The iiews in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Division. FEBRUARY 18, 1925 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. SHE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. XI, NO. 14 K.iitorlal Bi>artli £3. C. Branaoa. S. H, Hobbs, Jr.. L. R. Wilson, B. W. EDi?bt. D. O. Carroll, J. B.Ballitt. H, W. Odum. Entered as aecend-clasa matter November 14, 1914, at tbePoBtofflce at Chapel Hill, N. C., under the act of Auffust 24. 1912 HOW RICH IS NORTH CAROLINA? WHAT IS OUR TRUE WEALTH The answer is four and a half billion dollars, or so it was on December 31, 1922, according to a Census Bureau re port (Estimated National Wealth) re cently mailed out to the public—a thin little bulletin of thirty-four pages, the preface of which is the best brief chapter in print on the true wealth of the states of the Union. Bulk totals alone considered. North Carolina stands somewhere near the middle of the column with twenty states making a better and twenty- seven states a poorer showing. The Census Bureau bulletin on Esti mated National Wealth goes to the public once every ten years. It takes all of ten years to assemble, properly appraise and check over the details of the tangible or material wealth of the United States. The intangible wealth of stocks, bonds, trust deeds, mort gages, liens, notes of hand and solvent credits in general are omitted in these estimates of true national wealth; for reasons that need not now be de tailed. Since the states of the Union differ so widely in size and density of popu lation, their relative rank is best exhib ited on a per-inhabitant basis. On this basis of comparison North Caro lina drops toward the bottom of the column with a per capita true wealth of $1,703. Seven southern states out rank North Carolina in true wealth per inhabitant, with averages ranging from $1,773 in Tennessee to $2,368 in Florida. Only six states made a poor er showing. All of them were south ern, with per-capita true wealth rang ing from $l,469in Kentucky to $1,216 in Mississippi which foots the column. On the whole the Southern states oc cupy the lowest fourth of the column, largely because of negro populations, but southern states both above and below North Carolina have heavy ne gro populations with relatively little wealth. Counting the negroes out would make little or no change in the rank of North Carolina. StocK-TaKing in Carolina The estimated true wealth of North Carolina in detail at the close of 1922 was as follows: Rank True Values 23rd Real or landed prop erty and improvements thereon $2,371,365,000 31st Railroads and their equipments 261,694,000 14th Manufacturing ma chinery, tools, and im plements 238,327,000 34th Street railways, shipping, water works, etc 81,257,000 19th Motor vehicles 67,779,000 15th Manufactured prod ucts 429,185,000 1st Agricultural products 340,815,000 20th Clothing, personal adornments, furniture, horse-drawn vehicles, and / , kindred property 6()0,665,000 17th Imported merchan dise 21,541,000 31st Mining products ' 3,232,0.00 19th Livestock 103,397,000 Because ten states are bracketed in couples, it is impossible to show the rank of North Carolina in the details that follow. However, it is possible to give the estimated true wealth of these properties as per the bulletin quoted: Privately owned central elec tric light and power sta tions ' $39,656,000 Street railways 13,649,000 Telephone systems 12,042,000 Pullman and other cars not owned by railroads 6,911,(>00 Shipping and canals 6,040,000 Telegraph systems 3,969,000 Trae Values vs. Tax Values These details of estimated true wealth in North Carolina provoke comparisons, in particular with tax values as these appeared on our tax lists, state and county, in 1922. For instance, we know that real or landed property subject to taxation in North Carolina had a true value of $2,371,- 000,000, but that landed property and improvements thereon were returned for taxation at only $1,659,000,000 in round numbers. In short our real estate values were listed for taxation at almost exactly seventy cents in the dollar of true values. That is to say, upon an average the" whole state over, the rates ranging in the different counties from one-third to three- fourths. Also we know that our $103,000,000 worth of livestock was listed for tax ation at $63,000,000 upon an average the state over, which is right around fifty cents in the dollar of true values. The variation of tax values for livestock in the different counties of the state shows a startling range of values. These tax inequalities are almost as startling in the town ships of a single county, or so in many counties. Horses for instance range in average tax value from $44.68 each in one county, to $101.34 in another county. Mules range in average tax value from $37.50 to $118.70 each. Hogs have an average tax value of $.96 in one county and $10.19 in another county. Sheep range in average tax value from $1.00 to $5.00. Dogs are cheap in Martin county being worth upon an average 67 cents each upon the tax books, but in Lenoir county they have an average tax value of $60 each. If is interesting to note that the es timated true wealth of personal proper ties in North Carolina, town and coun try, were $600,665,000 and that these properties were returned for taxation at $599,000,000 in round numbers. And yet we were told in pne county the other day that not one-fourth of the personal property of the county was on the tax book. Pertinent Tax Studies However, we cannot in a brief space contrast true values with tax values in all the classes of property listed for. taxation in North Carolina. The con trasts, of course, can be exhibited in deadly parallel columns, but it would call for painstaking, prolonged study of the 1928 Report of the State Com missioner of Revenues. The chances are that our State Department of Pub lic Revenues already has these con trasts detailed in a table showing in one column estimated true wealth side by side with the total tax values in another column. What it . would take many weeks for a student to do out side the State Revenue Office, could be done by our revenue officials in Raleigh in a very few hours. Such an exhibit given to the public at this time would be of immense value to the people who are responsible for the Revenue Act soon to be proposed to the Legislature now in session. FREE SHEETS OF VALUE The true university of these days, said Carlyle, is a collection of books. For up-to-date universities it is also a steady outpouring of bulletins, pamph lets, news sheets and the like. Books must usually be purchased; but this extension service literature generally goes free for the asking. Yet it is none the less valuable for all that. This university-in-print covers a large campus reaching out into the remotest hamlet of the state. It knows noth ing of tuition fees, breakage fees, or registration fees. It enlists all ap plicants; none are rejected. Its ser vice is open to both sexes, all creeds, all races, and all classes. It is abso lutely democratic. None of its stu dents are ever expelled, none ever put on probation, and none are ever lost through graduation. It bestows no degrees, holds no examinations, calls no roll. But its value is unquestioned for it is educating its large student body is competent citizenship and is bettering human relations everywhere. The University of North Carolina News Letter goes weekly, fifty times a year, to some 20,000 readers. It has served the state for ten years preach ing the gospel of thrift and industry, cooperation and community enterprise, better marketing, better schools, bet ter churches, and better homes. It has carried intimate, vital facts- per taining to everyday living throughout the length and breadth of the state. But it is only one agency. The Health Bulletin, published monthly by the North Carolina State EDUCATION PAYS The youth trying to find himself. The young worker seeking to in crease his powers. The professional man ambitious to serve better. The statesman wishing to improve democratic government. The farmer eager to make the most of the land. The manufacturer needing reliable workmen. The merchant searching for intelli gent buyers. The person of leisure pursuing the enduring satisfactions. The religionist who wants right con duct from high motives. Any one who cherishes the full, rich er life of continued growth and improvement.—Home, School and Community. Board of Health at Raleigh goes into about 60,000 homes. If man is the sickest beast alive, as some writer says he is, then there is something radically wrong with his boasted civi lization. When he comes to realize that his real enemy is disease and not other men, then he will have gone a long way toward establishing a more satisfying social order. The Health Bulletin cannot be too well circulated among the people of our state. , Natural Resources is a bi-weekly pub lication of the North Carolina Geolo gical and Economic Survey at Raleigh and is now in the second year of its existence. The recent oil scandal at Washington stands as a symbol of America’s ruthless exploitation of natural gifts that can never be re placed. Conservation and sane devel opment are words whose full meaning should be drilled deep into our con sciousness and this sheet is doing it. Public Service, issued by North and South Carolina Public Utility Informa tion Bureau, 506 Lawyers Building, Raleigh, N. C., is in the first year of its organization. It addresses itself to the business and civic affairs of the two Carolinas. State School facts is published monthly by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction at Raleigh. School finances, school attendance, school consolidation and school pro blems all loom large in North Carolina affairs and intelligent citizenship de mands lay interest and knowledge about the educational facts of our state. North Carolina Rural Life is pub lished monthly by the Department of Agricultural Economics at the North Carolina State College at Raleigh. With about 70 percent of our total population rural it is good that this pa per devotes itself exclusively to rural life and problems. It suggests much to be translated into action liy teach ers, ministers, and leaders whose field is rural. North Carolina Agriculture and In dustry is another State College news sheet. It is published weekly and carries tables and analyses of interest to farmers and business men. North Carolina Commerce and Industry, is sued monthly from the University of North Carolina Press at Chapel Hill, is a companion sheet treating affairs of trade, transportation, and industrial opportunities and problems. The free news publications men tioned hqre are only a few. Wide awake inhabitants of.this fast moving state are already acquainted with these and others. He who would keep abreast of the times cannot afford to be without them.—Edgar T. Thomp son. FREE TB. CLINICS The Extension Department of the North Carolina Sanatorium is trying to make it possible for every person in North Carolina with tuberculosis to find it out and to find it out in time to get well. To do this it employs two whole time traveling specialist to hold diagnostic clinics free of charge in any part of the state. Dr. S. E. Lee and Dr. D. R. Perry, the clinicians em ployed for this work, are experienced physicans in^’tuberculosis. A special bulletin, “Tuberculosis, Its Symptoms, Cure and Prevention,” that gives in detail the symptons of tuberculosis and what one who has tu berculosis should do to get well, is is sued by the Extension Department. It is sent free of charge to any one re questing it. Every morning from 8 to 11 diagnos tic clinics, also free of charge if the patient writes for an appointment, are held at the North Carolina Sanato rium. An appointment for examination can be made by writing the superin tendent, Dr. P. P. McCain. Many far advanced cases of tuber culosis say: “If I had only known the early symptoms of tuberculosis!” Ear ly diagnosis means tuberculosis cures, lives saved and money saved for the state and for its citizens. Traveling Clinics The free traveling tuberculosis clinics in North Carolina were first begun in 1920. At that time the work was un der the supervision of and was financed by the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association. Since February 1924 it has been carried on under the direct ion of the Extension Department of the North Carolina Sanatorium and' has been supported by state appropria-; tion. Thousands of persons have been examined and hundreds of cases have been diagnosed and treated since these clinics were begun. : The clinics away from the Sanato- ■ rium are held under the auspices of the ! city or county health officer, the local j physicians, the public health nurse, the superintendent of public welfare, Civic League or local health organiza tions, interested individuals, and the county medical society. If you would like for your county or community to get the benefit of a free clinic, take the matter up with one of these offi cers or organizations or write to the Extension Department, Sanatorium, N. C. Every person in North Carolina should have a thorough physical exam ination. But it vis almost imperative that the following classes of people be examined: (1) Those who have any of the symptoms of tuberculosis. (2) Those who have been closely exposed to infection by an open active case in the family, especially children. (3) Any one who is ill in any way and has not obtained a positive diagnosis of another disease. By writing the Extension Depart ment, Sanatorium, N. C., any citizen of North Carolina whose health isn’t what it ought to be may receive free of charge information that may keep the citizen from filling an untimely grave, a victim' of tuberculosis that might have been cured. —State Sana torium Bulletin. BEAUTIFYING CAROLINA The citizens of North Carolina are taking an ever-increasing interest in the beautification of their surroundings —home, school, and church grounds, streets, roads, and parks—and during the last few years the University has received a great many requests for gen eral information regarding our trees and also their utilization for decorative purposes. It is in response to such de mand that the University Extension Division announces the publication, through its bureau of Design and Im provement of School Grounds, of the bulletin, How to Know and Use Trees, by Dr. W. C. Coker and Mrs. W. J. Matherly. North Carolina has been particularly blessed in the rich variety of its trees; as the only states with a greater num ber are Florida and Texas. The bulletin therefore stresses the trees native to the State, especially their use for shade and ornament, and contains a key to all these species “in the hope that it may encourage a real botanical interest in our arborescent flora and be a help to teachers in determining species in a community.” There are also descrip tions of decorative trees and large num ber of full-page illustrations, which in clude not only photographs of grounds and trees but more than sixty drawings of their leaves with fruit and flowers. The species described, while by no means all that grow in North Carolina, include along with the native trees a few that have been introduced and have become almost naturalized. For Tree Lovers In addition, the bulletin outlines the simple principles of design and plant ing, transplanting, pruning, etc., and makes practical suggestions for school ground, street, and roadside planting so that it will be helpful to those inter ested in town improvement as well as to school officials. It contains also lists of trees and shrubs suitable for use in different sections of the State and a number of cuts showing practi cable planting designs made for schools and churches. It is hoped, furthermore, that the bulletin may be found useful in con nection with courses in nature study that are already being given in the schools and may serve to stimulate the introduction of others with trees as the subject. It is believed that the children would be interested in such a course, and certainly through their better acquaintance with one of its most wonderful and valuable assets they would be enabled to appreciate more fully the great natural beauty of our State. How to Obtain Bulletin Due to the large number of illustra tions, the expense of publication has been so great that it will not be possi ble to distribute the bulletin without charge, but it may be procured at cost price, $1.00 a copy, from the Universi ty Extension Division, Chapel Hill. N. C. THE WOMAN VOTER It is my honest and convinced belief that there are some questions, vital and international, that women see with a more unclouded vision than men, questions that only women will fight for. That is why 1 am so keen about helping women voters, not only in England and America, but in all coun tries. There are things bigger than parties, even bigger than countries, though neither party nor country likes to think that anything is bigger than itself. If only we, the newcomers of politi cal life, can keep that greater vision of bigger things before us, then the world will become more the sort of place one dreams of and less the kind of night mare one dreams in.—Lady Astor. ESTIMATED TRUE WEALTH Per Inhabitant In 1922 Based on a Census Bureau bulletin entitled Estimated National Wealth in 1922. Forty-one states have a higher per capita true wealth than North Carolina whose figure is $1,703. Seven southern states outrank us ranging from $1,733 in Tennessee to $2,358 in Florida. Only six made a poorer showing and all of them were Southern. Department of Rural Social-Economics, University of North Carolina. Rank State Per Inhab. Rank State PerInhab. 1 Nevada $6,998 25 Ohio $3,048 2 Wyoming 4,663 26 West Virginia 3,040 3 South Dakota 4,482 27 Indiana 2,942 4 Iowa 4,274 28 Missouri 2,903 6 Oregon 4,182 1-29 Michigan 2,899 6 California 4,007 30 Wisconsin 2,887 7 Nebraska 4,004 31 Delaware 2.728 8 North Dakota 3,692 32 Maryland 2,665 9 Montana 3,691 33 Maine 2,686 10 Connecticut 3,614 34 Vermont 2,389 11 Washington 3,600 35 Florida 2,358 12 New Jersey 3,524 36 New Mexico 2,299 13 Arizona 3,612 37 Virginia 2,050 14 Kansas 3,493 38 Texas...... 15 Minnesota 3,442 39 Oklahnmft . 16 New York 3,436 40 Louisiana 1,866 17 Idaho 3,301 41 Tennessee 1,773 18 Illinois 3,295 42 North Carolina 1,703 19 Colorado :.. 3,286 43 Kentucky 1,459 20 Utah 3,247 44 Arkansas 1,439 21 Massachusetts 3,243 45 South Carolina .... 1,385 22 Pennsylvania 2,187 46 Georgia 1,306 23 Rhode Island 3,086 47 Alabama 24 New Hampshire ... 3,074 48 Mississippi 1.216

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