fjniBSDAYt OCT. 29, 1970 the lance PAGE THREE DADY MEHTA, a former member of the music faculty, will return to the campus next Thursday to perform the “Dlabelll Variations” by Beethoven. The recital will be at 10:00 a.m. In the LAA. Mehta will remain on campus only for the day IN BRIEF Jaclc ReVlUe announced ear lier this week that two fraud ulent representatives from a magazine company had been run off campus, and that two more had been arrested. He warned students that such people sell ing on campus must have the signature of either Dr. Davis or Dean Decker to okay their presence. Anyone knowing the where abouts of paintings left over (Tom last spring’s art classes should notify Johanna Cheney, ext. 325, They managed to dls- ippear over the summer. Dr. Hart has announced an “ad hoc” committee on the College Bookstore and Its func tion which “Is to explore the ways in which the college book store might fill more adequ ately the total needs of the cam pus”. Members of the com mittee are James D, j. Holmes, Chairman, Ron Crossley, Ju lian Davis, Stuart Marks, Dick Prust, W. D. White and stu dents Twiggy Holt and Hosea Jones, Congratulations to Wilming ton Dorm for sponsoring for the fourth consecutive year their Halloween Party for Peace Corps tutees and professor's children. As usual. It was a huge success. Ciranville Dorm Is sponsoring a Halloween extravaganza Sat- wtlay night with “The Masque o^e Red Death” and lots of your favorite beverage. Ad mission Is $1.00. The Choir raffle will be held Saturday at 7:00. At that time, a man’s wrist watch and an AM- FM-shortwave radio will be raffled off. Tickets at 25f will be on sale up till 7:00 Satur day. Proceeds will pay for the choir’s JanuaryjourneytoScot- land. Mose Henry, from the Pres byterian School of Christian Ed ucation, will be featured at farrago at 8:30 p. m. and at Chapel at 10:15 p.m. next Wed nesday. Henry, a folk singer, Is visiting the campus under the auspices of the College Chris tian Council. Next Tuesday, November 3, recruiters from U. S. General Accounting will be on campus to talk to prospective em ployees. They will be here be ginning at 9:30. On Wednes day the Florence, S. C. schools will be Interviewing students Interested in teaching from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Stu dents Interested In talking with either of these recruiters should sign up in the Placement Office with Chris Hannas. This Saturday night WSAP will be broadcasting “The War of the Worlds”; the famous Orson Wells radio drama ofthe 30’s which caused so much up-_ roar. The re-broadcast will be gin at 11:00 Fondu Pots (with forks) Studio One (Photographs & notes) Incense - Censers — CANDLES — Straw Flowers Plush Snoopies Stationery Halloween Cards IflS^ 4 frtWY Til' w Remedies Proposed For SA Medical Problems nV r'UADT ITT TM-5 A mm BY CHARLIE PRATT The purpose of this continua tion to the article on the Infir mary of last week Is to re emphasize the Immediacy ofthe problems through experiences of people and to present what Is being considered as re medies on a general scale. It Is not the purpose of this arti cle to criticize Individuals alone for their actions, but to pre sent the problems of an en tire system of operation where each deflciait part contributes to the Inadequacy of the whole system. At the end of last year, Sue Slaney and Joanne Foil both entered the Inflrmarywlth blad der Infections. They were run ning very high levers along with having abdomen pains. When Dr. Hugh Me Am made his examination of each, he found “nothing wrong with (them)” and recommended “plenty of aspirin’ to keep down the fever. They were ad mitted to the infirmary anyway because of their high levers and pain. Their first bad experience came when they attempted to get some soup to eat at 7:00 p. m. for supper. Since the nor mal supper hour in the Infir mary Is 4:30, and since the girls had refused it then due to the type of food and their con dition, Mrs. Stevens refused to provide soup for them saying there was none available. One of the other students assistants found some soup there and gave It to them at that time. During the evening both girls had to scream to get the at tention of Mrs. Stevens. She has her living quarters away from the bed care clinic In the Infirmary. There Is no way of communicating between rooms the way the house is set up, except to yell loudly. Sue Slaney had more severe symptoms than Joaime with a temperature of 104. During the night the Darvon which was given as medicine wore off with the re sult she had acute pains in her stomach. It took a long time to find Mrs. Stevens, who con tinued to administer Darvon, although she expressly refused to tell either one what the medi cation was. Sue felt so bad ttial she decided to check out of the Infirmary and go Into town for tests. They verified the bladder Infection and disproved the cold/flu diagnosis. Joanne Foil went to see a urologist at home after school was over. He was shocked at the treatment given her aiid said that such Illnesses “can be cleared up In seven days with proper diagnosis and treat ment.” Instead it took a lot of monej seeing a urologist over the summer for both to recover fully. Neither Joanne nor Sue were ever recommended to see other physicians or specialists when they went to the infirmary with this problem. Nor were there facilities to diagnose such ill nesses at the Infirmary although equipment for this Is relatively Inexpensive. Another student, Eric Gre gory, had a complaint In re gard to his experience with im proper diagnosis and the re sulting Improper medication: “In the infirmary, no shots or drug should be given without at tendance of a physician. ” Dr. Rol)ert Urle, who has an interest In the Infirmary at least in regard to the RSA program and physically handi capped students, said that the Infirmary is a high priority Item. The student Cabinet is taking names for a committee to discuss and act upon the of the infirmary system, Mr. Urle outlined some of the mSHy choices tills group will have. First, there Is the posslbllty of receiving federal funds for health care under the auspices of an extension to a dormitory as a reh^llltatlon service. This would be either an addition or a replacement for a centralized Infirmary. It would also serve the general student txxly as well as provide facilities for more severely handicapped stu dents. A second option Is the scrapping of the Infirmary as a diagnostic and treatment center and reducing It to the position of a dispensary for drugs and other medical supplies. The third is to begin a whole new Infirmary with facilities for diagnosis and treatment on a large scale. There is a tena- tive design for such an infir mary but no actual blueprliUs or any final financial figures. It t>ecomes apparent that most of the long term plans for change of infirmary operation will de- mand a transitional period which mustutlllzethe Infirmary as It exists. For this period, beginning now, changes are nec essary to protect the welfare of students. Prices JERNIGAN’S MEN’S SHOP Main Street Laurinburg spec/Ais CONTAC CAPSULES 10s RegS1“ 890 Minikin by WESTCLOX Electric Alarm HUDNUT Egg Shampoo Creme Rinse 14oz Reg 69C Plain Reg S3” $279 $349 Lum. RegS4’» ULTRA BRITE TOOTH PASTE Cool Mint Large MENNEN PUSHBUTTON DEODORANT 4oz 7oz Reg»1" 59C 990 BRECK Concentrate Shampoo 4oz '' Normal Dry Oily R.g»1- 79C JERGENS LOTION with Dispenser i 9'/2 0z R.g.*1” 790 COMMUNITY DRUGS, INC.