The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina Press for the Univer sity Extension Division. MARCH 14, 1923 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. IX, NO. 17 Bditorial Boardt E. C, Branson, S. H. Hobbs, Jr., L. R. Wilson. E. W. Knight, D. D. Carroll, J. B. Bullitt. H. W. Odum. Entered as second-class matter November 14,1914, at thePostofficeat Chapel Hill, N. C., under the act of August 24, 1912 THE NEW NORTH STATE Once it was the Old North State—a sweet memory, a pathetic lament—the Rip Van Winkle state, asleep for two full centuries. Now it is the New North State—a- wake at last, wide awake—refreshed and renewed by her long sleep—vigor ous, and aflame with the early morning visions of youth—boastful—blatant, if you please—chock-full of bla-bla and blurb, after the manner of a robust, two-fisted male youngster in the pin feather stage of development—con scious of his power and immodestly boastful. North Carolina is actually beginning to believe in herself and to boast of herself gracelessiy, for all the world like Atlanta. Chicago the Atlanta of the West, was The Constitution head line when Cleveland reached the Windy City in his Swing Around the Circle in the days of his presidency. Atlanta has been the butt of many a merry jest. She’s shameless in her boasting. Henry Grady began it and the very kids keep it up. It is the spirit of indestructible youth, and youth wins. Atlanta proves it. California proves it. And in particular Los Ange les. Los Angeles bonds herself a hundred parochial—which are polite terms for ignorance of what is happening in the big wide world beyond her borders. So here’s to the New North State. The old-age son of Sarah the barren. The bottle-fed boy brought up by Mur- phey and Morehead—schooled by Wiley, Mclver, Noble, Alderman, Graham, Claxton, Joyner, and Brooks—and licked into lustiness by Vance, Ay cock, Bickett, and Morrison! Who is now as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoicing as a strong man to run a race. May he forever be rich in purse and poor in spirit! Always abounding in wealth and in willingness to devote it to the common weal and the common wealth ! THE UNIVERSITY SERVES The University of North Carolina is fast developing into that great servant of the state Edward K. Graham would have made it had he lived. The vision of the brilliant young college president is being fulfilled. The University is touching every section of the state. Its several activities are many and varied. The student body activities are only a part of the manifold ramifications of the University. Its extension depart- i ment reaches every county and nearly j dollars per inhabitant, spends thirty 1 every community in the state, accord-! millions on a water-supply system, and , to the report of President Chase, j twelve millions more on a man-made j Extension service has been both i harbor twelve miles away. She stands | freely offered and accepted in North i right up and blows about it, pictures it; Carolina, according to the report, j in the magazines the world around, and hundred and three communities she doubles her population and quad- „ere reached by one or more forms of ! Tuples her wealth in a single decade. ^ the department. These contacts ranged North Carolina multiplies her public , f^Qm sending out a book or package school fund twenty times over in twen-, library to a teacher trying to improve ty years, spends forty-two million dol- j herself in some particular subject, lars in two years on public school build-1 through correspondence courses in sub- ings, equipments and support, one : j^^ts of the regular university curric- hundred and twenty-two millions of, uJuni, to summer session lectures and federal, state, and local money on pub lie highways, and pays another one; physicians, twenty-two millions of' KNOW NORTH CAROLINA She’s in the Public Eye North Carolina is in the public eye. Everywhere people are talking about the amazing progress of the Old North State. One of the promi nent officials with the Rexall people in convention at Charlotte this week gave voice to this sentiment when he said: “North Carolina, as our Tar Heels may have heard who are staying at home instead of running away to other states, is just now very much in the public eye. You at home here do not appreciate, perhaps, the outside view of North Carolina and the astonishing change of opinion which the outside world has formed of your state in the past few years. Everywhere you hear people speak ing of its development, its great wealth, its potential wealth, and its bright prospects for the future. “You of course understand that people at the head of big business enterprises keep a sharp lookout to see where progress and prosperity is located on the business map and there’s many a man outside of your state who has intimate and accurate knowledge of how North Carolina has waked up in the past few years and is almost leading the van of progress, if not being entitled to lead the procession.”—Gastonia Ga zette. I ities in an extension of the MacRae and Brown ideas. Its report will unques tionably give strength to the prospect for the Giles bill, for that measure will make it possible to do in each of the one hundred counties of the state what has been done by these enterprising pioneers in a nest of eastern counties. There is an abundance of idle acres/ and for these the need is not for ten ants, but for farm-owners. The idea of the Giles bill is to help the industri ous to ownership of a small farm under a plan which would establish the few est hardships, and if the Legislature can catch the idea from what has been done in the vicinity of Wilmington, it will find its way to doing the state a service of inestimable value.—Charlotte Observer. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES A study just made of the records of the Bureau of Correspondence Instruc tion of the University shows that this bureau is giving formal instruction by mail in all but twenty-one counties of the state. Modern developments in educational work now make it possible for those who cannot go to college to the money needed to improve the school grounds, the agent visited the school. She found a very fine up-to-date new school building. She made notes as usual on local conditions and these were used in drawing up the plans which the local authorities are now carrying out. Just after the town of Selma had completed her excellent school building, replacing th^ new one which burned two years ago, a study and plan of the grounds was made. This plan was sub mitted on October 20 and thej^work of improvement started. The report makes it clear’ that the rural and small-town schools were not neglected by this Bureau, for’Jthe field agent made visits to Gray's Creek School located in Cumberland county and Daniels’s Chapel School in Wayne County. Gray’s Creek has a new school located in a fine grove of trees with six acres ‘ of cleared land back of the building for play grounds. Besides the plan°submitted for the beautification of the school grounds, Professor H. D. Meyer was called upon and prepared a plan for a playground to be laid outjiin the cleared space. At Daniels’s Chapel, Mrs. Math- I . . . . , erly attended a community meeting and receive some instruction and training i . „ .. i.- 1 made a talk on the subject of Commun ity Development. She made a study hundred and taxes into the federal treasury on in comes, profits, estates and the like in a single year. But sh-h-h! Nobody must mention it! It’s immodest to say a word about it! North Carolina begins—barely be gins—to cash-in the immense assets that lie in her soils and seasons, forests and water-falls, mines and factories; and just as she begins, her fervor is chilled by the charge that she is im moderate and unabashed in her boast ing. It was a Californian who said at Long Beach in 1921, North Carolina has got California beat a mile, and doesn’t know it. But North Carolina does know it in 1923 and she means to let the world know it. It has taken her two centuries to de velop gumption, grace, and grit enough to lay down the foundations of a great commonwealth in public education, pub lic health, and public highways. And she has the courage of her convictions. She does not mean to hide her light under a bushel measure but to set it on a candlestick right out in the open for ail the world to see. The people of North Carolina know— at least they have been told often e- nough to know—that we are building good roads faster than any other state in the Union, Pennsylvania alone ex cepted; but also that our improved highways do not yet reach the total mileage of good roads in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Peimsylvania, or California. And they know, too, that the twenty million dollars we are spending on pub lic schools this year is four times the sum we were spending for this purpose ten years ago; but also that we are still far behind the Middle Western states in public-school support. And that in legislative appropriations for college culture, thirty-five states make a better showing than North Carolina. The University News Letter exhibited the facts away back yonder in July 1922. The state has not lost her sense of perspective. She is not swasfabuckler- ing, but she is doing great things of late and she’s proud of them. She can display ker wares, but she need not do it like Simple Simon of Uother Goose fame. She need not be provincial and come from the land. They are a nation of intensive farmers who, like the good servants in the parable of the talents, ! have taken what the Master has given clinics out in the state for practicing | them and by brains, industry, and busi- I ness efficiency have multiplied it many The report gives these figures which | fold. They have thrown off .the shac- are interesting: j kies of the nobles, reduced the gi*eat 356 enrollments were received for ■ estates to small holdings, and by scien- ; by means of the correspondence meth od. This bureau at the University has one young man taking courses by mail, who, because he is crippled, has been confined in his bed for years. He is studying English Composition and Busi ness English and writes that these courses are helping him in an advertis ing business which he has started. There are now 288 students taking correspondence instruction in various subjects. These students are distribu ted in 79 counties of the state as fol lows: Alamance 8, Alleghany 1, An son 1, Ashe 2, Avery 1, Beaufort 2, Bladen 2, Brunswick 1, Buncombe 11, Burke 4, Cabarrus 6, Caldwell 2, Car teret 1, Catawba 4, Chatham 2, Chero kee 3, Chowan 1, Cleveland 1, Colum bus 2, Craven 2, Cumberland 1, David son 4, Davie 1, Duplin 1, Durham 13, Edgecombe 6, Forsyth 6, Franklin 2, Gaston 10, Granville 17, Guilford 16, of both the school and church grounds and later presented a plan for their development. Other schools for which plans for beautifying the surroundings were made according to Dr. Coker's report are: Haw River, Morehead City, Holly Springs, and Louisburg College. In addition to the regular services, special services, such as ^bulletins fur nished and letters of advice written, were rendered to a number of schools, among them being Winston-Salem, Ivy, Rose Hill, and Edenton.—Press Item, University Extension Division. FOLK PLAYS IN CAROLINA According to the quarterly report just made by Miss Elizabeth Taylor, field agent for the Bureau of Commun ity Drama, the bureau rendered field correspondence-study courses from 262 students in 79 counties. 200 physicians took the 1922 summer post-graduate medical course in 12 centers of the state. 166 students enrolled in extension classes in 6 cities. 188 lectures given by University speakers scheduled through the Exten sion Division. 58,060 people heard at least one Uni versity lecture. 16,000 homes received the University News Letter every week during the two-year period. 101,860 educational bulletins were printed and sent out. 6,500 high schools students took part in the State championship debating and athletic contest organised by the Ex tension Division. 780 people were reached by the Bu reau of Design and Improvement of School Grounds. 2.600 requests for educational infor mation were taken care of by the School of Education. 5,286 members of women’s clubs studied programs prepared by the Ex tension Division. 3,264 package libraries were sent up on request. 860 people were reached by the field work of the School of Commerce. 4,263 letters were written in answer to requests for general information. 1,740 people were reached by the extension service of the School of Pub lic Welfare. 660 play-books and pageants were sent out upon request by the Bureau of Community Drama. 7.600 people were served by the work of the Bureau of Community Music. 7,800 letters requesting information about North Carolina were given atten tion by the Department of Rural Social- Economics.—Gastonia Gazette. I Halifax S. Harnett 1, Haywood 1, Hen- i to five communities, sent out . TT . c r-r , . ^ _ nnon rarinxcf ISR nloTT WHERE FARMERS ARE RICH Look at the Danes of today. They are one of the richest, healthiest, and I believe the happiest people of the whole world. They stand high in educa tion and culture. The great success of the Danes has tific farming and stock raising have made every one of their 260,000 farms produce exports which average $60 month all the year through. This is so although more than half of the farms average only thirteen acres apiece. The land not only supports the farmers themselves and gives the country its food, but it yields also exports equal to seventeen dollars per annum for every farm acre. This the Danes have done by team work in which the whole nation has gone into the harness and labored to gether. They have studied their land and the markets and raised only the things they could produce at a profit. When Denmark found that its soil and limited area were such that it could not com pete with the United States and other lands in the production of oats, wheat, rye, barley and such crops, she did not sit down and whine and ask other coun tries to help her, but only buckled in her waist belt to make her stomach the smaller, counted her assets, and figured out what she could do. She did not even ask her government to help her by protective tariffs but every one did his part, and all worked together. She had several great thinkers among her people, and with them in time she she planned out a scheme of agricultur al production that has made the whole country rich.—Frank G. Carpenter, News and Observer. THE SHALL FARM The Observer has been inclined to fa vor the passage of the Giles bill because it has believed this bill would operate to the development of farm work in a manner so successfully demonstrated in the systems prosecuted by Mr. Hugh MacRae and Senator Joe Brown, in New Hanover, Columbus and adjacent counties, where thrifty colonization has been established. The foundation upon which this work has been built is the small farm, and means provided by which the farmer may finance himself into ownership. It was to have been anticipated that the legislative com mittee sent on a mission of personal observation of the working of this sys tem, would return to Raleigh measur ably impressed with the great possibil- derson 1, Hoke 2, Hyde 1, Iredell 6, Johnson 3, Lee 1, Lenoir 1, Lincoln 3, Madison 2, Martin 4, McDowell 2, Mecklenburg 12, Moore 2, Nash 2, New Hanover 6, Northampton 2, Orange 17, Pasquotank 2, Perquimans 1, Person 4, Pitt 3, Polk 1, Randolph 6, Richmond 2, Robeson 2, Rockingham 5, Rowan 7, Rutherford 4, Sampson 2, Stanly 1, Surry 2, Swain 4, Transylvania 1, Tyr rell 1, Union 2, Vance 1, Wake 14, War ren 8, Washington 2, Wayne 7, Wilkes 2, Wilson 6, Yadkin 1, Yancey 1.—Press Item, University Extension Division. HELPING THE SCHOOLS Eight schools scattered throughout the state were aided during the last ten weeks by the Extension Bureau of Design and Improvement of School Grounds, according to the report of Dr. W. C. Coker, head of the Depart ment of Botany at the State Universi ty. The schools visited by Mrs. W. J. Matherly, field agent for the Bureau, were Salem, Morehead City, Gray’s Creek, Holly Springs, Haw River, Daniels’s Chapel, Black Creek, and Louisburg College. Besides his scientific research work in Botany, for which he is widely known, and in addition to the regular teaching program of the department, Dr. Coker finds time to apply some of his expert knowledge to the needs of the state. This he does by taking charge of the activities of the Bureau of Design and Improvement of School Grounds. All designs and planting plans are made by Dr. Coker himself with the assistance of Mrs. Matherly, who then inks in the designs. From these ink sketches blue prints are made and furnished to the schools free of charge. Before the design can be made, the school must be visited by the field agent who makes notes on the size and shape of the area, kind of soil, general topography, position of the school house and of all the other permanent objects as trees, wells, other houses, etc., and collects pictures of the cam pus. These notes are then used when the plans are drawn up at Chapel Hill. The report shows that, at the re- upon request 136 play books and 61 pack ages, and gave direction for producing 13 home-talent plays by correspon dence. The report mentions five commun ities in which Miss Taylor made visits upon request in order to give assistance in putting on pageants and home-talent plays. At Henrietta and Caroleen she taught folk plays and atthe former place made two talks at the high school on amateur play production. The school teachers of Franklin county under the direction of Profes sor Frederick H. Koch, head of the community drama bureau, wrote and produced a pageant of Franklin county. Miss Taylor took complete charge of the production. The reports show that Miss Taylor was called on and took charge of pro ducing the Christmas community pa geant at Draper and assisted in the St. Mary’s pageant at Raleigh. The total number of days spent in coaching dur ing the fall quarter in the various com munities was 27. The report is concluded with a state ment that it is ^thought that a native folk drama is gradually being produced in North Carolina through the efforts of the Carolina Playmakers who have just returned to Chapel Hill from another successful tour of cities in the eastern part of the state,—Press Item, Univer sity Extension Division. YOUR HOME TOWN FIRST Work for your own town. Beautify it. Improve it. Make it attractive. The world war and the Treaty of Peace, the Protective Tariff and all such things, are important subjects, but what’s the good of cleaning up the world unless you sweep your own door steps? The best advertisement of your busi ness is the town you live in. Towns get reputations, as well as men. Make your town talk all over the state. It will thus draw people. And where the people come there is pros perity. Rid your town of one eyesore after another. Clean up the vacant lots and plant them in gardens. Make a clut- i.u Di 1 i-. 1 i. 1 V J ; tered yard a disgrace. Make public quest of the Black Creek school board I opinion too hot for those who will not which indicated that it would provide help.—The Franklin Times.