The Lance September 28, 1984 4 Bninnenburg: photo bv: Craig Piccola To think Chip Carmical had to go to Italy to rest. photo by: Craig Piccoia Relaxing after an enjoyable cookout, probable conver - sation included Pound poetry. photo by: Craig Piccola Being away from home has not affected the smile on Karen Cole’s face. ' A Worldly The new dorm life! photo by: Craig Piccola Dear St. Andrews Our arrival here at Brunneburg, Italy was quite a breathtaking adventure. The train ride through Switzerland and part of Austria had us zipping past the majestic Alps. Even I, a congenial southern, have found the hospitality here hard to beat. Aside from one last bag, a few delays, and three almost too quick train changes, which left us gasping for breath, the travels have been fine. The castle we are staying in is between two cities of Northern Italy, they are Dorf Tirol and Meran. Having started classes has not stopped us from venturing into town to visit the delicious Eis Cafes in Dorf Tirol. Living in a castle is an adventure in itself. We are not accustomed to the antiquity of the structure. There’s such a mystical feehng about the castle. I believe it comes from the intermingling of time. We, the students, professors, and residents of the castle are the present. Yet, we are studying and experiencing an age long past. It is a gathering together of all ages in an attempt to make everything contemporaneous. Also while here we are slowly being exposed to this foreign culture. We enjoy being serenaded by the,local musicians. We also enjoy roaming the hillsides checking out the different types of agriculture. We hope soon to be learning of the cultural traditions and what they mean to these people. The most important aspect of being here is that in all these new ex periences and this excitement we will learn more about ourselves and our own culture. Auf Wiedersehen Chip Carmical