PAGE 4 THE SKIRL MARCH 3, 1953 CAMPUS CLUBS AND CAPERS By Nancy Andrews The Mathematical Honor So- ease, ciety met in the right front par- Seventeen girls were invited Business Club News I Vardell, in Florida 50 years ago, I and was so impressed with them lor on Friday afternoon, Febru ary 13, at 4:40 p. m. The presi dent, Betty Jean Gilliland, open ed the meeting with prayer. The president also presided over the business session. At this meet ing the new members of the club were presented for recogni tion as eligible for membership. The major requirement for mem bership in the Math Club is th^t a student take a year (or more) of Mathematics, and have a “B”. The girls invited to become members were: Bonnie Bunn, Patricia Clark, Caroline Good man, Letty Hill, Mary Ruth Mat- ze, Kitty Oliver, Betty Jo Rich ardson, Carolyn Robinson, Em- ojeane Womedarf, Frances Bob bitt, Fay Buck, Eva Gray Davis, Betsy Graham, Barbara Hedrick, Harriet McAuley, Gladys Mc Cain, Anita Williamson, and Shir ley Willis. A very interesting program was given by Doris Dunn, Faye Jen kins, and Ann McGirt on the “History of Mathematics.” The big topic was divided into three sub'-topics, and these were the ■beginning of Mathematics until 1636 presented by Doris Dunn, the history of mathematics from 1636 to 1800 given by Faye Jen kins, and the development of -math during the nineteenth and "twentieth centuries presented by -Ann McGirt. These talks prov ed to be very interesting and in formative. to join the William Bartram Scientific Society. These girls had made “B” and above on their science courses. The girls were: Nan Dorman, Gayla Griggs, Barbara Hedrick, Letty Hill, Shir ley Hudgins, Mickey Jernigan, Mary McLean, Linda McNett,' Hilda Phillips, Sara Sanders, Fraces Shaw, Harriet McAuley, Nancy McLean, Ellen Williams, Ella Ruth McHeil, Geraldine Brown, and Marjorie Davis. The new members were taken in, and they signed the pledge. As part of the initiation, the new mem bers were taken on a field trip through the garden. Refreshments were then ser- ed to all members present. Calendar Mar. 2, Mon. 3:40-5:40 p. m. Basketball. 6:40 p. m. Classical Club. 7:30 p. m. Leadership School frequently - The February meeting of the Business Student’s Club was held on February 10 in the col lege parlors. Mr. Hector Mac- Lean, Mayor of Lumberton, was the guest speaker, and he gave a very inspiring talk on his ex perience with secretaries and their work. An informal dis cussion followed his talk. Members of the Business De partment are delighted that four- year courses have been addded to our curriculum. One can ma jor in Business Education—either for teaching business subjects, or for secretarial administration. The curriculum has been plan ned according to cetification re quirements of the Department of Education of North Carolina. The new catalogue will carry full information regarding these courses. The Business Department has recently sent a questionnaire to more than 100 former students experience. They are trying to find out what duties they per form in their work, the stand ards that are required by their employers, the machines most used, and salaries and what they told of the then struggling little Presbyterian col lege that he sent his own daugh ter down south to the school and influenced several other New York girls to come. o — Aunt Abigail’s Atomic Advice By CONNIE BOYKIN yourself and try living others. Remember the Golden Rule— “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” Good luck— Aunt A. 0 OBEY THE TRAFFIC LAWS The St. Cecelis Music Club had a business meeting at their last gathering. The major topic on the agenda was how to raise money. After much discussion, the members decided to try their hand at selling ham sandwiches. Marlene Jones was asked to be in charge. Delicious refresh ments were served to the group :at the close of the meeting. By the way, I hear they did quite well on their sale of ham sand wiches. The International Relations Club members were in for a rare treat on Wednesday, Febru ary 25th at 4:40 p. m. This meet ing, which was held in the right front parlor, proved to be one of the outstanding meetings of the year. The president, Joyce Sweat, presided over the meet ing and the short business ses sion. During this time an IRC pin was presented to Miss Carol Robertson who is the faculty sponsor for the club. The long awaited program then got un derway. The speaker for the afternoon was Mr. Raymond Dawson, who is the professor of Social Science at Presbyterian Junior College in Maxton. I am sure everyone remembers the ex cellent talk Mr. Dawson made in chapel on the “United States Foreign Policy in Spain.” The topic he chose for this meeting of the International Relations Club was very much on the same order. Mr. Dawson presented a very interesting and informative talk on some of the problems con fronting the unification of West ern Europe. This talk was en joyed by all present at the meet ing. A brief discussion followed. The William Bartram Scien tific Society met in the front par lor of the college on Tuesday, president, Doris Calloway, called the meeting to order. A very interesting program was given by Virginia Owen on the development of antibiotic drugs. During the course of her talk, Virginia showed a cult of the penicillin mold. She proved through the use of an illustration > the effect penicillin had on dis- Mar. 3 Tues. 3:40-5:40 p. m. Basketball. 8:15 p. m. Miss German’s Recital Reception (informal) Mar. 4 Wed. Mar. 4, 10:20 a. m. Faculty Coffee. 3:40-5:40 p. m. Basketball 7:00 p. m. Faculty Meeting Mar. 5 Thurs. 3:00 p. m. Faculty Executive Committee Mar. 6, Fri. 4:40 p. m. St. Cecilia Mar 9, Mon. 4:40 p. m. Writers Club. Mar. 10, Tues. 4:40 p. m. High land Players 8:15 p. m. Ogden Nash, Poet Reception (Formal) Mar. 11, Wed. 10:20 a. m. Faculty Coffee. 4:40 p. m. I. R. C. Mar. 12, Thurs. 3:00 p.m. Faculty Ex. Committee Mar. 13, Fri. 4:40 p. m. Math Club. Mar 14, Sat 7:00 p. m. Movie, “Stormy Weather” Student Volunteer’s Week end Retreat. Mar. 16, Mon. 4:40 p. m. French Club. 8:15 p. m. Quarterly Recital. Mar. 17, Tues. 4:40 p. m. Student Teachers. 8:00 p. m. Faculty Club “John Charles McNeill” Mr. Lee McGoogan, speaker at Dr. and Mrs. Bullock’s Mar. 18, Wed. 10:20 a. m. Faculty Coffee. 4:40 p. m. Spanish Club. Mar. 19, Thurs. 7:15 a. m. Breakfast (and lunch bags) 8:00 a. m. Classes begin. 12 M. 4th period ends 3:00 p. m. Dormitory closes. Mar. 23, Mon. 3:00 p. m. Dormi tory opens. Mar. 24, Tues. 7:30 a. m. Breakfast (first meal after Spring holidays.) 8:20 a. m. Classes resume 4:40 p. m. William Bartram Society Mar. 25, Wed. 10:20 a. m. Faculty Coffee. 4:40 p. m. I. R. C. Mar. 26, Thurs. 3:00 p. m. Faculty Committee. Mar. 27, Fri. 4:40 p. m. Home Ec. Club. 6:45 p. m. Societies Mar. 28, Sat. Hospitality week end 8:15 p. m. Barbara Hill’s Recital Reception( informal) Mar. 30, Mon. 8:15 p. m. Recital Organ and Violin) Prof. and Mrs. Gehring-Davidson College. paid in this area. Thus far, the returns have beeen good. The engagements of former members of our department in clude Miss Mary Helen LaFrage of Fort Mill, South Carolina, who will be married on April 14 to Mr. Benjamin Seagle, of Char lotte; and Miss Gladys Bain who will be married to Mr. Alva An thony Hunt. 0 Dear Aunt AbigaU, I want so badly to have friends, but people just don’t seem to like to be around me. I’m always kid ding people and I’m full of jokes. Can you advise me? What am I doing iwrong? Your desperately. Tact Less Dear Tact, Why don’t you wear a dead pan expression and sling out some sarcasm? Maybe this will win some friends. Yours, Aunt A. TO BtntD Compliments of POLLY ANN SHOP Lumberton, N. C. The Fashion Parade Dear Aunt Aby, I have a new car, a beautiful house with all modern conven iences, all the clothes I want, and my dad is a millionaire. The only thing I haven’t got is friends. Please help me. Sincerely, Hall Tosis Dear Miss Tosis, The best advice I can give you is—start using Ipana— Yours, Aunt A. Since my mother is employed as a buyer for women’s stores, I have started regarding myself in a small way as a fashion au thority. Mother receives the “nev/s” and passes it to me. Anything goes this year. Full skirts are narrowing, pastel co lors are coming forward. White leads the fashion world. The surprise look, which re sembles the wrap-a-round, takes possession of the eye with its diagonal lines. It seems to have the advantage of easy stitching. New materials interest me. Judging from the number of knife pleated skirts seen on cam pus, Loutte is a winner. Loutte is a mixture of 55% orlon and 45% wool. Men professors on campus still are at a disadvan tage here, for Loutte for men is available only in a few stores which feature experimental lines. (Namely those members of Al lied Arts, Inc.) Loutte is available for sew ing and costs about five dollars a yard. Riborlon, a knit fabric for coats, may be purchased for around ten dollars a yard. Ribor lon is easily cleaned, and a coat made of it can be washed in warm suds in any washing ma chine. If you try to hand wash a coat, I recommend getting the help of at least one other person. It’s a well-known, fact on Var dell II that it takes two people to lift a wet orlon coat. 0 DR. VARDELL (Continued from Page 1) Dear Aunt Aby, My boy friend is going to school quite a long distance away. I miss him very much! How can I get him to write to me? Yours truly. Fore Gotten Dear F. G., You might try sending a box of self-addressed envelopes equipped with stamps' Also enclose a check for ten dollars just for effort. Hope you hear from him soon. Aunt A. McFadyen’s Music and Jewelry 118 Hay Street Fayetteville, N. C. Sellers Sporting Goods Fishing Tackle Lumberton, N. C. Compliments Of McIntyre Home & Auto Supplies Lumberton, N. C. Compliments Of Flinhote Company Roofing - Siding - Insnlation Lumberton, N. C. Co-operative Insurance Agency Complete Insurance Protection Lumberton, N. C. Dear Aunt Abigail, I am deeply in love with my self, but this doesn’t worry me. My problem is how to get other people to love me as much as I do. Please advise me as to the right course to follow. As always. Hove Meso Dear Miss Meso, , Maybe it would help if you were to stop going steady with McDonald’s Cleaners Cleaning - Pressing - Tailoring Delivery Service - East 4th St. Red Springs, N. C. Compliments Of B. C. Moore’s Phone 6211 Red Springs, N. C. HOTEL LORRAINE 100 Modern Rooms Famous For Foods Sprinkle System Throughout Lumberton, N. C. Young Ez Tike’s wife is a won der—last year she knitted Ez a pair of socks out of an old bathing suit, and now she’s knittin’ her self a bathing suit out of one of those socks. and staff of the college, present ed by President Woodson; from the Alumnae Association, pre sented by Mrs. Robert Chapman, vice-president of the association; from the student body, presented by Jean Sandifer, presidont; and from the St. Pauls alumnae, pre sented by Miss Della McGoogan. Other special guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davidson, who were en route to their home in Hillburn, New York, from Florida, and now making a brief stay in Southern Pines. Davidson’s father met Dr. Vardell and the late Mrs. HEDGPETH’S PHARMACY Two Registered Druggists Lorraine Hotel Bldg. Lumberton, N. C. McNair’s '‘Satisfying With Quality” Laurinburg, N. C.