October 5, 1988 THE LANCE page 7 Quill & Tnk WHAT DOES IT MATTER what does it matter, how many times my tongue slides in and out of my mouth, if i speak or if i slobber, if i even make a sound, who cares if i feast or if i fetter, sit beside me at the table, close enough for your hands to eat, i’m an animal and you’re a vege table, but i want the taste of iron in my teeth, i swallowed the dry heat of the sun until even my eyes were hidden in their holes, dig ging deepwr in the skull, i could hear the bones crunching, i painted paradise, but paradise was dull, my finger tips turned their heads toward femjde breasts in search of spiritual inspiration, PAUL E. DINKINS SUBTITLED your words are a foriegn film to me the words I don’t want to hear so under the picture I place my own and read them knowing they will never match the movement of your lips PfflL STILE NO MERCI i gave my love i gave my love i gave my love my love she looked at me and her dark eyes said softly thank you no JON PARGAS FRAGMENT mountains gently guarded by the fog gracefully reveal their ancient secrets and below show their city shame LEAH COOK 1 Reminding me the moonlight reflected from the sand of you I thrice think One of love a second of sorrow and then say goodbye to the summer of angels six hours southbound 95 and static radio silence and a cool confidence hope for the future arriving the friends I had missed and a feeling that we had parted only yesterday beer-mn bourbon shots and pool the girls next door smiling and tan a blues mix on the box Zeppelin Joplin Hendrix the night wears on to Billie Holiday and I pass out in a pickup raindrops and a cop tapping me into slow consciousness my hair still grows curls O/C tangle around my shoulders sun-dried thick beneath a hat with saltwater as we enter the pizza shop with a round of beers a pie and subs we celebrate a recent coming-of-age and a toast to the best year yet the good times roll revolve around a keg at the last hurrah on a Saturday night a dollar donation ‘til the well runs dry and a quick walk to Fast-Fare for a quart o’ Bud nightcap in the morning there is no Matilda Bay yet the sun still rises over shimmering surf and the sand stretches for miles at low tide staring long enough at the horizon sea and sky will meet, melt into one another in liquid swirls and the grasses will sing in the wind at home on top of the school the grasses will form glyphs which I am unable to decipher in the sunrise overhead a mourning dove circles and I will not be afraid but that was years ago and hundreds of miles away 6 by nightfall we wiU have journeyed back to the land of the free and the wise once again to mak our beds on the banks of the strange Carolina pond and I am not afraid JON PARGAS TOXIC WASTE Stillness of the lake Conu-asts with the waves in us Memories change things: No drinking games, no drunken bmges Just fun Fun from being together or thoughts of Us together: Along the lake a Heron breaks The stillness of the water. rob McLEAN I ALWAYS LIKED YOUR SHOES Will you always be the three armed dervish, dancing for the delight of others? Must every single action provoke the proper response, will you come swim with me again, lift your lid, let me peek behind your eyebrows where your storehouse of wisdom lies unguarded When can I bring you back to the dark of the room with the teapot boiling, the proper books laid out, for still I must impress you, the red light of the radio steady Then will we be old friends again and why can’t I tell before then, the moment you look at me as if I’m mad when before you would have laughed with the joke - you know they will follow you’re lead and I must wander again when will be the day when we can speak softly of the important things while sitting on the floor lightly touching shoes, those damned shoes you always knew impressed me, is this the reason you still wear them? When will I be able to throw mine out, the identical pair to yours, the pair I bought for I believed it could bind us like blood Perhaps if we both went barefoot I could have that which was the real you, has to be the real you, for shoes or not, surely 1 could not like you otherwise Let us wish then you and I that someday in our slightly daft future you will explain, but if you don’t — I’ll throw these shoes away mister It may make my heartbleed like a stigmata on Palm Sunday Let me promise you I can do it while smiling and i would be glad to let you watch TANYA OLSON