Q FebruRpy 8.1998 Htt ey i TOMORROwN||y^N(|^\l0f*^ NEVER DIES STARSHIP TROOPERS TITANIC>||OiO«0«k^ SCREAM 2 3-^W , HOME ALONE 3 FLUBBER DINOSAUR WENT uniNCT BECAUSE THIS MOVIE fCAS SO BA DO The holiday season is al ways a great time to go to the movies because there are usu ally so many good ones com ing out. Many movie produc ers hold their best releases un til the holidays just to make the impact. And when’s a better time to go to the movies than when you’re on vacation? 1 c n € r r c w Never Dies The 18th James Bond (007) movie came out right be fore Christmas. Tomorrow Never Dies had James Bond trying to pre vent a wrongly instigated war between Britain and China by a power-corrupted media shark. It was full of the typical 007 gad gets and secret agent devices but in my opinion it was not up to the full standard of the past 17 Bond films. It didn’t have the excitement level or intricate plot of the other movies either. It was good don’t get me wrong, but just not as good as say, Goldeneye (which was Pierce Brosnan’s first Bond film) or some of the original Sean Connery movies (which were the best ones of all)! $ t a r s li i |) IrecDers Starship Troopers was another supposed to be block buster for the holiday season. Basically, it was a high-effect sci-fi movie by the makers of Robocop in which the people of the Earth in the future are try ing the move out to different planets. They encounter gigan tic alien insects with very bad attitudes. Now, the special ef fects in this movie were very good, em ploying the CGI type computer imaging seen in Jurassic Park and the re done Star Wars trilogy. But the plot was +defi- nitely lacking in many respects. For one, the movie was pre dictable and af ter a while it also got a little boring. You can only see people torn apart by killer bugs so many times before you get tired of it. Plus there were points of the movie that made you want to say “Duh! Why is this happening?” (like why they are still using machine gun-type weapons so far into the future?) So unless you are a true die-hard science fiction fan, or are just watching it for the special effects, you may not enjoy this movie as much as you thought. Anastasia Anastasia was a new ani mated feature brought out right before Thanksgiving. Now this movie was good. Made in the same style as The Land Before Time and An American Tale, the basic point of this movie was an orphan girl trying to find her fiunily meets up with a con art ist who tries to pass her off as a long lost princess to collect on a fortune. What he doesn’t know is that she really is the princess. This movie was light hearted, and had almost a Disney feel to it. The songs were well written, and the ani mation was superb. 1 really liked this movie. At the same time to bite in to profits made from this movie, Disney held a re-release of The Little Mermaid. Now I know just about all of you have seen this movie, but it’s still one of Disney’s best. It definitely hurt Anastasia’s success, but not enough to have a major im pact. Titaric Titanic was a major hit in theaters this month. Aside from being a little long (3+ hours), it was a great movie. Of course. you knew the ending (how could you not), but the en tire plot of the movie before it ended was incredible. Basically it was about two people who fall in love during the Titanic’s famous voy age. The only problem was that they were of two different social classes. One a high class socialite, the other of a lower class who was shunned by the higher. But through all obstacles and problems brought on by their differences, they still managed to fall in love. It was well written and well acted. Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio worked well together, and I think it‘s a movie that anyone can enjoy. Scream 2 Scream! was an awaited release also. Utilizing the movie-within- a- movie plot, and bringing a number of the cast members back-as well as a few new ones (since most of the original ones died in the first movie), it once again took up its role as a surprise popping, on the edge of your seat, slice ‘em and dice‘em movie. Some people thought that it was bet ter than the original. Person ally, I won’t say better, but I will say at least as good. Heme Aiere 3 Please-don’t even get me started on how terrible this movie was. God forbid some one writes a new plot! Same thing, though, some disgust ingly cute little kid is at home along and defends his house from thieves using a variety of makeshift, around the home type booby traps. Whoopee- the only thing that could have made this worse would be if Macauly Culkin had done it. Then 1 probably would have slit my wrists right there in the the ater. Our only hope is that this will be the death of the series. rijt)l)er Flutter was also re leased as a new version of the black and white Disney classic. Starring Robin Williams (who is true to his usual standards of hilarity), and about a ton of ani mated green glop, it was one of the best of the season. Playing the Absent Minded professor, Robin Williams invented a new type of substance with remark able elastic and rubber-like qualities. The movie then pro ceeds to show all the hilarity that follows when Flutter takes off. With great special effects and a good supporting cast, it was one of the holiday season’s top releases. Anyway, that all from me for now. More next time from the world of Hollywood. I’m outta here! by Mike Romano