S.C.C. Symposium Sunday iheLanee Sophomore Class Hayride Saturday j ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE LAURINBURG, N. C., SEPTEMBER 23, 1966 VOL. 6, NO. 3 DON STOKES SELLS Judy Maurer for top dollars In Sc^)homore Slave Sale. Sophomore drive raked in record $145. YearbookYearnsTo Improve, Make Mightier Memories Students Evaluate Lamp and Shield student evaluations, yearbook conventions, and an ambitious, ca pable staff may be the foundations of a successful year for the 1967 "Lamp and Shield.” Mev Fraser, editor, reports that presently the annual staff Is still involved in much organizational work. This work involves the co ordination and orientation of a competent staff as well as the collection and organization of ideas for this year’s annual. Editorial Staff The staff is being headed this year by an editorial committee. This group is responsible for all decisions that must be made. It is also responsible for bringing any student opinions to the attention of the staff. The editorial committee con sists of: Mev Fraser, editor-in- chief; Athos Rostan, business ma nager; Betty Baldwin, general edi- Play, Dean’s Boat Race, and Pfeiffer Program for Oct. 8 Parents’ Day Because several hundred pa rents have already registered for Parents Day, October 8, ourAsso- Johnson, is beginning to worry about logistics problems. "We would like to tell students, for example,” said Johnson, that we’ve already sold all available tickets for Saturday night’s per formance of ‘The Boy Friend*. Money Maker Again, Maurer Excitement reigned as the pri ces soared. Freshmen, as well as juniors and seniors, had been saving for days to purchase their favorite sophomores to do ‘nice’ tasks. Tasks could be anything from ironing and scrubbing floors to publicly washing clothes in front of the Student Center. A slave, perched on top of a display platform, urged the enthu siastic crowd to bid higher. Open ing bids were fifty cents. Slaves were bought at prices ranging from a dollar and five cents to twenty dollars. Don Stokes, Junior, once again auctioned the sale, bringing in a record $145, $20 more than the efforts of the class of ‘68 last year. This money goes to finance all the activities of serf week. Lietz Promotes Student Aids SOCCER GAME ! ! ! > Campbell - Here Sept. 27 — 3:30 PM BE THERE “The student’s increasing awareness of the library is as much apparent at St. Andrews as at U. N. C., perhaps more so,” says new librarian. Dr. Richard J. Lletz. Dr, Lietz who came to St. An drews from the University of North Carolina said he also felt the in troduction to the library exercise was far superior to other colleges. Plans are being made to convert the conference room on the third floor into a study loungewhichwlll house a projected paperback col lection selected by the professors In order that uncatalogued books may be made accessible to stu dents, a temporary author’s c^d will te placed in the card cata logue, and the book may be called for at the circulation desk. To further aid students a Zeroz photo-copier willbeinstalle . _ the use of this machme students wiU be able to duplicate a page from a book or periodical for ten ‘^tr. uS'feels that although a library is often used ^ ^ hall that the purpose of a go^ libr'ary is to promote studying by providing the necessary materials. Announcing student CENTER BOARD forthcoming event He believes with this in mind that “as time goes on, St. An drews, like many other liberal arts colleges, will develop into a “li brary college/’ And Friday is mostly gone, too.” “So please try to attend Tues day, Wednesday or Thursday.” luncheon for parents and their stu dents on that Saturday,” Johnson noted. “This means the tradi tional box lunches for other stu dents, beginning at 11:30.” “Please help us keep the campus attractive by using the convenient trash cans for your lunch remain ders.” The annual Dean’s Cup Boat Races will be staged at noon, following a trio of panel discus sions on the academic program. After lunch from 1 to 2:15 p.m., parents will meet with advisers, and then the soccer game with Pfeiffer is on tap for afternoon entertainment. tor; George Shaffer, managing edi tor; Ray Riddle, layout editor; Donna Southers, copy editor; Bill Berry, photography editor; Gloria Bell and Brenda Keel, editor’s assistants; and Mr. Abernathy, acting advisor. In collecting and organizing Ideas, the staff Is being aided by student evaluation sheets and year book conventions. Mev reports that students have been slow in returning evaluation sheets. ‘‘We appreciate the con sideration of those who have re sponded, and we would encourage all others to please do so.” Class Portraits The annual staff announces that class portrait pictures will be taken October 3-14. There will be a small sitting fee which will be announced later. A sign-up chart will be posted September 26th. All students are tv which they sign and to be prompt In keefJ^g these appointments. Dress for seniors will be dark coats and ties for men and a red, scoop-neck drape for women. The latter is the drape which received a substantial majority in the voting by senior women. The dress for underclassmen will be announced at a later date. Mev stated, “We cannot please all the people all the time; how ever, It is our slncerest hope that all of our efforts for the improve ment of communications and for an approach to a wider appeal will be successful and at least recog nizable to the entire student body.” Pizza Party Fall Fling Octl Oct 28,29 /-.itc-ttOT ttadfrS left to right are: Larry McDaniels, Peggy McCulloch, Salll 1966 ST. ANDREWS CHEER CaldweU, Pat Cooney, Fletcher Shives, and Chapin, ^as elected co-captain while Pat Cooney was named captain. Jock Muir.