The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. DECEMBER 2, 1925 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Division. CHAPEL HILL, N C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. XII, NO. 5 Bditoria! Boards E. C. Branson, S. H. Hobbs. Jr.. L. R. Wilson. E. W. Knight, D. D. Carroll. J. B. Bullitt. H. W. Odum. Entered as second-class matter November 14. 1914, at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill. N. C.. under the act of August 24, 1912 PROGRESS IN EDUCATION THE RURAL MIND At the last meeting of the 'North 'Carolina Club Mr. L, M. Brooks pre sented a paper on The Rural Mind: Is ft a Myth? The following is only a brief summary of Mr. Brooks’s paper. The answer to this question seems to be found in the writings of rather a large number of students of rural life, among whom are Professors Butterfield, €alpin, Gillette, Groves, Sims, Vogt, and Williams. Although from the viewpoint of pres ent-day psychology there can be no rural mind, since no group mind is held to «xist, sociology finds certain charac teristics common to country folk which differ from those of city dwellers. These differences arise wholly from en vironment. The outstanding feature of a rural environment is isolation, the teane of country life, though from it arise valuable social traits such as self- reliance, family loyalty, democratic spirit, and a generous helpfulness. Prob ably the most destructive trait fostered by isolation is fear, psychic fear not physical fear. Adult life is too often dominated by the chain of fear forged in childhood through the fear method of discipline: superstition, morbid funerals, ghost stories, unfortunate contacts at school, and with hired help. Thus, fear of the new and untried may result in extreme conservatism. Unsocial attitudes are fostered by lack of play, particularly team play among both children and adults, largely because of geographical isolation but partly also because play is often deemed a waste of time. Among other destruc tive traits having their roots in isola tion are adherence to custom, and self- aufficiency. Changing Traits The dependence on weather also has a great influence on the thinking of the farmer. It is either friend or enemy and must be reckoned with constantly. All these tr^ts, however, ace chang ing in proportion as isolation is being •vercome. The-g still persist in the more remote and inaccessible regions. Wherever isolation is being broken down by rural maij service, telephones, auto mobiles, good roads, movies, the radio, libraries, and consolidated schools, there cooperation is taking the place of indi vidualism, and the rural attitude is blending with the urban. This result also is stimulated and hastened by im proved methods of work, machinery displacing hoe farming. The conclusion is, that while there is technically no rural mind, it is a con venient way of referring to the appar ent average attitude and expression of the mind of rural individuals, which is ■ fading out as isolation is eradicated, but which has made a wholesome contri- ■ bution to the life of the nation. : \veeks later. The effort is sponsored i by the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce ’ whose support has made possible the 'undertaking. There is no reason why ‘ a similar bulletin could not be issued for every county in North Carolina, and ! there will be when local citizens and agencies come to demand it of their county students at the University, and then support the publication of their efforts. —Edgar T. Thompson. MECKLENBURG SURVEY A study of Mecklenburg County: Economic and Social, under the direc tion of the Department of Rural Social- Economics, is at the present tiqae in process of preparation. There is per haps no better sample county in North Carolina than Mecklenburg, a great in dustrial county, possessing excellent natural resources, with both city and rural problems, and producing all of North Carolina’s major crops except tobacco. For this reason an effort is being made to provide in the Mecklen burg survey a bulletin excelling any one of the thirteen which have been issued by the Department—a bulletin which may be used locally by study clubs and civics classes in the high schools of the county. The historical background is being prepared by Miss Julia Alexander of Charlotte; the chapter on Mecklen burg County Towns by Mr. J. A. Per son, Jr.; Natural Resources by Mr. J, S. Clark; Facts About the Folks by Mr. Edgar T. Thompson; Wealth and Taxa tion by Mr. A. T. Cutler; Schools and Churches by Mr. J. A. Honeycutt; Agriculture by Mr. Myron T. Green; How Mecklenburg is Governed by Mr. Paul W. Wager; How Charlotte is Gov erned by Mr. Edward Woodhouse; and Social and Civic Organizations by Mr. T. S. Clarkson. In addition there will be chapters on Industries, Problems, and Evidences of Progress. It is hoped that the bulletin will be ready for the press by January and | ready for distribution two or three j FOR BETTER FACILITIES Some Southern states are increasing per capita expenditure for schools more rapidly than others. North Carolina leads the list, having multiplied her per capita expenditure by 16.66 in the twenty-two year period. Louisiana is second, with an increase of IU.92 times, and Alabama third, with an increase of 1U.68 times. Maryland and Kentucky are the laggards, having .multiplied j their expenditure by only 4.29 and 4.10 i respectively. This basis of comparison measures th^rate at which educational facilities are being improved. It does not indi cate the present relative rates of ex penditure, for states that have been most energetic in increasing their ex penditures were laggards in 1900. Low Per Inhabitant Measured by this standard a different group takes the lead. North Carolina drops from first place to ninth, having spent only $8.33 per capita for schools in 1922. Oklahoma takes the lead with an expenditure of $14.36. W’est Vir ginia, below the average by the former standard, comes second by this, having spent $12.20, while Missouri and Texas came third and fourth with $11.94 and $10.79, respectively. This shifting is explained by the fact that in 1900 North Carolina stood at the bottom of the Southern states on a basis of per capita expenditure, and in climbing to ninth place has made greater relative process than any of the others, while West Virginia stood third in 1900, and in stepping up one place made only a' slight relative advance. On this basis Georgia is* the tailender with an ex penditure of $4.56 per capita, while Arkansas is next with $4.91. A few states that in 1900 were lead ers in per capita expenditure for public schools have lost g;round relatively, although they have increased their per capita expenditures. While North Caro lina rose from sixteenth to ninth place and Louisiana from thirteenth to seventh, Mississippi fell from eleventh to fourteenth, Arkansas from ninth to ■ fifteenth, and Georgia from tenth to sixteenth. Wealth as a Basis Neither of the foregoing comparisons measures the effort the people of the states are making for better educa tional facilities. To get at this it is necessary to take the wealth into ac count. Measured by this standard, Oklahoma again takes the lead, having spent 0.77 percent of its wealth for public schools in 1922. Texas comes second, with 0.536 percent, and North Carolina is third with 0.488 percent. Arkansas is again the tail-ender with only 0.341 percent. Kentucky stands twelfth, Tennessee stands fourteenth, and Georgia fifteenth. Nothing but an imaginary line separ ates the backward Georgia and Ten nessee from the progressive North Carolina. Nothing but a similar line separates the backward Arkansas from the progressive Oklahoma. Why should the people of one state be so much less liberal in support of their schools than the people of another that has no better opportunities for obtaining the advan tages of civilization? Does the differ ence lie in the people themselves, in their leaders, or—what may seem the same thing, but isn’t quite—in a differ ence in political machines?—World’s Work. POPULAR KIND OF SCHOOL Dr. E. W. Knight, a member of the faculty of the State University, who is in Denmark studying the educational system of that country, is writing a series of interesting articles for several of the leading North Carolina daily papers. The series began Sunday and will doubtless be read with interest and profit by many throughout the state. KNOW NORTH CAROLINA Educational Progress The table which appears elsewhere presents at a glance the remarkable progress North Carolina has made in the field of public education during the last quarter of a century. We believe that no state in the Union can match our record of progress in public education. In 3900 we were spending annually on all public education for all pur poses approximately one million dol lars. In 1923-24 we spent all told nearly 30 million dollars, 19 millions of which went for current expenses, and more than ten and a half millions for new buildings. New school build ings erected throughout North Caro lina in 1900 cost all told $67,400. The total value of all school prop erty in North Carolina in 1900 was one million dollars. In 1924 our school property was valued at 60 million dollars, and at the present time it is valued at approximately 70 million dollars. There were 1,190 log schoolhouses in the state in 1900, and 63 in 1924, only 4 of which were white schools. The school teachers have increased from 8,320 in 1900 to 21,403 in 1924, and along with this growth in num ber of teachers there has been a great improvement in the quality of teachers. In 1900 the average white teacher received a monthly salary of $24.79, while in 1924 the salary averaged $110.06. The public schools of the state had an average term of 70.8 days in 1900 and 143.4 days in 1924. Remarkable progress has been made with respect to enrollment and attendance during the last quarter century. In 1900 less than 61 per cent of the school population was enrolled in school, and of those en rolled only 51.7 percent were in aver age daily attendance. In 1924 86.1 percent of the school population was enrolled and 72 percent of all children enrolled were in average daily at tendance. It is estimated that there were 30 high schools in all North Carolina in 1900 with a total enrollment of only 2,000 pupils. In 1924 we had 738 high schools with a total enrollment of nearly 64,000 students. However, in percent of students enrolled in high schools North Carolina still ranks low among the states of the Union. The above are the more outstand ing facts with reference to our mar velous progress in public education and every inhabitant of the state should know the facts and should feel proud of our achievement. But that is not the whole story, and it would be unfair to fail to re mind ourselves that, remarkable as has been our progress, we do not yet rank high among tbe states in public education. The rank of the state in 1922 was forty-second, and it is esti mated chat our present rank is . fortieth. We have passed by eight states in twenty-four years, but we will have to pass by several more states before we can justly point with pride to our system of public education. There is still abundant room for progress in every phase of public education in North Carolina, and especially with respect to our rural schools. his first letter about tbe Danish educa- these schools is to “awaken, enliven, and enlighten,” and it is said that they have literally remade life for the Danish country. They have been largely re sponsible for the much talked of con tentment and prosperity of the rural folk of Denmark. There are no admis sion requirements in these schools, no examinations, and no credits are offered, but they are for the purpose of awaken ing the people, enlivening them, and enlightening them., Schools of this kind must be an inspiration to any people and an invaluable aid in developing the best there is in them. Dr. Knight says: “Danish culture has been revived and restored and increased by these means. XV. INDEPENDENT COOPERATIVE LINES The last few articles have dealt en- annual expense can be calculated ap- tirely with the rural distribution of proximately as follows, the estimates energy which has been generated at the being taken as far as possible from con- central station of some power company i ditions now existing in North Carolina, or municipal plant. But what about the case of farmers who live in remote districts and have no access to this service? A map of North Carolina showing existing transmission lines in dicates many parts of the Coastal Plain and Mountain sections, and even quite a few parts of the Piedmont section, that are so far from the nearest power line as ^o make service out of the ques tion. Does it follow, then, that dwellers in these parts must necessarily be de prived of the admitted advantages of electricity? This question can be an swered only by considering the alterna tives to central station service. 25 H. P. Hydro-electric plant $1,986 Power house and dam.. 1,600 Two miles iff line . 1,700 ’I'ransformers and meters 480 Total investment $6,666 Cooperative Projects The chief alternative, of course, is for the farmer to get a water-wheel and dynamo, ind rig up his own system on some convenient stream so that the idle water power may become a valuable source of farm power. There is one form of this enterprise that deserves special attention, and that is where several farmers cooperate for the pur pose so that a single generating plant on one stream is made to serve a group of farmers living within a radius of one or two miles. This plan has been worked out in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, with considerable success. The Annual Cost But how would the cost of such an independent system compare with the cost of obtaining power from an electric company? Take, for example, a group of 10 farmers scattered over two miles of a remote country section. Some where near the center of the group runs a small stream, and the 10 farmers combine to install a 26 horse-power gen erating plant and set up a line of wires to the various houses in the group. The percent.. $ 905 Operating expenses, one year . 150 Total annual expense $1,066 Annual expense per farmer.106 How, then, does this annual burden per farmer of $105 under an inde pendent cooperative system compare with the* annual bill of those farmers who purchase power from an electric company? As far as can be determined the annual bills of rural customers in North Carolina run between $90 and $136. The average of a large number of bills in Pennsylvania is $102. The conclusion would seem warranted that the annual expense to each farmer co operating in an independent system is in the same general neighborhood as the expense under the other system. No more specific conclusion can be drawn on account of the fact that the table given above is an estimate, al though the individual items are based on actual costs. But another question immediately arises. While the annual expense is complete to the extent that it includes interest on investment, where are the funds for the original investment of $6,666 to come from? One obvious answer is a loan from a bank, but the future will probably bring with it another answer, and that is the develop ment of cooperative credit societies in agricultural regions. This question, of course, is outside tbe sphere of the present series of articles.—A. T. Cutler. They have helped to produce a remark ably substantial, presperous, and happy rural life in Denmark, which is said to have the broadest and most generous culture of any country in Europe.” We believe such schools would be a wonderful factor in broadening life and developing culture among our own peo ple. Perhaps it is not too much to hope that some day a similar plan may ma terialize in the good Old North State.— Smithfield Herald. PROGRESS IN PUBLIC EDUCATION In North Carolina from 1899-1900 to 1923-1924 The following table, based on the 1922-24 Biennial Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, gives the basic facts concerning the prog ress North Carolina has made in public education during the last twenty-four years. Although our present general status in public education is not such that we can point to it with particular pride, no state has made greater progress dur ing the last quarter of a century than has North Carolina. Items 1899-1900 1918-1919 1923-1924 Total school expenditure $1,062,304 $ 6,768,063 $29,747,076 Expenditure current expense. . $1,004,903 $ 6,860,129 $19,078,667 Expenditure capital outlay $57,400 $917,932 $10,668,419 Value school property $1,097,664 $16,294,859 $69,768,006 Average value per school house ... $168.66 $1,977.77 $8,222 Number of log houses 1,190 124 53 Number white one-teacher schools. 5,047 2,712 1,633 iljlumber of teachers 8,320 16,037 21,403 a. White. , 6,763 11,685 16,283 b. Colored 2,567 3,352 6,120 Average monthly salary $23.46 ' $56.83 $99.93 a. White $24.79 $62.00 $110.06 b. Colored $20.48 $37,18 $64.83 Average term in days 70.8 112.0 143.4 a. White 73.3 113.8 146.2 b. Colored 66.3 106.6 134.6 Average number days in school.... 73.0 103.3 a. White 76.6 109.3 b. Colored 63.6 89.1 Total school population 657,949 832,839 921,316 a. White 439,431 667,416 628.132 b. Colored 218,613 266,424 293,183 Total school enrollment 400,462 691,487 793,046 Total average daily attendance..... 206,918 386,673 571,369 Percent of school population enrollec 60.9 71.0 86.1 Percent of enrollment in average daily attendance 51.7 66.2 72.0 Number public high schools *30 391 738 Enrollment in high schools *2,000 23,666 63.867 Number state-aided rural libraries.. 4,686 5,070 Educational appropriations: a. Public schools, maintenance.... $100,000 $844,692 $1,678,760 b. Normal schools, perman’nt imp t$316,000 $2,219,000 Maintenance $16,000 $113,950 $393,000 c. Higher institutions: Permanent improvement.... t$12,600 t$I,325,000 t$4,795.000 Maintenance $65,000 $427,500 $1,426,000 Percent illiteracy 29.4 a. White 14.0 b. Colored 38.6 **24.5 ♦Estimated tTwo years **1920 Census

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