The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF^ NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Divisiorts. august 8, 1928 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THE UNIVERSITY OF. NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. XIV, No. 39 Editorial Boardi E. C. Branson, S. H. Hobbs, Jr.. P, W. Wager, L. R. Wlls^r^ E. W. Knight. D. D. Carroll, H- W Odum. Entered as second-clasB matter November 14, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C., under the act of Augnst 24, 19It. FACTS ABOUT LUMBER Elsewhere appears k table in which the states are ranked according to the total amount of lumber produced for the year 1926. In a parallel column is shown the amount of lumber consumed by each state for the same year. The leading lumber producing state at the present time is Washington, fol lowed in order by Oregon, Mississippi, Louisiana, California (including Neva da), Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, Geor gia, and North Carolina. The South ern states all rank high in lumber production. Of the first sixteen states in lumber production, eleven are locat ed in the South, How North Carolina BanKs North Carolina now ranks 'tenth am mg the states in lumber production, according to tbe Forest Service of the United States Department of_ Agricul ture. The production in 1926 was ap proximately nine hundred and seventy- one million board feet, or about three percent of the lumber produced in the United States. Our rank is slightly better than it has been in recent years, but not as high as it was about fifteen years ago when we stood around fourth as a lumber producing state. North Carolina consumed in' 1926 about 676 million board feet of lumber, or 69 percent as much lumber as we produced. Probably it would profit the state more if all the lumber produced in the state could be processed at home. The states that export great quantities of logs and lumber in the rough do not profit much from the practice. Many states have exported great quantities of logs and rough lumber and have later been unable to supply the home demands. In many respects consumption^ of lumber is a better index of the value of lumber to unless we pay considerably more at tention to the conservation and develop ment of our marvelous forest re sources. North Carolina is naturally a forest state, but in order to reap maximum returns from our ^forests we will have to do more than just to let nature take her course. SOUTH COMING BACK I believe that the pine-forestry inter ests and the naval-stores industry in the South are now in a very encourag ing situation. We have all quit re garding these industries as dying insti tutions. We. all look upon them now as permanent industries, with op portunity for greater stability than they have ever had and for profits at least equal to what they have realized | in the past. Toe timber-growing idea has been grasped throughout much of the South. , Public thought has come to appreciate how important forestry and permanent forest industries are to the economic progress of the region. Apparently • farm forestry and industrial forestry are taking actual hold of tbe land more i rapidly in the South than in any other section of the United States. In their second-growth timber the Southern states have found a large fresh resource. And the discovery of industrial and economic value of this second-growth timber has led to the realization that tbe greatest asset of the forest industries of the South is the timber-growing power of their land. The naval-stores industry has dis proved some of our gloomy forecasts of a few years ago. Tbe way in which Georgia has come back as a producer of naval stores during the last few years testifies to the immediate value and extent of this second-growth re- ELIOT ADVISES STUDENTS The equipment a student should acquire in college for success after wards, according to the late Presi dent Eliot of Harvard, is as follows; 1. An available body. Not neces sarily the muscles of an athlete. Good circulation, digestion, power to sleep, aqd alert, steady nerves. 2. Power of sustained mental labor. 3. The habit of independent thinking on book?, prevailing cus toms, current events. University training the opposite of military or industrial. 4. The habit of quiet, unobiru^- sive, self-regulated conduct, not ac cepted from others «r influenced by the vulgar breath. 5. Reticent, reserved, not many acquaintances, but a few intimate friends. Belonging to no societies perhaps. Carrying in his face the character so plainly to be seen there by the most casual observer, that ii^oby ever makes to him a disbon- orable proposal. » state than is production. It may not | source. The Carolines are now begin be especially good business for North ning to show the same kind of come Carolina to export great quantities of ' “ ' lumber in its crude shape, or to deplete our forest resources to such an extent that we will be short of lumber in the near future. North Carolina exports lumber to 26 states, principally to Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and Maryland. We ship to these five states about four hundred and fifty million board feet of lumber annually, or nearly one-half of all the lumber produced by the state. back. In general, the naval-stores industry appears to be returning to its old fields of activity. The South is, I believe, leading tbe country to-day in industrial forestry, by which I mean that the lumber com panies, paper companies, and naval- stores operators of the South are showing the way in the adoption, of methods of land management that take advantage of the timber-growing dren playing in the street were killed some description, Exclunive of mules and eight injured by automobiles. I and horses, North .Carolina ranks ri- Eight pedestrians were injured and ^ two killed while walking on the road- ... , ' ..u ' . . , , ^ 1 n j ably at the very bottom among the way. h ive were injured and two killed ; •' while coming from behind parked cars, j states, Onr livestock needs to be Lllisiun with trains accounted for >ci-eased both quantitatively and three deaths during the month, ten qualitatively. The U. S. Department others being injured. Sundays, with 66 accidents, led other days ‘of the week in accidents last month. Saturdays, there were 51, and ; Fridays, 28 By far the greater number of accidents occurred in the late after noon and early night between four and ten. of Agriculture has the following to say concerning the value of quality oairy cows. Analysis of more than 100,000 yearly individual records from cows on test in dairy herd improvement associations in dicates that, on the average, cows that The killed and injured during the . produced 100 pounds of buLletfat a year last six monihs were: January, 51 „ver cost of feed; killed, 297 injured; February, 66 killed, , , , . ■ r.-. .>£>A . J nff u oo 1 -11 J oiA - those that produced 200 pounds, ?o4 260 injured; March, 28 killed, 319 in- ^ , jured; April, 44 killed, 340 injured; over cost of feed; 300 pounds, $b6; 400 May, 47 killed, 366 injured; and June, pounds, $138; and 500-pound cows re- 37 killed and 295 injured.—News and ; turned $178 over cost of feed. Thus ! Observer. ; a man milking a 600-pound producer —I have more return than if he SCIEJ^CE in CUTTING WOODS ' milked a dozen 100-pound cows, and i , i this would take no account of the added j ^^oods meetings were held on 19' farms in 8 counties of New York State | recently to demonstrate improvement I larger herd or of the much greater “In the point of acreage, this is North Carolina’s most important crop and possibly the most profitable crop when costs are considered,” be states, pointing out that this crop needs neither cultivation nor fertilizer, and that cutting timber may be post poned indefinitely with an increase in its value whileWaiting. “This important Carolina crop is bringing the farmer less than half its true stumpage value,” he declares. “There are sections of the state where, he obtains full value for his logs. Nearness to a large pulp mill, acid factory, saw mill, veneer mill, or other wood-working plant, doubles the price of bis products in many cases.” “The aim of the Department of Agri culture is to bring the farmer in direct contact with the mill buying his timber, and toward this end Mr. Curran states that he holds himself ready to assist farmers with market ing or with other problems. “This is my message to North Caro lina farmers: The kind and quality of cuttings of cordwood. In each case an j extension forester from the state col lege of agriculture went over the wood land with the owner and marked a sample area. Such trees as soft maple, beech; ironwood and popple were marked to come out in order to give a better chance of development to valuable crop trees such as white ash, hard maple, black cherry, and bass wood. Later the owner carefully cut and stacked the marked material keep ing a record of the time consumed by the work. At a second meeting, wide ly advertised in the community, the cut-over area was inspected and its ap pearance was compared with that of the uncut portions of the woodland. The cordwood was carefully measured and its cash value in the woods was determined at a rate agreed upon by those present as reasonable. Tbe average net return from the cuttings, which in each case left the woodland in better shape for future growth, was $59.30 per acre. On G. F. Allen's farm in Ontario county the return was more than $128 per acre.—U. S. D. A. Press Service. QUALITY COWS PAY As a livestock state North Carolina is short quantitatively and qualitative- ! wood you produce on your farms dur-'ly. In 1920 there was only one state ‘ whose livestock value per farm was below that of North Carolina, and only North Carolina receives lumber from 24 states, principally from South Caro lina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Florida. Approximately 63 per cent of all lumber consumed in the state is produced at home. Tbe re maining 37 percent is imported. Of the lumber produced in the state 79.8 percent is softwood, and 20.2 per cent is hardwood. Of the lumber consumed in the state 67.8 percent is softwood and 32.2 per cent is hardwood. Thus we tend to export softwoods and import hard woods. Southern Pine Leads The moat important single source of lumber is southern yellow pine which supplied nearly one-third of all the lumber cut in the United States in 1926. Douglas Fir ranks second, sup plying 23.9 percent, and western yel low pine third with 8.6 percent. South ern yellow pine is now produced prin cipally by Mississippi, Louisiana, Ala bama, Texas, and Georgia. Douglas Fir is produced almost exclusively by Washington and Oregon. Western yellow pine is produced chiefly by Oregon, California, and Washington. W.ashmgton is by far the largest single lumber producing state,^ but ranks sixth in consumption. Cali fornia is first in consumption, but fifth in prtirtuction. Twenty states produce more lumber than they consume. Twenty-seven States consume more lumber than they I'roduce. In Texas production and •nsumption are about equal. So far ’’’Orth Carolina has been a'lumber exporting state, producing more than- we consume, but gradually consump tion has been creeping up on produc tion, both because of increased con sumption and of decreased production. It will probably be not many years before North Carolina will be consum ing more lumber than we produce, power of the soil. , - , In the matter of farm forestry and j ing the next 20 years will determine an understanding of the relation of i North Carolina’s position as a per- timber growing to agriculture and in ' manent souice of forest products, forest development generally we stand! “Every other forest region has seen on solid ground in the South to-day. its forest industry wax and wane. two states in which a smaller percent of farms bad purebred livestock of expense of providing stable room for a herd instead of a single animal. The figures from returns are based on farm prices from all parts of the country, including whole-rhiik districts. SAYS JAILS AKE SANITARY “There is but one jail in all of North Cirolina’s 100 counties which does not come up to our minimum sanitary or structural requirements,” declared Dr. Charles O’H. Laughingbouse, director of the State Board of Health, to the Duke University Summer School. “And we don’t mind that one jail very much because it is down in Pam lico county, where there is rarely any need to put it into use. People down there settle their fights out of court, and there’s nothing to steal down there except mosquitoes,” All other jails in the state are far above the minimum standard for penal houses, said Dr. Laughingbouse, and after all, it’s not such a bad thing to be in jail in this old state. The board of health director pointed out that this was but one indication that this state is becoming more and more healthful, and that sanitary and living conditions in all walks of life have greatly improved in the last decade —News and Observer. Reforestation is now generally rec ognized as essential to the creation of wealth from the soil and to healthy agriculture. The profitableness of reforestation in the South is becoming more and more assured, largely because of an W§ are holding our own, though cutting less than half the amount once har vested. Your forest acres are capable of yielding this maximum cut per petually, and you need not fear low prices in the future. You are favora bly situated with reference to market?, unusual combination of industries using transportation, rate of forest products as a raw material; | quality of timber. -News and Observ- namely, the lumber, the paper, and the! er. naval-stores industries. The utiliza-; , tion of pine trees and their products by , AUTO’S DREADFUL TOLL these industries, combined with the: , ^ • .u f advantages of oil and climate for! During the first six months of tbe advantages o neop e in North Carolina were rapid timber production, bids fair, in; xo., peon my judgment, to give timber growing assured economic footing such as it has rarely obtained anywhere in the world. It is very stimulating to me to note from year to year the remarkable progress made by the pine-forestry interests of the South, under en lightened and far-sighted industrial leadership. This progress under such leadership is one of the finest chapters in the story of forestry in North America.-W.B. Greeley, Chief, Forest Service, 0. S. Dept, of Agriculture. millions fhom forests North Carolina farmers have a turn over of 32 million dollars a year from the 10 milli m acres of forest land in this state, says H. M. Curran, forester of the state Department of Agncul- Around 14 million dollars worth of forest products are Used for home consumption each year, and in addition •o the timbers used at home, around 18 million dollars’ worth of wood in the form of logs, cord-wood, pulp-wood poles, and other products, are sold each year, he states. killed in automobile accidents, or an ^y^rage of about one and a half a day, while an additional 2,088 were injured, according to figures compiled by W. C. Spruill, of the automobile vehicle bureau of the State Department of Revenue. This toll of dead and injured may be largely attributed to recklessness and carelessness, said Mr. Spruill, pointing to figures in the June report to beaf out his statement. Of the 338 cars involved in accidents, 303 were reported with defective brakes, six with defec tive steering mechanism, one with glaring headlights, two with punc tures or blow-outs, and three with no headlights. Exceeding the speed limit accounted for the largest number of accidents last month, 62 being attributed to this, and eight of the 37 deaths. Thirty accidents resulted from driving off the roadway, and four deaths. Twenty- four accidents and four deaths were caused by vehicles on the wrong side of the road; and 20 accidents and 'two deaths by drivers “cutting in.” There were 67 collisions with pedes trians, in which 14, the majority being children, were killed. Six chil- PSODUCriON AND COMSUMPTION OF LUMBER By States for the Year 1926 In the following table, based on Lumber, Bulletin No. 30, Bureau of Rail way Economics, tbe states are ranked according to lumber produced for the year 1926. The parallel column gives the amount of lumber consumed by states for the same year. North Carolina ranks lOtb in lumber pro'duction with nearly 971 million board feet. We rank 19th in lumber consumption with nearly 676 million board feet. We consume 69 percent as much lumber as we produce. Of the lumber produced in North Carolina 79.8 percent is softwood and 20.2 percent hardwood Of the lumber consumed 67.8 percent is softwood and 32.2 percent hardwood. North Carolina ships lumber to 26 states and receives lumber from 24 states. We ship mainly to Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Vir ginia. We received lumber primarily from South Carolina, Alabama, Missis sippi, Tennessee, and Florida. S. H. Hobbs, Jr. Department of Rural Social-Economics, University of North Carolina Produc- Consump- Produc- Honsump- Rank State tion 1,000 tion 1,000 Rank State tion 1,000 tion 1,000 ft. b. m. ft. b. m ft. b. m. ft. b. m. 1 Washington.... ...7,646,239...1,540,760 24 Kentucky ... 216,759. 451.460 2 Oregon 4,4o4,735....1,064,786 26 Missouri ... 178,668. . 758,67.2 3 Mississippi ...2,894,994... 491,133 26 New York ... 170,963. .2.832; 251 4 Louisiana 2,883,630... 691,886 27 Oklahoma .... 149,929. . 447,316 6 Calf. & Nevada ..2,187,969...3,661,067 28 Ohio ... 141,499. .1,489,145 6 Alabama 2,106,122... 847,446 29 Indiana ... 139,472. . 816,170 7 Texas . 1,466.121...1,458.412 30 New Mexico .. ... 127,1:0. . 78.149 8 Arkansas ...1,441,018... 473.748 31 Arizona .... 110,232. .. 79,269 9 Georgia ...1,146,489... 389.622- 32 Vermont ... 111,638. . 96,599 10 North Carolina ...970,965... 675,898 33 Massachusetts ... 86,168. . 7iC,274 11 Idaho 947.471... 224,848 34 Colorado 76,278. .. 231,642 12 South Carolina ... 920,826... 178.110 35 Maryland ... 68,444. . 4S4;6fe6 13 Florida ; 920,586... 682,845 36 South Dakota .... 49,281. . 137,723 14 Wisconsin ... 912,624...1,003,027' 37 Connecticut... .... 47,367. . 245,437 16 Tennessee .... 683,323... 661,311 Illinois ... 38,357. .2,325,194 16 Virginia .. 676,663... 566,615 39 Wyiiming .... 19,392. . 100,461 17 Michigan ... 663,344...1,613,888 40 Iowa 9,768. .. 758,672 8 W, Virginia.... .... 588,788... 290,966 11 Delaware 9,433. . 981,326 i9 Minnesota ... 471,090... 770,702 42 New Jersey... 6,963. .. 702,071 20 Montana .. 378,698... 242,833 j 43 Utah 6,479 .. 128,229 >[ Maine .... 340,893... 168,408 44 Rhode Island.. 6,42-). .. 130,211 22 Pennsylvania.. .. 318,797..,1,971.208 ) 46 Kansas* Nebr... 4,234. .. 639,994 23 New Hampshire.. 243,007... 192,998 46 North Dakota .... . . 129,970

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