The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Division. AUGUST 4, 1926 CHAPEL HILL, N C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. XII, NO. 38 Ediioriai Bonrdi E. C. Branson. S. H. Hobba. Jr.. L. R. Wilson, E. W. Knight. D. D. Carroll, J. B. Bullitt. H. W. Odum. Entered as second-cluBS matter Novembar 14. 1914, at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N, C., under the act of August 24, 1918 WE EIDE IN CAKOIINA We predii^ that waikiog clubs will become a professional sport in North Carolina in a few more years. Walk ing as a means of changing one’s geo graphic position is rapidly disappearing. “I have not walked a mile in a month”, is a common expression. “Shall we walk or ride?” said the wife a few days ago when staffing out to call on a neighbor just two doors away! Almost every family in the state now has a motor car, at least there are almost as many motor cars in the state as there are families, and the average family is as fond of the car as a child is of a new toy. North Carolina now has a total of more than four hundred fourteen thousand motor cars, and at the rate she has been buying them for the last six months she will pass the half-mil- lion mark within another twelve months. The National Automobile Chamber of Commerce reports that on December 81, 1926, there were 340,287 motor cars in the state. The State Department of Revenue, in a communi cation dated June 26 giving the number of motor cars registered by counties, re ported 414,669 motor cars in the state on that date. Non-resident cars were ex cluded. This means that in slightly less than six months the state has increased her motor cars by 74,372, which seems in credible but the facts are from official sources. This is a larger gain in six months than has been made in any previous year period. There is now one motor car for every six and one half inhabitants in the state. Tne average family in North Carolina is approximately five persons. At the present rate of purchasing cars we will average one to the family by another twelve months. Guilford Leads In the table which appears elsewhere the counties are ranked according to the number of inhabitants per motor car. The parallel column shows the number of motor cars registered in the county on June 26. Guilford leads both in number of motor cars, 22,461, and in inhabitants per car, with one car for every 3.8 inhabitants. Which means that Guilford has considerably more motor cars than she has families. The entire population of Guilford could all go to ride at once, and leave enough cars at home to carry the population of any one of the smaller counties of the state. Mecklenburg is second in motor cars, with 20,912, and also second in inhabi tants per car, with one car for every 4.1 inhabitants. Nine counties, namely Guilford, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Lin coln, Wake, Buncombe, Caldwell, Lee, and Henderson, average a motor car or better to the family. Eight mountain and two tidewater counties comprise the ten counties that foot the ac companying table. Yancey ranks last with approximately five families to the motor car. But Yancey aver ages almost as well as the state aver aged at the end of the prosperous year of 1919. Volume X, number 19, of thi6 publica tion, issued March 26, 1924, carried a table on motor cars as of January 1, 1924, similar to the table that appears in this issue. By referring to the table for two and a half years ago the reader can easily compare the status of his county then and now, and readily see the progress in motor car ownership. The following brief table, selecting counties at random, illustrates the progress made in a little more than two years. County Inhabs. Inhabs. per car per car Jan. 1, 1924 June 26, 1926 Guilford 6.2 3-8 Buncombe 9.0 4.9 Caldwell 12.6 4.9 Rockingham 9.7 6.0 Camden 12.9 7.4 Washington 16.1 8.0 Swain 62.1 16.6 Mitchell 72.6 18.0 Yacncey 76.1 26.7 The state average on January 1, 1924, was one motor car for every 10.8 in habitants, agsanst the state average for June 1926 of one car to every 6.6 inhabitants. The two-and-a-half-year increase in motor cars has been from 248,414 to 414,669, or a gain of 166,246 motor cars. Nearly one-half of the gain has taken place during the last six months. Record of a Decade In nearly every respect the last decade has been by all odds the most significant in the history of the state. Herbert Hoover credits North Carolina as having led the nation in progress made during the last fifteen years. Our record of gro'wth in industry and agriculture, in building and loan, bank resources, highways and public schools, and so on and on, has been astounding. The following table show ing our increase in motor cars is illus trative of our general progress. Number Inhabs. cars per car 16,410 140.0 109,000 23.0 140,8b0 18.4 Year (Dec. 31) 1916 1919 1920 1921 148,627 17.6 1922 182,665 14.6 1923.. 248,414 10.9 1924 302,232 8.9 1926 340,287 7.9 1926 (June26) 414,669 6.6 There are four counties in the state each of which now has more motor cars than the entire state had a decade ago. Ten years ago there was one car for every one hundred and forty in habitants. Today there is almost a motor car to the family. Our motor cars have multiplied twenty-five times over in ten years. Well Distributed A study of the accompanying table impresses one with the fact that the ownership of motor cars is not concen trated but rather widespread. Some counties do better than others, but the range from the best to poorest is not so wide. Three-fourths of the counties do better than one car for every two families. The twenty-five counties that appear at the end of the table range from one car to every two families to one car for every five families. Two and a half years ago the range for the state was three times as wide as it is today, from 6.2 inhabitants to the car to 72.6 inhabitants per car. The main explanation for the wide and fairly even distribution of ownership of motor cars lies largely in the uniformly good roads found the state over, the result of our state-wide system of public highway construction and maintenance, The Saturation Point For some years economists have been figuring on the final limit to number of motor cars. The “saturation point” has experienced some remarkable revi sions, all upward. There are now more than twenty million motor cars in the United States. North Carolina owns four hundred and fourteen thousand. In two and a half years we have nearly doubled our motor cars. During the last six months we have increased our motor cars by nearly seventy-five thousand. We now have almost one motor car to the family and are buying them faster than ever before. By another twelve months we will have passed the half million mark and will average a car to the family. Whether a car to the family will be the saturation point or not we don’t know. Our guess is that it will not be the limit in North Carolina.— S. H. H., Jr. DRUNKEN DRIVING Although the latest reports from England showed a reduction, not an increase, in the already small number of violent crimes annually committed in that orderly realm, Englishmen seem bent on still further protecting, by severe law, the peace and safety of their land. Offenses against traffic laws, and other misdemeanors involving the use of automobiles, have grown in frequency in Great Britain just as they have here, even though violent crime has decreased there. And in the sheaf of sharp-pointed penalties which have just now been set up in England under the new criminal justice act, stronger enforcement of the law of the road is a principal object. For example, the minimum penalty for drunken driving has been raised, even on the first offense, to four months’ imprisonment or a fine of ap proximately $260. In Massachsetts the minimum for the first offense is a $20 OUR MOTOR CAR BILL The Bureau of Industrial Technol ogy, computing from data collected by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, states that it costs seven hundred dollars a year upon an average to own and operate a motor car. The figure covers all cost items, as original purchase, de preciation, upkeep, repairs, gaso line, oil, garages, taxes, interest, tires, insurance, and so on. If the figure of the Bureau is correct. North Carolina’s motor car bill for 1926 will be approximately 290 million dollars. It is the middle of the year and we already had on June 26 more than four hundred and fourteen thousand motor cars. It will take the money received from all crops sold in the state to pay our motor car bill. It will take the total value of output of all our textile mills to pay our motor car bill. It will require nearly one-fourth of the gross in come of the state from farms and factories to meet our motor car bill. The money we spend on motor cars in 1926 would operate all pub lic schools in North Carolina for twelve years, and leave a surplus in the treasury. The state government of North Carolina could be run for 22 years on what we will spend on motor cars this year. The State Health work, the ap propriation for which was cut a year ago, could operate 860 years on what we will spend on motor cars this year. It would require a total of 160 thousand men with a salary of two thousand dollars each to meet our motor car bill. The money we spend on motor cars in three months would pay the entire bonded debt of the state for public highways. The money we spend on motor cars in six months would pay the entire bonded debt of the state for all purposes whatsoever. It is a huge bill. It is a lot of cash we spend on motor cars. It is a rich state, a state with great earn ing capacity, that can plank out three hundred million dollars in cool cash on motor cars alone in one year. fine or imprisonment for not less than two weeks. On a second or any subse quent offense within six years the sentence must be for not less than one month, and by a recent amendment courts are further prohibited from de laying or avoiding such action by filing the case or otherwise suspending pun ishment. This procedure for second offenders seems properly firm and secure, but it is more than possible that the Massachusetts penalty for first offenders should be increased. Probably an adoption of the new Eng lish penalty of four months in jail would be regarded by American juries as too severe, and it would become difficult to secure convictions, except in the most serious cases. But an increase of the fine, to make the first offender pay till it hurt, might help to reduce the still altogether too frequent occasions when men and women, and little children, are killed or maimed on Massachusetts roads as a result. —Boston Transcript. AN URGENT NEED The first addition that needs to be made to the instruction now given in the secondary schools, and to adults already earning their livelihood, is in struction in the elements of economics and particularly in whatever relates to labor and capital and the indispensable union of the two in production, and to the distribution of necessaries, com forts and luxuries, the ownership of the instruments of production, the rela tion of wages to prices, the control of monopolies, and the means of increasing the efficiency and therefore the well being of the entire community. There would be great danger to civilization in the coming into the control of the government of masses of people whose ideas on these subjects were crude, mistaken or perverse. The well-being of the population at large can be increased only by increasing the total national product of necessaries and comforts; and such an increase of product can be brought about by in creasing the average efficiency of the whole people in their work, or by improving the economy of the people in the distribution and intelli gent consumption of the aggregate product. Yet many people seem to believe that a mere rise of wages can of itself, without increase of product, cause an increase of public well-being. It is an object of the utmost urgency to teach on a great scale, both young people and adults, that capital is nothing but the agglomeration of those portions of the previous profits of capital and labor combined which were not con sumed at the time, but were saved to be used in future production; and that these savings are, as a rule, necessari ly put into lands and buildings, roads, railroads, sewers, water supplies, power plants, mines and factories, which then become the means of ob taining, making or transporting more or better goods for the population of succeeding years to consume. What an admirable function for a state de partment of education is here in sight! The urgent need of democracy for in struction in economics is well measured by its frequent failure to elect to office efficient and honest men, capable of giv ing the people good service. The progress of a democracy in knowledge of econ omics will be best indicated by its in creasing success in procuring an effi cient public administration.—Charles W. Eliot. MOTHERS’ AID IN CAROLINA Since the first Mothers’ Aid case in North Carolina was aproved in Au gust, 1923, 336 mothers with more than 1,400 children have been helped by the fund and there are at present 246 active cases on the list. Seventy-six counties have signed agreements which give them their proportionate share of the money appropriated by the last general assembly under the state mothers’ aid law. A bulletin prepared by the state director of mothers’ aid, intended to facilitate the program throughout the state, will be issued early in the spring. Rural America. WHERE OUR MONEY GOES During the first five mouths of the present year a thousand tons of hay were shipped into Shelby over the Southern. The Scar says this, adding what was shipped over the Seaboard, means that Cleveland farmers sent out $50,000 for hay for five months. This would make over $100,000 in one year. Most of that hay could have been grown in that county and the money kept at home. This is one reason why North Carolina is not as rich as it should be.—News and Observer. MOTOR CARS IN NORTH CAROLINA Inhabitants per car, June 25,1926 In the following table, based on a statement from the State Department of Revenue showing the number of motor cars by counties, received June 26, the counties are ranked according to the number of inhabitants per motor car. Popu lation figures used are census estimates as of July 1, 1923, the latest available. The parallel column shows the number of motor cars registered in each county. The total includes all motor vehicles. Guilford leads with one motor car for every 3,8 inhabitants. Yancey is last with one motor car for every 26.7 inhabitants. Thirty-two counties now rank better than Guilford did on Jan. 1, 1924. State total of motor vehicles registered 414,669, or one motor car for every 6.6 inhabitants. The state total on January 1, 1924, was 248,414 or one for every 10.8 inhabitants. State total on Jan. 1, 1926, was officially reported at 340,287. Gain for last six months has been 74,372, by far the largest gain for any similar period in automobile history. S. H. Hobbs, Jr. Department of Rural Social-Economics, University of North Carolina Rank County Total Inhabitants number per car 1 Guilford 22,461 3.8 2 Mecklenburg 20,912 4.1 3 Rowan 10,710 4.3 4 Lincoln 3,910 4.6 5 Wake 16,446 4.8 6 Buncombe 13,976 4.9 6 Caldwell 4,218 4.9 6 Lee... 2,876 4.9 9 Henderson 3,818 6.0 10 Iredell 7,686 6.1 10 Wilson 7,793 6.1 12 Gaston 10,663 6.3 12 Randolph 6,897 6.3 14 Davidson 6,921 6.4 14 Durham 8,229 6.4 14 Forsyth 16,387 6.4 17 Chowan 2,073 6.6 17 Edgecombe 7,186 6.6 19 Union 6,463 6.7 20 Moore 4,004 6.8 20 Scotland 2,717 6.8 20 Stokes 3,661 6.8 23 Currituck 1,244 6.9 24 Hertford 2,769 6.0 24 Richmond 4,690 6.0 24 Rockingham 7,879 6.0 27 Cleveland 6,863 6.1 27 Cumberland 6,020 6.1 27 Davie 2,261 6.1 27 Johnston 8,461 6.1 27 Pasquotank 2,966 6.1 27 Yadkin 2,759 6.1 33 Catawba 6,864 6.2 34 Cabarrus 6,791 6.3 36 Pitt 7.657 6.4 36 Rutherford 6,162 6.4 37 Montgomery 2,267 6.6 37 Orange 2,920 6.6 39 Alamance 6,162 6.6 39 Bertie 3,680 6.6 39 Northampton 3,676 6.6 39 Wayne 7,078 6.6 43 New Hanover ... 6,436 6.8 43 Perquimans 1,644 6.8 46 Lenoir 4,676 7.0 46 Nash 6,292 7.0 46 Surry 4,789 7.0 48 Hoke 1,688 7.3 49 Person 2,679 7.3 60 Camden 729 7.4 Rank County Total inhabitants number per car 60 Franklin . 3,689,. 7.4 60 Gates . 1,430.. 7.4 60 Halifax 6,266., 7.4 60 Sampson 6,148.. 7.4 55 Harnett 4,610.- 7.6 66 Stanly . 3,971.. 7.6 57 Chatham . 3,168.. 7.7 67 Vance . 3,146.. 7.7 59 Robeson . 7,327.. 7.8 60 Granville . 1,869.. 8.0 60 Washington . . 1,458.. 8.0 62 Beaufort . 3,861.. 8.1 63 Duplin . 3,876.. 8.3 63 Transylvania. . 1,216.. 8.3 66 Anson . 3,604.. 8.4 66 Martin . 2,621.. 8.4 66 Tyrrell 672.. 8.4 68 Caswell . 1,873.. 8.6 69 Alexander.... . 1,430.. 8.7 69 Warren . 2,646. 8.7 71 Burke . 2,666. 9.0 72 Greene . 1,859. 9.4 72 Jones . 1,104. 9.4 72 Pamlico 995. 9.4 75 Craven . 3,170. 9.6 76 Columbus . 3,017. 10.1 76 Pender . 1,468. 10.1 78 Polk 900. 10.3 79 Wilkes .. 3,146. 10.6 80 McDowell ...1,664. 10.8 81 Haywood . 2,233. 10.9 82 Alleghany.... 664. 11.1 83 W atauga .. 1,144. 12.0 84 Bladen .. 1,644. 12.4 85 Jackson . 1,053. 12.8 86 Brunswick.... . 1,107. 13.6 87 Macon 936. 14.0 88 Carteret .. 1,072. 14.9 88 Madison . 1,344. 14.9 90 Onslow 963. 15.6 91 Clay 300. 16.3 92 Hyde 511. 16.4 93 Swain 863. 16.6 94 Dare 292. 17.8 96 Mitchell 643 18.0 96 Cherokee 858 18.3 97 Avery 500. 21.2 98 Ashe 953 22.8 99 Graham 260 24.5 100 Yancey 607 26.7