Page 2, THE PILOT you Talk Listen! Letters To The Editor Dear Editor: I have never been so ap palled at the display pre sented by a student after Tuesday’s chapel program (November 4). The aforesaid proceeded from the chapel after the program and sud denly started “ranting and raving” about his Christian experience. This student ac- tu^ly screamed “I’m glad I’m washed in the blood of The Editor Speaks Out Where do we put our priorities? Are we really in terested in being at Gardner- Webb or even living as adults in society? The atti tudes recently exhibited here tend to make me believe that some of us are more in terested in being disrespect ful than trying to be con siderate. Three weeks ago, a poet came on our campus to give a reading of some of his own poetry, something that ☆ Bicentennial (Continued Prom Page 1) aU. The third sub-topic is “General Welfare (housing, food, clothes, employ ment).” Two main issues in this session are the conflicts of public and individual in terest in the area of eco nomics. The question is asked, “Is there a trend to wards socialism in today’s society?” The second of the four main topics is “Natural Right Of Life.” Its first sub- topic is “Self-Preservation: The Military.” The main is sue will be the balance be tween the necessity of con stant national protection and the individual’s right and desire to lead his own life. “Self-Preservation: Eco logy, Conservation, and Sur vival” is the second sub- topic. This topic also will be concerned with a balance; the balance between the government and the indi vidual in control and use of national resources. The last sub-topic under “Natural Right Of Life” is “Protection of Life: The Law and the Rising Crime Rate; Law and Justice.” The obtaining of fair and equal justice for every man will be the main issue here. “Natural Right of Li berty” is the third main topic. Its sub-topis are “Speech/Press: Private or Public Censorship?” and “Religion: Relationship to the Declaration of Indepen dence and to Society To day.” The fourth main topic is “The Natural Right Of The Pursuit Of Happiness.” Its sub-topics are “Recreation,” “The Arts,” and “The Fam ily and Changing Life Styles.” The last main topic is “The Original Pledge and Commitment: Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor.” meant a great deal to him. It was a shame that he was re quired to express his work during chapel hour because the reaction to his work was absolutely embarrassing to this college and the students who supposedly represent it. The fact that one student even “booed” reveals a lack of manners, consideration, and respect for another’s at titudes and opinions. Granted, chapel hour is not the best time nor is the gym the best place for poe try to be read. Seating is un comfortable and inappro priate, atmosphere is poor, and the sound system is ex tremely lacking. Another factor against the poet is the fact that many people were forced to attend because of required chapel rules and didn’t want to be there. However, no matter the cir cumstances, showing a com plete lack of respect for another’s feelings and opin ions is inexcusable. Another incident occuring last month that exhibited the immaturity of some of us here, was the display of dis respect shown during the Homecoming concert given by Peter Yarrow and Pure Prairie League; most espe cially during the Petter Yar row portion of the perfor mance. Not only were people getting up and walking aroimd while he played, but they were talking out loud and yelling as if there was no one on stage at all. The irony of the situation was that the disrupters were free to leave if they disagreed with the music, unlike at chapel, but they remained and spoiled the concert for others who enjoyed it. No matter how much we disagree with a person’s at titudes, ideas, music, or way of expressing himself, it is simply above the so-called “maturity” of so-called “col lege students” to exhibit such narrow-mindedness the Lamb.” As a concerned Christian student here at Gardner- Webb, I am very deeply troubled with some of the tactics used by various stu dents in presenting a true Christian witness. To me, certain students are doing nothing but alienating them selves and God from the body of students who are out of touch with religion. I observed several students looking on this person who made a total mockery of true religion, and their reaction was on to be expected; hilarity mixed with pity. In order to engender the seed of true religion in those who are not familiar with it, one must adjust to the social level of that person. This en tails being able to identify with and appreciate that person’s beliefs and ideals. Then, a sharing of the per son’s true religion is appli cable. I see so many students here at Gardner-Webb turn ing away from true religion, or rather religion in general, because of this type of ac tion displayed by certain people. The situation is a sad one, but it can be changed. If it is not changed, then I see no pur pose for the continuation of such outrageous attempts to impress people in the name of God. We are our brother’s keeper—We will be held re- Henry L. Harrison "Meet someone halfway: eommunieating is the begin- ning of understanding." Student Worker Demands Respect I would like to conclude by asking two questions. How can we possibly expect anyone to try and respect and listen to our opinions if we show such attitudes of disrespect as exhibited re cently? Are we merely going to sit back and wallow in our self-centered satisfaction Becky Bost Movie Of The Week ^'Little Big Man'' November 14 Dear Editor: A matter has come to my attention that I feel should be addressed to the student body. This matter deals with the conduct of some of the students in the cafeteria. Being a student worker in the cafeteria, I would like to make a request on behalf of all the cafeteria workers. We workers would appreciate it if the students showed us more courtesy. Those of us who serve food on the food line do not do any of the cooking. Therefore, we should not get the blame for the cooking. Neither do the food servers make the rules for the cafe teria, such as being able to serve only one piece of meat at a time and asking the stu dents to come back if they want more. Likewise, the servers should not be the ones to get fussed at if all they can serve is one piece of meat at a time. If any student disagrees with something about the cafeteria, he should see either Mr. Keith Carson or Mr. Wesley Goodman, and give all complaints or sug gestions to them. But remember, the next time you students go up to the serving line, try smiling and saying “please” and “thank you.” It would cer tainly make our jobs in the cafeteria much more plea sant. Any responsible com ments or remarks to this edi torial are gladly welcomed. Students can submit com ments by addressing them to the Editor of The Pilot. —A student worker in the cafeteria GWC and Seminary Reach Agreement Gardner-Webb and the New Orleans Baptist Theo logical Seminary have reached an advanced stand ing credit agreement. Under this agreement, a graduate of Gardner-Webb choosing New Orleans for seminary studies can receive up to 16 hours of credit for specific courses completed on the college level which develop the same competencies as those at the seminary. A first among Southern Baptist institutions, the agreement is the culmina tion of discussions stretch ing back over two decades, according to Dr. Bob Lamb, professor of religious educa tion and religion at Gardner- Webb. The framework for the agreement was estab lished last year at a meeting in Nashville sponsored by Dr. Allen Comish, director of the church services and materials division of the Southern Baptist Conven tion Sunday School Board, and Dr. Ben Fisher, director of the education commis sion. “Resulting from that meeting was the decision that a college wishing to enter into such a program with a seminary should meet certain basic criteria,” said Dr. Lamb. “As listed by Dr. Jack Watson of New Or leans, the college first must have a Department of Reli gion in which a major or in tegrated program in reli gious education is offered, and an academically quali fied faculty is assigned to teach. Gardner-Webb has one of the strongest reli gious education programs of any of the Southern Baptist colleges in the United States.” Among other conditions cited by Dr. Watson, the col lege library must have re sources available for the training of religious educa tion students; students committed to religious edu cation must be identified as religious education mini sters in training; a minimum of one year or the equivalent must be offered in religious field education; and descrip tions of current courses must be made available to New Orleans Baptist Theo logical Seminary. Dean J. Hardee Kennedy of New Orleans and Execu tive Vice President and Dean Thomas J. McGraw of Gardner-Webb called the agreement “a positive step forward in enabling stu dents to correlate better their total preparation for ministry.” ThePUot Editor Becky Bost Feature Editor Charlotte Meyer Layout Editor Crela Landreth Staff Tommy Holland, Tommy Swinney, Bob Yavner Typist Robin Hall Photographers Chapie Chapman, Jody Harwood Advisor Mr. Van Scott Published by students of Gardner-Webb College, Boiling Springs, North Carolina 28017. The offlce of the PILOT is located in the Charles I. Dover Student Center, Room 112. Telephone 434-2361—Ext. 281. The opinions expressed in this student newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of the GWC faculty, administration, or student body. Responsible comments to issues presented in the PILOT are pos sible by writing, Editor-THE PILOT, Box 91.