O'Toole Addresses Academy Kill,* fast does a bullet Las it speeds through the Klinost as fast as Super- iT’ Itiis question was ad- Jspd by Dennis O'Toole in Iper presented before the In' Carolina Collegiate |en y of Science meeting lliinngton on April 2. St. Andrews feSbyterian College liiuirp reported on ex- lient.: he conducted in the fcieni of the college building. Using a IcDonald [ ^^pointed )r Drama JStrike at the Wind’ had the ipe of script 1 would have of- Jtk to top box office star (in' Eastwood," commented har McDonald to the board |f|directors of Historical Inc. following his ap- Jitnient as director of the Idoor drama. IcDonald’s praise was not pined to the script. He was opleased with the intimacy he amphitheater. “The Jifiice will feel a part of ill without being over- Jljned by it as is often the ® in the cavernous settings lie of the other outdoor |n'as." ®ce 1961 McDonald has ® 8 member of the theater at St. Andrews n^Mcian College. He the Bachelw of Arts in history at the ^fr!^ity of Georgia and the Fielor of Divinity degree Union Theological (‘"fry, Richmond, Va. He ® holds a Master’s degree the University of North Nina at Qiapel Hill and ■‘'wn receive a Doctor of Fophy degree in theater F the University of In combination of scientific equipment, fabricated dr vices and his own ingenuity, O’Toole devised a method of simultaneously measuring the velocity of a bullet elec tronically and its rotation photographically as it sped down the 100 foot range he had constructed. Hie graduate of Bishop iVlclnnes High School in Win ston-Salem initiated and con ducted tills projcct during the month of January, whiA is .set aside at St. Andrews for '.^(lents to become deeply in volved in a single course. When needed, guidance and suggestions were provided by Dr. David E. Wetmore, St. Andrews chemistry professor, who has a recreational in terest in fire arms and am munitions dating from his ar my days. llie project focused on the variation of the rate of rotation with different linear velocities of a bullet, which were obtained by using bullets of different loads. Dr. Donald G. Barnes, chairman of the math, scien- McDonald has directed 35 major piay productions, ranging from Greek tragedies to Shakespeare to the works of modem frfaywrights Most of these plays have been part of college theater programs, first at Converse College, Spartanburg, S.C., then at St. Andrews. He has had two years experience producing drama on money-making basis leading a summer re pertory company in Mraitrest. His experience includes travel-eight trips to Great Britain in the bst sewn yeara- -and work with outdoor drama. He worked two years for tlie successful outdoor drama "Unto These Hills,” the story of the Cherokee natiOTi, first as an actor, then as stage manager. THE RED LION Helps you cope with the growling stomach after hours, with all kinds of foods and drinks and DANNON yogurt in a dazzling variety of flavors. *Pen nightly In the College Union 8 -12 P.M. DENNIS O’TOOLE wwks with the apparatus he devised to determine the speed of a bullet ( Photo by Rooney Coffman). ce division at St. Andrews and member of the North Carolina Academy of Science, helped to at range for the presenta tion of this paper, Afterwards he observed, "This has been O’Toole's project from begin ning to end. He has done a fine job of taking the available resources and molding them into a system which would generate the data he needed. As for O’Toole him.self, he is already considering new ex perimental techniques which can be used to improve the' values he has already ob tained. In outlining his plans to the board, McDonald promised to make every effort to cast In dians in Indian roles, whites in white roles, and blacks in black roles. “You have an educated tri- racial population quite capable of handling major roles,”he added. ' ■mm- BOB'S JEWEL SHOP The Place to go for all your Jewlery needs Main St. College Plaza spllTTERANCE drawings and poems tsy MARK SMITH Name —- Paid »5eS5 Cash .Check SEND TO CAMPUS MAIL; the curveship press pflBERT TAUBER, DIRECTOR