The news in this publi cation'is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Division. JULY 20, 1927 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. XIII, No. 36 Editorial Boards E. C. Branson, S. H. Hobbs. Jr.. .L. R. Wilson. E. W. Knight, i). D. Carroll. J. B. Bullitt. H. W. Odum. Entered as second-class matter November 14. 1914. at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C.. under the act of August 24. 1912. LUXURIES VS. EDUCATION The American people spend more money in a year for tobacco than they do for education. They spend more for drug-store products than they do for tobacco. They spend a billion dollars a year for movies and theatre admis sions. For trivial luxuries they spend nearly twice as much as the cost of the' federal government. At least such is the case if the estimates prepared by the United States Treasury Department are reliable. The estimated expendi tures for certain luxuries in 1924 are as follows: Item U. S. N. C. Tobacco $1,847,000,000 $19,024,100 Soft drinks and ice cream 820,000,000 8,446,000 | Theatres, movies', etc 934,000.000 9,620,200 Candy 689,00b,000 7,096,700 Chewing gum 87,000,000 896,100 Jewelry 463.000,000 4,666,900 Sporting goods, toys, etc. 431,000,000 4,439,300 Perfumes and cos metics ... 261,000,000 2,688,300 Totals $6,622,000,000 $56,876,600 The figures for the states were in dependently estimated by distributing the national expenditures for these luxuries among the states according to such guides as value of intangible wealth, average annual income, taxes paid in connection with admissions to theatres, and taxes paid in connection with purchase of jewelry. The amounts given for each state should therefore be considered only as approximations. We are reproducing here only the esti mated expenditures for tobacco and the total estimated expenditures for all these luxuries. A parallel column shows School expenditures for the same year in the several states. Evidence of Ability It will be noticed that North Carc- lina’s expenditures for these several items'is estimated at $56,876,600, and for tobacco alone $19,024,100. The total current expenses and outlays for ‘ schools in 1924 was $30,980,022. Our tobacco bill was thus more than sixty percent as much as our educational bill and our total luxury bill was nearly twice as much as our entire school expenditures. Nor does this group of luxuries, so-called, include any of the more costly type of luxuries, such as automobiles, victrolas, radios, expen sive furniture, elegant clothing, and travel-expense. It is neither necessary nor desirable that the American people forego these luxuries. It is gpod that we have a standard of life high enough to permit such indulgences. On the other hand we cannot spend these huge suras for non-essentials and then plead poverty when it comes to paying taxes for schools or supporting other worth-while causes. We are spending in North Carolina fifty-six million dollars a year for knickknacks and we groan terribly when it becomes necessary to increase the state budget by a million or two dollars. We say we cannot afford an eight months’ school term, yet our candy bill alone would more than pay for the increased terra. Our tobacco bill each year exceeds the total cost of the state government. Our luxury bill would pay the entire state debt in two and one half years. If we would reduce our expenditures for these non- essentials by five percent and increase our taxes by that amount we could add $2,800,000 a year to the equalizing fund. It ■ is unnecessary to make further comparisons. Enough has been said to reveal that we are not a poverty- stricken state. A state that can af ford fifty-six million dollars a year for tobacco, movies, and certain drug-store products can afford to spend liberally for more substantial things. What we spend on*tobacco alone is almost equal to the current cost of all the public schools in the state. What we can afford in North Carolina depends en tirely upon how badly we want it- KNOW NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina is the largest pro ducer of tobacco and the seventh largest grower of cotton, but the rise as a producer of agricultural products is only a part of a more widespread prog ress. The real measure of the state’s economic progress is, to be found in its industrial growth, according to Elmore F. Higgins, vice-president, The Bank of America, New York. In a study which appears in The Bank of America Review, Mr. Higgins finds that the manufacture of tobacco products, furniture, lumber, and partic ularly textiles, has been responsible for a general growth of trade and com mercial activity throughout a large part of the state. “Two years ago, North Carolina be came the leading cotton spinning state. Massachusetts has stili the largest number of spindles in its mills but in operation of spindles and i.a the con sumption of raw cotton, North Caro lina now ranks first. “Second only to textile manufacture in importance to the state is the manu facture of tobacco products, and North Carulina farmers have found tobacco one of the most profitable crops to raise. Last year’s crop, valued at $103,000,000, represented nearly a third in value of the principal crops in the state, yet less than one-tenth of the cultivated area was given over “The future for the growing of to bacco and manufacture of its products is exceedingly bright. Not only is scientific study being applied to its cultivation but improvements are also being made in the methods of mer chandising, evidenced by the growth of marketing centers and better ware housing facilities. “The furniture industry also plays an important role in the industrial life of North Carolina. In 1925 the value of household furniture produced in the state amounted to $48,149,403. Allied to this is the lumber industry which cuts over a billion board XX feet an nually. Saw mills are scattered throughout the state and while for the most part of moderate size their total output is large. “One of the biggest factors in the recent expansion of North Carolina’s trade and industry has be'en the advent of good roads. Tne construction of hard-paved highways throughout the state has opened up its farming com munities to the world, stimulated trade and accelerated the growth of indus trial centers to such an extent that their importance is hard to over esti mate. A recent survey of state in debtedness made by The Bank of America shows that North Carolina has issued bonds for highway construction aggregating $85,299,600—an amount ex ■ ceeded by only three states. While this expenditure has raised the bonded debt of the state to $143,392,600, the second largest in the Union, its results are already evident and North Carolina promises to grow with its roads. “Notable progress has also been made in adding to and improving edu cational facilities. And it shows that the progressive citizens of North Caro lina are laying down solid foundations upon which to •'ontinue building for the future.’’ A VIRGIN PAGE If a man’s memory is not a virgin page for his own perceptions, but is written and crossed over with the thoughts of former persons, he is in constant doubt as to whether he is ‘original’, or is merely giving a fresh wording to old stuff; whereas, if he write from the heart, he is free from anxiety, for one man’s heart can never see or fee! like any other’s.— Julian Hawthorne, in The Dearborn Independent. SURFACED HIGHWAYS North Carolina ranks twenty-eighth in size and fourteenth in population but only seven states rank ahead of us in the number of miles of surfaced high ways maintained by the state. Further more, only eight states rank ahead of us in the number of miles of surfaced roads maintained by local governments, which happen to be counties in North Carolina. The United States Bureau of Public Roads reports that on Janu ary 1, 1926, North Carolina had 6,311 miles of state-constructed and state- maintained surfaced highways, and 14.- 705 miles of surfaced highways main tained by counties. This refers to a year and a half ago. The mileage of surfaced highways has been increased consider ably during the last eighteen months, and due to the rapidity with which we are constructing state and local high ways it is very probable that our rank is higher now than at that time. five in 1897. The record of tragedies in 1926 was 20,000.’’ i\Ir. Schnering recently launched a national safety movement for the spe cial purpose of preserving the lives of children. Five thousand children, he declared, are killed by motor cars an nually in the United States. —News and Observer. AUTOMOBILE FACTS According to the 1927 edition of Facts and Figures of the Automobile Indus try. National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, North- Carolina ranked eighteenth in number of motor vehicles with 386,047 January 1, 1927. This total involves an estimate for the last six months of the year as our registra tion begins on July 1. In persons per motor car North Caro- ; lina ranks thirty-eighth. Ten Southern | states rank below North Carolina. j The numerical increase in motor ^ vehicles for the calendar year 1926 is i reported as 44,760, with only fourteen j states showing a larger numerical gain. ; The increase in motor vehicles for the year was 13.1 percent, and only twelve states showed larger gains. North Carolina’s motor cars are increasing about ten times as fast as our popula- j tion. It will not be long before we shall I average a motor car to the family in i North Carolina. Already there is one I to approximately every six and one- half inhabitants. NORTH CAROLINA PEACHES According to a survey made, by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, there are 2,190,894 peach trees in the commercial orchards of North Carolina. Of this number 1,843,228 trees are lo cated in Moore, Montgomery, and Richmond counties. In 1926 these three counties shipped 1,806 cars out of a state total of 2,072. Candor in Mont gomery county is the heaviest loading point, moving 6S0 cars. In volume of carload peach shipments North Carolina, during the 1926 season, ranked sixth, being preceded in turn by New York, Arkansas, Illinois, Geor gia, and California, and followed in order of importance by Tennessee, Washington, Colorado, and New Jersey. Georgia, shipping 18,000 carloads a year, is North Carolina’s greatest com petitor. The destination of 1866 cars shipped from North Carolina during the peak of the season, July 12 to August 14 in clusive, was as follows: N. Y. 687; Pa. 447; Mass. 126; Md. 103; Va. 83; Ohio 76; Ct. '75; N. J. 74; D. C. 65; R. I. 63; Mich. 25; N. C. 25; Me. 5; Ind. 6; Ky. 4; Del. 3; Ala. 2; N. H. 1; Vt. 1; Canada 1; Cuba 1. MILK “A bottle of milk and a bath’’ was the first request of Charles A. Lind bergh, after reaching the home of Ambassador Herrick in Paris upon the completion of his trans-Atlantic flight. A. M. Loomis, Secretary of the American Dairy Federation says this is the finest tribute which has ever been paid to the American cow and that the slogan whicti Lindbergh innocently created will be worth millions to the dairy industry. When Lindbergh made his simple request he unconsciously epitomized our American ideals—sobriety, health, cleanliness, character. He rejected wine and asked for a health-giving food, the food upon which he was reared and which is in part responsible ’ for his superb physical manhood. Milk is nature's most perfect food, and American children grow strong and ruddy by drinking it. There are mil lions of children in France and other European countries who never get a taste of milk. And, alas, there are children in North Carolina, thous ands of them, who are denied this nourishing food. The last agricultural census reveals that there are 100,000 farms in North Carolina without a single cow. Think of it—100,000 farm families, a half million farm inhabi tants, among whom are a third of a million children, who hardly know the taste of milk! EXPENDITURE FOR LUXURIES AND EDUCATION The following table, based on estimates of the federal Treasury Depart ment as reported by the National Education Associaton and on statistics of state school systems issued by the federal Bureau of Education, shows for 1924 the total expenditures for schools of all sorts, compared with expenditures for luxuries. Included under luxuries are only the following: Tobacco, soft drinks and ice cream, theatres and movies, candy, chewing gum, jewelry, sporting goods, perfumes and cosmetics. Automobiles and numerous other things which might be included in part or in whole do not enter into the calculations. The third column shows the estimated expenditures by states for tobacco alone. Department of Rural Social-Economics, University of North Carolina. AGRICULTURE FIRST Few of the farmers’ organizations or their leaders have the vision to see that the current agrarian agitation is not an effort to save agriculture and the country so much as an effort to help industry and the city These few know that the only solution of the farm problem is not to devise ways by which the farmer can get more money, but to free him from the bonds of artificial debt and desire which have made him want it at all. For the land is not only our ultimate natural resource so long as we have to raise food, but it is our ultimate hu man spiritual resource so long as we wish to raise men. The problem of its cultivation is primarily a problem of culture and only then a problem of eco nomics. It is whether we shall culti vate soil and souls or dollars and desires, whether we shall have men or mere consumers on our farms.—Virgil Jor dan, in Forum. DEATH FROM MOTOR CARS Automobiles have killed since 1895 more than half as many persons as have been killed in the six major wars in which the United States has engaged in its history. This was the startling statement of Otto Y. Schnering, safety expert of national reputation, in an address here. Total deaths from automobiles in 32 ' years have been 170,612, according to : Mr. Schnering, whose figures are based on National Safety Council records. Total number of men killed in the six : great wars of the United States were j 323,702. I Mr. Schnering gave a tabulation of deaths in wars in this way: American Revolution 2,000 War of 1812 1,877 Mexican War 19,315 Civil War 243,891 ' Spanish War 6,619 World War 60,000 I Total 323,702 “No records exist of those killed in the Revolution and 2,000 is perhaps a i fair estimate, as 288,200 soldiers were engaged in the struggle for indepen dence. The figure for the Mexican War : includes the killed and those who died ! from disease and accident. Statistics ' for the Civil War comprise deaths in both Northern and Southern armies. “Deaths from automobiles are a mat ter of estimate from 1896 to 1910. After 1910 the record is exact. Four automo biles were in public use in 1895 and 22,- 001,393 in 1926. No deaths were caused : by automobiles in 1896 or 1896, and only I State ' Expendiiures Expenditures Expenditures ' for schools for luxuries for tobacco Alabama .. $14,386,394 $46,384,800 $16,614,800 Arizona ... 7,976,366 16,013,800 5,356,300 Arkansas .... 9,440,786 .... 35,893,000 ^2,005.500 California ... 124,240,978 .. 335,737,600 112,297,600 Colorado .... 22,960,826 ... 49,698,000 16,623,000 Connecticut .... 24,996,771 .... 87,247,600 29,182,600 Delaware . 3,203,492 .... 9.939,600 .... 3,324,600 District of Columbia . 6,668,393 .... .. 43,071,600 14,406,600 Florida ... 12,398,902 .... 39,206,200 13,113,700 Georgia .... 17,292,969 64,607,400 21,609,900 T(H •ah'* .... 8,972,918 .... 17.670,400 6,910,400 Illinois ... 116,677,301.... 466,609,000 166.071,600 Indiana .... 51,169,383 ... 133,632,400 44,697,400 Iowa .... 48.194,125 121,484,000 40^634,000 Kansas .... 35,286,038 71,786,000 24,011,000 Kentucky .... 17,195,004 .... 61,294,200 20,601,700 Louisiana .... 19,432,339 .... 66,876,600 19,024,100 Maine ... 10,129,601 .... 31,475,400 10,627,900 Maryland .. 20,489,898 76,203,600 26,483,600 Massachusetts .. ... 70,107,400 270,026,800 90,318,300 Michigan .... 82,858,436 .... 217,014,600 72,687,100 Minnesota .... 65,392,199 112,648,800 37,678,800 Mississippi ... 9,833,452 .... 29,266,600 9,789,100 Missouri .... 46,989,860 162,346,800 64,301.800 Montana .... 10,760,093 24,296,800 8,126,800 Nebraska .-7 .... 26,772.818 64,056,200 21,425,200 Nevada .... 2,111,709 5,522,000 1.847,000 New Hampshire. .... 6,832,089 19,879,200 ...... 6.649,200 New Jersey ... 78,968,680 181,673,800 60,766,flC0 New Mexico .... ... 4,757,151 9,387,400 3,139,900 243 465,083 938,187,800 313,805,300 North Carolina.... .30,980,022 56,876,6(J0 19,024,100 North £)akota ... .... 16,706.696 22,640,200 7,672.700 Ohio ....123,976,218 331,320,000 110,820,000 Oklahoma ... 32,649,784 . # 63,533,200 19,678,200 Oregon ... 16,392,026 61,354,600 17,177,100 Pennsylvania.... ...149,909,783 495,323,400 165,’675,900 Rhode Island ... ... 8,606,771 36,893,000 12,006,600 South Carolina... ... 12,826,341 33,684,200 11,266,700 South Dakota.... ... 16.670,870 28,162,200 9,419,700 Tennessee ... 16,832,091 61,846,400 20,686,400 Texas ... 55,687,876 168,421,000 66,333,600 Utah .... i 9,349,616 20,431,400 6,833,900 Vermont ... 4,026,666.. .. 12,700,600 4,248,100 Virginia ... 20,306,676 66,264,000 22,164,000 Washington .... 27,362,702 86,591.000 28,623,600 West Virginia.... ... 22,463,960 66,324,400 18,839,400 Wisconsin ... 44,331,449 125,901,600 42,111.600 Wyoming ... 6,835.164 11,696,200 3,878,700 Total 1,820,743,936 ... 6,622,000,000 ... 1,847,000,000