®^arl)pr0 (Unllp^p Itcai^ Aette% KLJZABE l H c:n V, N. (.;., OC 1T)BER 1945 \’0. 1 An Honorable S7C Student, Soldier Perishas In Armed Services CorjMjral lH}sses C;. Robljins, Class ol' 1946, has i)een the only member, out of the; 18(i ineni- bm I'roni S. C:., to die in ihe Aniiecl Serv ices. He was tlie graucl-soii oi \[r. and Mrs. Ulysses S. ^\'es^;o!l, 10 Southern Avemic Extension, Elizabeth C:ity, North Carolina. C * IvOobiliS iVitS rvillL‘1 in Italy, |nne 19, 1945 as a re- suli of injtnies incurred while drivina; a government vehicle. While attending State 'Feach- ers College, lHysses was a star football player, a stiidenr with greiU initiative and maintained an excellent scholas'ic record. His reputation in lh;.‘ .\rtiied •Services, as staled bv his com manding officer. First Lieiiten- ain Spurgioii .A. Messner, was ihat of an “industrious worker and was well liked by the men of his company.'’ This rccorcl in ihe ,\rmy is verified bv his grand-parents, Ml', and Mrs. Flysses S. \Vescott in ihai they state LHysses sent to them, S12.00 to aid in church work. "Ilris stiin w^as gi\en to him by 14 of his frieirds who were ser\ing in Italy. I’he family possesses the me- moriam which reads: In gveatful memory of C.orporal I'lysses C;. Rol)l)ins wlio died in the scrvice of his country, in the .Mediterranean Area. June 19,1945. ■'Hestinds in the unbroken line of that Fiecdoi’i Triight live, and ;.5i()w and increase its blessings I'rcednm lives. ;ind throngli it. he lives— In a uav that lunnbles ihe untlei- liikings of most men." Harry Triniuni President of the United States of America THE PRESIDENT'S COLUMN Sgi. (ieorge Hedgepeiii is si ill in Cermany as of ,Septeml;er 10, 1)111 is now sale. Wc are hapi^y ihai ihe war is o\er and such line 'oung nten as this one can re turn to civilian life. Sgt. Fledge- peth says that he saw’ ,Sgt. Joseph ■ iXoi th and AVinfred I.enox. In .\iigusi, Eddie Smitli was P. O., San Francisco. I’hat means anv one of a thousand Fs- lands. Fie W'as w’ell and happy. 1 am sure ne is hapjjy that tlie Japanese War is at an end. We are looking forward to having I'im back soon. Sgi. Fowell W’oodson is slill ovetseas in mad Ciermany, but happy over tire prospect of com- ’iig home. Fie is working hard and seems to have no prosjject of getting home soon. tpl. James "F. Newkirk was overseas on Jtily 15. He saw' ^lilton Armstrong somew'here during his travels. Fie hopes to be coming home soon. Our radio wizard, A\'illiam J. oarber from Martin County was Bainbridge, Maryland and is leaching English to illiterates. He is also Comjjany Cderk. We brotight him here because we thought the .Army wotddn’t lake him. Our hojx's were blasted. Barber, however, is happy. Ll. 1 homas E. Willis has been ■A. P. O. for some months. * * # C^pl. W'infred C. Grizzell had also crossed the seas in July. Sgt. Felix Morton stayed on this side for a long time, at least long enotigh to get married. He has been o\erseas since July 12. Felix was Projjerty Manager for the .Athletic .Association. W^e are starting football next year and liope that he will Ije back. •Sgt. Ernier F. Roberts was very much impressed bv the com position of Miss Rosa Bush, and wants to know’ w'hether she is married or single. He is in the Pbilip]>ine Islands, and has plenty to keep him busy. He met Kermit \V4iite of Elizabeth Citv somewhere in the Pacific. ^VilliaTn F. Hardy longs to L OttC/x \\C liHil gootl luck.. Perishes !n Armed Servi Pvl, Floyd .Armstrong says hello to everybody on the cam pus. He is a Marine, and a good one. Pvt. Salon Fuller did not w’rite but ])aid ns a A’isit. He is also a proud Marine. Fl. CroAvder writes from ,\. P. (). San Francisco. He is, in all probaljility, in ihe South St'as. =* * * ,\ surprise letter comes from Pvt. 1 /C Herbert Henry and man\' thanks goes to him. The President’s Souvenir collection grows with the Japanese Inva sion money. All of us will be Kelly Miller Cooper writes fioiii 'v'eiiice, Italv. rie has had a fine education traveling in Europe. glad to see Herbert retin n. * * * Cpl. Wilford Fennox asks that no more letters be sent. We are looking for him any day. Sgt. Clarence Burton gets spe cial mention for the large Nazi E’lao- which he contributed to o the President’s collection. It is really something w’orth seeing. It has been displayed to the en tire student body. # * # Incidentally, the Jap skull contributed by Sgt. James Mid- gett is still in a case in the Bi ology Faboratory. Everybody looks at it. Nobody w'ant« to touch it. STC Senior Class Presents Flag By Rosa L. Downing i Class of “47” Inuring tfie regular chapel hour on Afonday morning, Sep tember 17, 1945. Sarah M. Pel ham, on behalf of the class of ^46, ])resented to President Fl. F. I’rigg the school flag. fiuring the academic year >.:^13-1{, tlie class of ’46 cama to gether and decided to present something of which only few schools can Ijoast and something which this school w'otild indeed be proud of. As a result of the patriotic Birthday Thinner sponstjred by the class on January -il, 1944, Sarah M. Pelham, who was at that time president of the class, presented the facsimile of the flag to President Flarold F. I’rigg. I^tie to tlie scarcity of mate rials and due to reasons over which there was no control, the actual flag w’as not presented un til the morning of .September 17, 1945. The State Teachers College Hag bears the college colors, blue and w’hite, the college seal and the undying motto, “To Live Is Fo Learn.” Cl’L. ULY.S.SES C. R0151UNS iP I * /nf T . 1 P 9 tr wcift;nudr ur cveins—174 ■Septendier (i—Faculty - S'tndent Pre- Opening Conference 8—Registration of Freshmen 10—Registration of Former Stuiients l.T—(iet-.\cquaintecl Reception 21—Freshmen Talent ,\ight-Resident Living Committee 22—Sophomore C^lass Picnic 23—Vespers—Imperial Nautilus 28-Y. W. C. A. .Social 29—Birthday Dinner October ,5—Skit Night—Dramatic Club ()—Freshman Class Picnic 12—Amateur Night-S'enior ,\rt So ciety 19—C'ollege Choir Social 21—X’espers—Y. \V. C . A. 27—Fashion Show—ResideiU l.iving C.ommittee liiithdav Diinier 1 — Halloween .Xovember 2—Art C.lub Social 11—,\rmistie Day 11-17—.American Ednoatioii Week •American Book Week 18—Yespers—.Art Club 20—Jtuiior C.lass Picnic 22—riianksgiving Da\ Birthday Dinner 2‘i—Be Natural Club Social V'30—F'riday—1:00 P. Ai. Fall ()nartei Ends December 1—Registration for 'Winter Quarter-.‘^atintUu' 7—.-\nnnal C.ai nivai--.'ier.ior ,\rl So ciety 9—\'espers -C '.ollege (',hoi r 12-Play S. i'. C. Pla^ers 1.5—Birtlidav Dinner l(i—C.hristmas Cantata, College Choir 20—Fluirsday. 1:00 P M. Chiistmas Flolidays Begin Januaiy 2—ednesday. S:,‘i0 .A. A!. C.hristmas Flolidavs End 4—Sigma Delta Omega—New A'eai Picnie .Alpha Kap|)a Atu-Formal .Social I)—\espers—Beta .Alpha C;inb 11—Usher's Guild Social 1.3—A'espers—S’t. Paul’s Ciuild 18—Thalia Sorosis .Social 20—Vespers—'Fhalia Sorisis 26—Fashion Show—Resident Living C.ommittee Birthda) Dinner February 1—.Annual Dramatic 'Fourna- nient • 8—Sigma Delta Omega S'ocial 10—Vespers—Be Natural Club Race Relations Sividay 10-17—Negro History 'iVeek 12—Lincoln's Birthday Play—S. T. C. Players I 1—Frederick Douglass' Birthday 1.')—.St. Patd's (inild—Formal Social 16—Kappa .Alpha Kappa — .Ainuial F'onnal Dinner 17—V'espers—.Alpha Kappa AIu 17—23—S’ocial FJygiene Week 20—Opera—C'ollege C.hoir 22—Cieorge Washington's Birthday Nautilus C:iub Social 23—Birthday Dinner 24—AIareh 2—National Negro News paper Week March 1—.Art C;hd)—Formal Social 3—Clollege Day 8-Friday. 4:00 P. AI. AVinter Quarter Ends Ck)llege Choir—F'ormal .Social 9—Sauu'day—Registration for Spring Quarter 10—\'espers—Usher's (iuild 10—16 — Vocational Opportunities Week 1.5—Dramatic C.lub—Formal S'ocial 22—Fhalia Sorosis—Formal Social 2-1—V'espers-Dramatic C^nl) 26-Play-S. T. C. Players 28—C.harter Day 29—I'shers C.inild-Formal S’ocial 30—Birthday Dinner 31—.April 6—National Negro Flealth Week .April 5—Sigma Delta Omega and Beta .-\lpha-Annual eondiined For mal Social 6—''. AV C. A. Picnic 7—Vespers—Kappa .Alpha Kappa 11—Alpha Kappa Mu Picnic 12—lni|)erial Nautilus-Formal .Social 13—Fashion Show—Resident l.iving (’.ommittee 18—Dramatic Chd) Picnic 19—Friday, 4:00 P. M. F'aster Holiday Begins 22-Monday. 8:30 A. At. Easter Holi day Ends 24—Thalia Sorosis Picnic 26—C.la.ss Primary Elections Be Natural Club—Formal S'ocial 27—Birthday Dinner 28—A'espers—Sigma Delta Omega 28-AIay 4—Negio Youth Week Education for Citizenship Week 30—Senior Class Play Kappa Alpha Kappa Picnic May 3—Citizensip Day—General Elec tions and Evaluations A'. W. C. A. Formal Social 4 — Sesquieentennial of Horace Alann's Birthday St. Paul's Guild Picnic 9—.Annual Music Festival Flonoring Trustees .Annual Art Exhibit 10—Usher’s Guild Picnic 14—Imperial Nautilus Picnic STC Largest inrollment I'he Elizabeth City Stale I’eachers College welcomes the largest enrolImeiu in the history of the institution. One of the most important de- \eloprnents from the present war is a new piogram of ediiotion for the masses throughout the world. It is ob\iously shown in the increase of enrollments in Negro colleges today. C)ur enrollment comes not only from many counties but from niaiiy states in the United States. AA'e have students from the District of Columbia, New York, Pennsyh inia, Maryland, Virginia, North C'.arolina, New Jersey, South Carolina, and Florida. Ihe total enrollment as of October is 512. CMs Boys Seniors 107 102 5 Juniors 120 116 4 Sophomores 122 121 ' Freshmen 163 151 12 Fotal 5 1 2 490 22 Recipe For Living Copied from “The .Scope T ake five drops of good mannets Tw'elve ounces of good sense Ten ounces of consideration One ounce of behavior. Boil it down to noriual, using a little self respect, and decent behavior, sweeten it with man hood and race pride. Take nine drops three times a day before meals and use it with prayer. Submitted by Charlotte Reid 15—College Choir Picnic 17—Junior C:lass Reception to the .S'enior Class 18—Be Natural Club Picnic 20 - .Art Club Picnic 24—Senior Class Day 26—Baccalaureate 27—Senior Class Picnic j 28—Alumni Day 29—Commencement Day