S’late Searljpra ©oUegp 'Hew4- ^etten VOL. IX. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C., MAY, 1949 No. 5 Improvements Being Made Miss S. T. On College Campus - - * - -- - “• Reigns At last work has actually start ed upon the installation of a new sewage line for the college system. For many years, we have been be deviled with problems affecting our sewage lines. Frequent stop page, broken lines, caved in high ways have all taken their toll. Many other difficulties have arisen in our efforts to provide adequate facilities for the college. Now a modern pressure system is being installed. The electric pumps, wet pit and other apara- tus will be located underground on the college campus between Lane Hall and the President's Home. Formerly the sewer line went East and emptied in the river. The new plans call for the sewer line to go up Southern Avenue, cut across the new residential division down Woodley and Hunter Streets and finally empty into the munici pal pumping station on Dawson Street. The work should be completed in about six weeks and we all hope that many of our sewage worries will be ended when this system is ■ actually put into operatio'n. Synieia Hall Have you been in Symera Hall to see it from the inside? If you have not, you have missed seeing a most beautiful doimitory struc ture. Words cannot describe its beauty—you should see it. Entering the building, one is struck with the color scheme in the halls. The reception room and stairs all have the same motif. The (Continued on Page Seven) Elizabeth City State Teachers College Band Makes Debut Gwendolyn Johnson ’51 On the morning of March 21, the Elizabeth City State Teachers Col lege Band surprised a large audi ence of students and faculty when it pi'esented its first concert. The program included three selections: •■Military Escort” by Harold Ben nett; “All the Things You Are”, Jerome Kern; and ‘‘Activity March,” Harold Bennett. From the (Continued on Page Seven) Crou'iied “Miss S.T.C.’ Xellie Drew '51 The Annual High School Day program was held at the College on April 7. with twelve high schools of Northeastern North ROBEKT.\ MOOKE ’49 Future Gefiege Hsn$ The General Assembly now in session is considering the appropri ation for the College for the Bien nium 1949-50. Permanent improve- | ments I'ecommended for the Eliz abeth City State Teachers College include funds for the following items: 5 faculty homes Athletic Stadium Science Hall Infirmary Dormitory for Single Lady Tea chers. Addition to Library. Addition to Physical Education ’ and Fine Arts Building. Roads and Walks. Foi' cui'rent operations, funds have been recommended to carry on the regular work of the college and provide for some much need ed improvements which include such items as repainting the Ad ministration Building inside and out, new draperies for the win dows and stage, floor in the audi torium, Venetian blinds through out and numerous other items. The college hopes to embark upon a plan of campus beautifi cation and general improvement which taken all together will give (Continued on Page Seven) Edith N. George ’51 Following the tradition of choosing a student worthy of re presenting the College as “Miss S. T. C.”, the student body chose | Carolina participating. Roberta Moore, a Senior, who 1 The activities of the day began hails from Washington, North with an Assembly during which Carolina. She is a graduate of the , President S. D. Williams welcom- Washington High School, having ! ed students and instructors of the received high honors for scholastic ' visiting schools. Teams of students achievement. ; from the various schools were then An abundance of favorable per-' directed to the classrooms where sonality traits are hers. Among subject matter tests were to be these is her good sportsmanship, given. For at least one hour these Being socially inclined, she is con- young people vied the places in sidered an asset to the Campus, science, mathematics, foreign lan- Throughout her four years, she has ! guage, English composition and maintained a scholastic rating literature, ard the social studies, above the average. After a period of intermission. As further evidence of her abili- high school students packed the ty, she holds noteworthy positions auditorium to listen to solos, trios, in campus organizations. She is quartets and choruses entered in secretary of the Alpha Kappa Mu the music contest. The critic-judge Honor Society; vice president of for this feaure was Mr. Noah F. Sigma Rho Sigma: a member of Ryder, Director of Music, Norfolk the Prayer Meeting Committee; ' united of Virginia State College, and an active member of the Thalia Norfolk, Virfinia. The rating was Sorosis Club. based on choice of selection, into- ! If, in the years to come, persons ration, enunciation, phrasing, in- as worthy as Roberta Moore are terpretation, and tempo. ! chosen to represent the College, program for the day came I the honor of “Miss S. T. C.” will when, in the evening, neve[• lose its esteem. public speaking contests took ! - ^ ^ ^ " place. Declamations and Orations f t o f- ^ h til Q '’-’ei'e included in a very interesting Uean S List dtl O „c:-tc-. for the high schools. Mrs. JuniorsSeniorS Lead J- ^offler. Miss Margaret Por- (Continued on Page Seven) Comiiienceinent Events The Dean’s list for the winter quarter of 1948-49 includes eighty students, with the highest ratings to Junior and Senior classes. Rev. Kenneth Williams, alder- "A” Honor Roll—Seniors: Sarah man of the third ward in Winston- Nancy Baker, Anesia Ethlyne Joy- Salem, and the first Negro in the ner, Inez Manning. Celestine Scott, South to be elected in modern and Vivian Spence. Junior: Lon- times to a position on a Board of nie William Harvey. Aldermen, will be the Baccalaure- •‘B” Honor Roll- F r e s h m e n : ate Speaker on Sunday, May 22. Mary E. Albritton, Minnie E. Gee, Mr. Williams is a dynamic speak- Mary C. Hemby, William L. Jeffer- er and is professor of Bible at the son, Roxie E. Lowe, Ruby C. Lyons, I Wincton-Salem Teachers College. Beulah Sutton, Velma B. Wall, i Dr. C. Sylvester Green, Editor Bennie Williams, Naomi Williams, Bernice Woodhouse. Sophomores: Helen E. Beasley, Blonnie O. Boykin, Carrie D. Dan iels, Nellie R. Drew, Olivia J. Gard ner, Edith N. George, Evelyn R. Hodge, Alberta James, Arline E. Jefferson, Gwendolyn G. Johnson, Willie R. Lamb, Ola E. Lane, Doro thy M. Page, Sterling Perry, Lois (Continued on Page Seven) of of the Durham Herald, will give the Commencement address on Tuesday, May 24 at 10:30 in the morning. Dr. Greene was for merly a college president and is known for his ability as a speak er and scholar. The alumni will hold its annual meeting and other festivities on Saturday, May 21. beginning at 10:00 in the morning.