The Lance A Weekly Journal of News and Events At St. Andrews Presbyterian College VOLUME 18 No. 1 Laurinburg, North Carolina September 14,1978 AT LAST, A CONCERT ON CAMPUS! CHOICE, Performing This Weekend Trust Trustees Retreat Seen As Fruitful^ Enlightening Experience On August 18th and 19th, the second biennial St. Andrews Trustees Retreat at Pine Needles Lodge and Country Qub in Southern Pines was held. Faculty, Ad ministration, Staff, Trustees and former Trustees, and their spouses were invited to attend. In addition, several students who worked on the college long range planning committees were invited, but. only two of them were able to make it-Tom Byrum and •Cheryl Shapiro. The first item on the agenda was a panel discussion, speaking on various aspects of the future of small, private, church-related liberal arts colleges. Bob Jansen, the by CHERYL SHAPIRO General secretary of the Synod of North Carolina, spoke on the relationship between the church and St. Andrews and the commitment of each to one another. The second panelist, Jim Oliver, spoke about the future of private colleges in North Carolina, especially their role and responsibilities regarding quality higher education and their problems considering the enrollment slump of the late seventies and early eighties. Mr. Oliver is the project director of the North Carolina Association of In dependent College and Universities. The third panelist was Bob Sailstad, who is the director of Educational Affairs and (Continued on page 2 By Robert L. McWhorter, Concert Committee Chairman and Craig K. Withrow, C.U.B. President In the past several years there has been a growing number of complaints about the entertainment that has been provided within the St. Andrews College community. The city of Laurinburg also voiced its opinion this sum mer in the local newspaper. The Laurinburg Exchange, with an article entitled, ‘Nothing to do in Laurinburg.’ The complaints have been heard. Since last spring and throughout the summer we have been fortunate to have received overwhelming cooperation from the ad ministration, particularly from Student Life personnel, , the members of whom are * Dean Robert Claytor, Cathy Benzaquin, and Ron Diment. They liave shown great in terest in the entertainment situation and have provided advice and constructive criticism that has been of ^reatjalu^i^^lanning^^- tivities for this year. We have also had the support of the Physical Education Depart ment and a great deal of help from the maintenance. The city of Laurinburg has also given us a tremendous amount of support. Over twenty businesses have allowed advertisement for the upcoming Choice concert and are willing to cooperate with St. Andrews in the future. Without this cooperation some new ideas could not be at tempted. Why is this important? It’s important because the ad ministration and Laurinburg are supporting entertainment efforts for you, the student body, and the local com munity. Their motivation and positive attitude has been the key. We now need your input and support. If we are not able to obtain your support, a great deal of work towards your behalf will go down the drain, not only now, but in the future. There would also be the possibility of the development of apathy within the administration. __jContinuedoi^^ Highland Players Plan Big Season Dean Crossley Comments On Orientation Orientation ended this past week with drizzling and damp weather and a disappointing turnout at the two final events: Convocation and Dinner at Bun’s. The dinner was marked by the fact that more upperclassmen and faculty apparently showed up than new students. The President was philosophic about the whole thing, remarking that alot of folks missed out on a lot of good pig and an interesting evening. Dean of the College Ronald Crossley was reportedly far more disturbed by the meagre student attendance at (Continued on Page 8) The 1978-79 season of the Highland Players is already underway. Auditions were held this past Monday and Tuesday for the musical “Man of La Mancha” which will open on Oct. 20. Under the direction of Brad Ford, this show promises to be an exciting opening production. The Dale Wasserman script centers on Cervantes’ im prisonment in a dungeon in Seville as he awaits his trial by the Inquisition for an of fense against the Church. He is arraigned by a Kangaroo Court composed of his fellow prisoners who are intent upon relieving him of his meager possessions. Aside from his trunk of clothing, he has only an unfinished manuscript of a novel called “Don Quixote.” For his defense in this mock trial, Cervantes proposes to act out portions of his manuscript. He transforms himself into Don Quixote, his manservant into Sancho Panza, and he imaginatively By John Courtney cut- the transports the trollops, throats and thieves to planes of La Mancha. In staging the play. Ford plans on emphasizing Cer vantes’ flights of fantasy by using a realistic prison setting as the basic set and then employing bits and pieces of that in the Quixote scenes. This will serve to visually strengthen some of the un derlying concepts of the play concerning the relationship of imagination and reality. The main thrust of the Highland Players this season is to make it new. New ventures in techniques of staging, new approaches to old scripts and the use of new plays are being planned. In keeping with this objective the second play of the season will be a new adaptation of Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King” (Nov. 17-19). Arthur McDonald, who is adapting the show as well as directing it, plans on staging this new version of “Oedipus” not as an ancient Greek play but as a myth-a myth of the year 3000 A.D. Originally the play was concerned with the causes and remedies of a plague which had beset the city of Thebes in the form of impotence and sterility. McDonald hopes to remain true to the intention of the original but to reinterpret the text in order to consider the possible sterility of a future society. The production will provide a framework of freedom in which the actors can explore their roles and should provide a good deal of exciting work for the technical crews. Because of the futuristic setting, the play will use a lot of mylar, metaUics, elec tronic music and lasar lighting. The third production of the season (Mar. 16-18), also directed by McDonald, is Oscar Wilde’s “The Im portance of Being Earnest. ” (Continued on Page 6) This Week TONIGHT —Water CWB Meeting: Belk Center, Main Lounge, 6:30 P.M. 4-H Organizational Meeting: Meditation Room, 7 P.M. —Poetry Forum: Patricia Ewing, Granville Lounge, 7 P.M. FRIDAY -Soccer; Pembroke State Invitatinal —Sphinks - Ali Fight SATURDAY -Soccer: Pembroke State Invitational —Concert Committee Presents: “Choice”, 9 P.M. - 1 A.M., Harris Courts, PE Bdg., Admission at the door: Student - $3.50, Other - $4.00. SUNDAY —CUB Movie: “Culpepper Cattle Company”, 7 P.M., Farrago MONDAY —SNCAE: Opening Year Picnic, 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY —Soccer At Belmont-Abbey College —Worship Service: Chapel Isle, 6:15 P.M.