Page 2 THE COMPASS JANUARY 30, 1969 t THE COMPASS For Students and Alumni Published by I STATE COLLEGE NEWSPAPER STAFF Elizabedi City, N. C. Members: Columbia Scholastic Press Association SeDITOR-IN-CHIEF CHARLOTTE A. RIDDICK/ ^ASSOCIATE EDITOR LILLIAN RIGGSi; SPHOTOGRAPHERS ROOSEVELT WRIGHT, JR.i? :i:WILLIAM BRIGGS, DELTON BOYD, JAVON:: SbROTHERS i: ijiADVISOR MR. LEONARD BALLOUj: ijiDpinions expressed in articles are not necessarily:- ij-those of the COMPASS or of the College, •: Editor Speaks!! I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all members of the Eliz abeth City State College family back for the sec ond semester. It is my earnest desire to serve you well as Editor-In- Chief. During the 1968-69 Fall Semester quite a few changes were made. We entered our new dining hall on which incidentally we received an “A" rat ing. We also have a new president who will be in augurated in April and we have two new dormitories coming up along with a Student Union. All of these are very significant changes. As a member of the college family here at ECSC,you are a living witness of these changes for they directly affect each and everyone of you. If these changes in any way prove to be det rimental to the college, you will suffer the conse quences. I, for one, feel that these changes should have been made long ago. They are not great milestones, I grant you, but to us they represent a great deal. I wander around the campus with my ears and eyes open, seemingly seeing and hearing noth ing, I do hear! I do seel I see your narrow-mind edness and see how lit tle you are in so many ways. The majority of you are so passive and com placent, I wonder why you arc here. You take no active interest in any thing, This is your col lege, and you should at least have an interest in what is going on. You complain about the things that are wrong here, but you do nothing about them. You wait until someone else decides that he has had a “belly- full”, then you react. Take for Instance, the all - college assemblies and other activities, you don’t have enough inter est to come and hear what is going on or what is being said that might help shape your future. How “no-carlng” can you be? Wake up People: It is past time that you should. Take an active in terest in the happenings around your campus that concern you. The Student Govemmen t Association is lousy and the college newspaper is lousy. Why, because, you, the students haven’t done a cotton- pick’n thing to help the Student Government As sociation or the college newspaper. Out of a Stu dent Body of approxi mately 1,000 students, there are two students on the newspaper staff — the Editor and Associate Edi tor. This is ridiculous. The newspaper doesn’t belong to two of us, it belongs to you the student body. Help us out - okay. If you continue to walk around concerned with only the little things of life, everything that the administration, faculty and anyone else worked so hard to achieve will be gone so rapidly and in such devious ways that you will wonder where they have gone. Or will you? You will be in the same rut that you were in before, and won’t even know what is happening. Well, now that I have j given you some eye-open ing facts, let me once again welcome you back There’s A Place In The BY Carol M, McKiver Each man believes he has a purpose, A life and he struggles to find His place in the sun. How can he Find his place or must he merely Exist? Exist for what? If not to find His place in the sun. Some believe their place is only to Enjoy the pleasures of life and they Become the tasters of a wine that Intoxicates and distortes. This is their Place and it is called nowhere. This Is their place in the sun. Some believe life is ser vice. Service To others. They spend their lives creating A world through good en deavors. They gain Their places in the sun but often They become lost in the sunset finding Their places in the sun. There are the drifters who say life will take Care of itself. “I have not loved the world nor The world me” and they cannot cast away their master Plays and live their lives for they give nothing and They take less. This is their place in the sun. Finally man comes to his climax And the curtain is dis creetly drawn. The Play is over and the role has become A passing scene of a time gone before Man has experienced yes terday, today And forever which marks the point of infinity. Man’s place in the sun. After the close of the play and the audience Applause do they really see the lines written in the Script? Do they under stand the revelations. The impacts, the serious ness? They too seek their places in the sun, the sun,, FOR SALE 1965 Volkswagen Contact Mrs. Marion D. Thorpe to campus. I sincerely hope that this semester will be a truly productive one and that you will find your stay here on campus one that is unforgettable. Remember what I have said and govern yourself accordingly. I A Negro! By VELMAR ROUNTREE Brought here as an in dentured servant. To struggle by the sweat of my brow. For no praise. No fame, no hope: I A Negro! It was I who was Exploited and I who Died many times to cor rect The wrong of unjust Servitude, I A Negro! It was I who sat in The back of Buses be cause I was black, and lived In Ghettos and went To unpainted, unheated, and Unfurnished schools. 1 A Negro! It was I who sang For deliverance from The Sinful persecutors Who shamed me before The entire universe. I A Negro! It is I who’s striving To make my heritage Known to all, to let it be Known to all, to all gen erations The price of black liberty. I A Negro! It was the great Martin L. Kings’ And the potent Malcom X’s who fought For a cause, the black man’s Cause, unselfishly and Ever diligently I A Negro! I shall overcome Some day. Yes I shall Overcome I A Negro! Are You In The Know? Want to know what’s really going on at other colleges in the nation? If so come in to Publi cations at EC SC. Browse through the many ex change papers we have here. Remember the girl who graduated from high school with you and went to that big college out west? Do you ever won der what she’s doing there in the line of social acti vities, civic work and ac ademic activities? Pick up an exchange paper from her college. You just may see her name listed among the members of the Pyramids, the Ivy Leaf Club or the Archonian Club or some other so rority at that college. You say she wrote good poems in high school. Good,you might see a nice poem she wrote for their last issue. Or what about your fav orite instructor at ECSC who left to go teach at another well known col lege, what activities and programs are he or she sponsoring there? Is he invited by other colleges for lectures, speeches etc. The Black Man’s Personal War By DONALD WOODS Fighting the feeling of hunger. Fighting the agony of pain; Fighting ignorance while the face of refusal stares at you constantly. And innocently born in a world of adversity. Supplying the one human asset that is lacking and is most important - Peace and tranquility for your fellow man, with equal rights and oppor tunities for all, is a war fought each and every day by each recognized as a Black Brother in the United States, This, my Black Brothers, is truly our personal war that must Be fought unitedly by US alone! You say you’d like to know what the students are doing at your old alma mater, your home town high school? The staff at Publications can help you there too. Want to know who was elected the new student council president or who had the best average during bas ketball season, pick up an exchange paper and find out, I m sure many of you would enjoy read ing newspapers from your local high schools. All of us have at one time or other thought a- bout other people who we know at other colleges, junior colleges, high schools, and technical schools. By browsing through our exchange pa pers you’ll be amazed at how interesting it will prove to be. If your Interest lies here at ECSC and its past, we have all back issues of the COMPASS dating back to the time it was called the STATE NORMAL BANNER and the STATE TEACHER’S COLLEGE NEWS LET TER, So come on over to Publications you’ll have no trouble finding: A and T’s REGISTER, THE BENNETT BANNER, Lincoln University’s THE LINCOLN CLARION, Morgan State College’s SPOKESMAN, Howard University’s HILLTOP, Norfolk State’s THE SPARTAN ECHO, St.Jos- eph’s College’s COUN TERPOINT, A and M Col lege’s PRAIRIE VIEW, The College of the Al bemarle’s OLD SALT and THE VOICE of Fayette ville State College,These are only a few but we have many others both of high schools and colleges, many issues which are quite interesting. We here at Publica tions will be glad to have you come and see more of what we can offer you in the line of news. Broad en your scope about all kinds of happenings in other colleges and schools and be in the know. Know all you can about evervthing. ASSOCIATE EDITOR