million dollars more, plain the greatly increased activity of I enough taxes to the federal our building and loan associations, and ■ government in one year to keep our the erection of residence.s. warehouses, p*’;‘f/overnnient going for ten years, factories, hotels, and office buildings everywhere. They also ex'Jilain our a- bilitytopay one hundred twenty-two*ho are bearing the million dollar s into the federal treasury ; “ovo in 1922 as taxes on profits, incomes, and ' s^^te taxes to the state at present than inheritances, and only seven states paid vest of us put togetlier; and, as more. These are large figures, and Governor Morrison says, they are doing they have given the state a large place Iv'“*’out a kick or a whine anywhere. in the mind of the tradespeople and en Jit institutions the country over. The 1-.., uling men talk them far and wide, JOHN SMITH TENANT \:ik. the bankers of America do nut j How John Smith—Tenant lives, .what hoo.tate to take our public bonds at a. - ^ ^as to live on in a mid-state Caro- pieuii.uu. I county, his ideals and hopes and ruth. But even more significant is | luvel of life, the chances of helping him the deep and abiding impression these ‘ into farm ownership, and the feasible facts have made upon North Carolina | ways of help, make a bulletin of fifty h(-r:^;;lf. Not natural resources but,^ pages and charts, by J. A. Dickey of ^ make a state. The abounding, Alamance county and E. C. Branson, natural resources and possibilities of ■ Kenan Professor of Rural Social Eco- North Carolina were all here in Governor j nornics at the University of North Ca- Drummond’s day; but only within thejrolina. GASOLINE AND CULTURE The total value of church and school property in North Carolina after two and a half centuries of history is $80,000,000, as follows: Church property, all denominations $40,000,000 Public school property.... 25,000,000 College property, church and state 15,000,000 Total church and school property $80,000,000 Motor cars and trucks, on Jan. 1, 1923 $146,000,000 Which is to say, in two hundred and fifty years the people of North Carolina have been willing to invest in church and school properties eigh ty million dollars. But in the last ten years we have invested nearly twice as many millions in motor cars and trucks. Last year our automobiles and trucks moved up from 148,639 to 182,400 in number—an increase of nearly 34,000. Reckoned at the average authorized by the state automobile bureau the new cars we bought last year cost us twenty- seven million dollars. Which is to say, in a single year we spent nearly twice as much on motor cars as we have been willing to invest in col lege properties, church and state, in two and a half centuries. Here are comparisons that are odorous or odious—Shakespeare’s famous phrase reads both ways, and both apply to the comparisons we are offering. The point is, whichever phrase we choose, there is manifestly a lot of loose change in North Carolina—far more than anywhere else in the South, barring only the oil-well states in the south-west; and we are spend ing it in multiplied' millions year by year in North Carolina. We even had twenty-five millions for Blue Sky artists selling fake oil stocks and other wild-cat paper dur ing the last three years, says Hon. Stacy Wade, our State Insurance Commissioner.—E. C. Branson. proposed solution of the problem in North Carolina, make a bulletin of 220 pages, issued by the Extension Divi sion of the University of North Caro lina, under the editorship of E. C. Branson, Kenan Professor of Rural Social Economics. It is the 1921-22 Year-Book of the North Carolina Club at the University. It is now in the hands of the printers, and will be mailed out within the next three weeks. It will be sent free of charge to any North Carolinian who writes for it, and to others for $1.00. As usual the edition is small and the thoughtful students who want it will need to apply at once to C. D. Snell, Extension Director, or to E. C. Bran son, Chapel Hill, N. C. The chapters are as follows: • 1. Foreword.—E. C. Branson. 2. Farm Tenancy in the United States. —S. H. Hobbs, Jr. 3. The Landless Farmer in North Ca rolina.—A. M. Moser. 4. The Homeless Multitude in Urban Areas.—J. G. Gullick. 6. Home Ownership in Industrial Communities. —S. O. Bondurant. 6. Causes of Tenancy—Town and Country.—C. R. Edney. 7. The Status of the Farm Tenant: In Europe and the United States. Liv ing Standards in North Carolina.—Miss Eugenia Bryant. 8. How Farm Tenants Live in Mid- State Carolina.—J. A. Dickey and E. C. Branson. 9. The Effects of Home and Farm Ownership.-F. A. Grissette. 10. Farm Tenantry in North Carolina. —Hon, J. W.'Bailey. 11. Bank Account Savings in North Carolina.—R, F. Marshburn. 12. Cooperative Credit Unions. —Miss Bertha Austin. 13. Cooperative Marketing.-J. Osier Bailey. 14. Building and Loan Associations. —J. r. Trotter. 15. The Church and Landless Men.— • L. G. Wilson and E. C. Branson. 16 Federal Aid for Landless Men.— P. A. Peavis, Jr. 17. State-Aid to Farm Ownership. — S. H, Hobbs, Jr. 18. Promoting Home and Farm Own ership in the British Isles.—Miss Kath erine Woodrow. 19. State-Aid to Farm Ownership in Australia. —W. E. White. 20. Helping Men to Own Farms in America.-Miss A. 0. Cato. 21. The California Way and a Pro posed Plan for North Carolina.-J. A. Dickey. FARM PROPERTY IN NORTE CAROLINA Average Per Farm in 1920 Based on the 1920 Census of Agriculture, and covoring U) farm lands and buildings, (2) livestock, and (3) farm machinery, tools, ana implements. The values are greatly decreased since 1920, hut the decreases are fairly uniform the state and the nation over, and the-vfore the rank of the counties re- mains practically unchanged. North Carolina average $4,634; United States average $12,084. Porty-two states make a better showing in the value of farm property per .farm Only four states have more farms than North Carolina, but twenty states have a greater total of farm property. The South is at a disadvantage in this com parison because small areas cultivated by renters and croppers are recorded as farms in the census. The differences in rank of the counties lie mainly (1) in the farm popula' tion per square mile, (2) in the richness of soil and its adaptability to cash-crop farming, (3) in the percent of farm land under cultivation, (4) in the presence of large nearby-market towns, good transportation and the like, (6) in the value of farm buildings, (6) in the quantity and quality of livestock, and (7) in the ahiount and value of farm implements and machinery. S. H. Jr. Department of Rural Social Economics. University of North Carolina Iasi forty years has the state begun to cash them in—mainly within the last fouryears. Thebestevidence thatastate believes in herself lies in her willing ness to invest in public education, pub lic health, and public highways as in- tlispensable foundations of common wealth progress and prosperity. In public health work we rank among the twelve foremost states of the Union, and we have moved foward in this field faster than any other American state. In public highway building we are sur It will be ready for the mails within the next ten days, and it will be sent free of charge to any North Carolinian who writes for it. The charge for peo ple outside the state is fifty cents. The edition is small, and thoughtful students of a fundamental problem in the South will need to apply for it promptly. It reports and interprets the results of a field study in the three summer months of 1922. The chapters are as follows: 1. The Money They Live on. 2. A Close-up Study of John Smith, Tenant. 3. The Tenancy Area Surveyed. 4. Living on Twenty-three cents a day. 5. Farm Classes: Owners, Renters, and Croppers. 6. What They Own and the Money They Handle. 7. Property Levels—Chart. . 8'. Cash Income Levels—Chart. 9. The Social Estate of Tenant Class es. 10. The ^Hornes They Live in. 11. Health Conditions. 12. Schools and School Influences: Chart of Renter Levels, Chart of Crop per Levels. 13. Churches and Church Influences: Church Attendance and Membership, Sunday School Attendance—Chart. 14. What Farm Tenants Read. 15. Social Occasions and Contacts. 16. Helping Tenants into Farm Ownership: Who Can and Who Cannot be helped. 17. State-Aid to Landless Farmers. 18. Self-Help Agencies and Qualities. 19. The Place of Legislation. 20. Obstacles to Home and Farm Ownership. 21. Constructive Suggestions. HOME AND FARM OWNERS Home and farm ownership in the state, the nation, and other countries of the world, the rapidly increasing multitude of landless, homeless men in every country of Christendom, the causes and consequences of tenancy town and country, the attack upon this problem in other states and coun tries—in particular in California, and a Rank Counties Property Per Farm 1 Wayne $8,296 2 Scotland 7,966 3 Greene 7,616 4 Pitt 7,569 5 Lenoir 7,435 6 Nash 7,406 7 Edgecombe 7,113 8 Wilson 7,003 9 F n^yth 6,153 10 Robeson 5,884 11 Johnston 6,800 12 Martin 6,729 ' 13 Hoke 6,680 14' New Hanover 6,673 IB Guilford 5,576 16 Gaston 6,524 17 Sampson 6,499 18 Beaufort 6,440 39 Hertford 6,417 20 Jones 6,363 21 Rowan 6,341 22 Buncombe i 7 j23 Alleghany 5,180 124 H'arnett 6,127 I 25 Cleveland 6,107 126 Halifax 5,088 I 27 Wake 6,050 I 28 Mecklenburg 5,049 i 29 - Cumberland 5,031 Iso Haywood 4,962 31 Vance 4,913 32 Pasquotank 4,906 33 Chowan 4,882 34 Iredell ’..... 4,799 35 ' Cabarrus 4,700 36 Richmond 4,664 37 Hyde 4,624 38 Craven 4,681 39 Washington 4,649 40 Watauga 4,456 41 Currituck 4,433 42 Catawba 4,414 43 Duplin 4,403 44 Davidson 4,326 46 Granville 4,301 46 Yadkin 4,289 47 Ashe 4,204 48 Lincoln 4,192 49 Person 4,147 50 Franklin 4,114 Rank Coufities Rockingham.. Davie Gates . Surry Moore Lee - . !ico ■iuud--rson Bertie Durham Union Orange. Stokes Ranaolph Alamance Casweil Northampton Camden Staiilj Columbus... . Caidv.'cll Bla.-n. Cm- - t.. ‘ • *■ •. ivariia mans Property Per Farm $4,(57 4,036 4,0l0 4,019 4,‘'('6 :^,9hu -. 3,956 3.950 3.946 - o,.''3i 3.814 .. J,?,"'! . .i,i72 3.:6-i 3,760 .. IWlL- 3. 5 8.54 3.301 3.21z 78 :,o.. ..w 79 Aise.ri 30 Chatham 31 Bura'-i — 82 Clay .. 83 1C.. , ' ■ ■C'' . 3.1H6 33 ' . 3,084 . 8,01)8 87 He iitgamery .... 2 893 83 muc..y ■; aiqa 89 i'Lui'Sun 2 7''4 90 Brunswick 2 .5‘’‘9 91 Aveiy 92 McDowell ... 2 457 93 Mi:.j‘...|l 2,438 9^ I/' ' ' 2,401 95 - k:..jn 2,369 99 ■' . 2,236 97 Mucon 2,222 Swain 2,103 99 Graham i gg4 100 Cherokee l'766

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