The News Argus October 1995 Page 2 |HR#uciS Queyana Woods - Editor DeVona McPhatter - News Editor Keisha Butler - Entertainment Editor William Horton, Jr. - Sports Editor Dr.Valerie S. Saddler — Advisor On Being Black Often times I hear black people making comments about other black people like, “She is pretty to be black.” What kind of statement is that? If I am black and you are black, then why should one complexion be better than the other? A friend once told me that a man approached her and said, “You sure are fine to be dark,” expecting her to be flattered. She simply responded, "You sure are ignorant to think that I would take that as a compliment!” In times when afrocentricity at its highest, you would think that we as black people would be pulling together more as a race rather separating ourselves into a color wheel found at a paint shop! Once I heard a black guy say this about a black female, “She is sexy to be black.” When I asked him "why she just couldn’t be sexy because she was a black woman?" He responded, “You rarely see that many nice looking dark skinned people.” That statement bothered me partly because it was ignorant and also because he was dark skinned! Other races consider us inferior. To have another black person make statements as that is just as demeaning, if not worse, than a white person saying it. It’s bad enough that other races judge our character by our complexion differences, but to have our own “brothers and sisters” making such comments shows a lot about some of the problems we as a race need to overcome. -3Caren Lewis The News Argus is a "stu3eflT~Newspaper at Winston-Salem State University we welcome your views on any public issue. Faculty, administrators, staff, students and alumni are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions. Letters should be type wriuen and no more than 200 words in length. The writer must clearly sign the letter giving their name, telephone number and depending on the content of the letter, proof of identity may be requested. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit material for grammar, taste and clarity. The News Argus office is located in 318 Hall Patterson, 750-2327. ISSUES G flnSWERS ARGUS MAILBAG A Cool Million Why a Million Man March? Should there even be any question of why there should be a Million Man March. The black man is America’s most hated, unloved and unappreciated individual. In every light of the media we are portrayed as a negative and animalistic. The Million Man March will show America that these stereotypes are false. Nightly, the news shows an abundance of black men killing, raping and being busted for drugs. Hollywood movies depict black pimps, players and hustlers who only think on the levels of negativity. Americans as well as people in other countries see these motion pictures and think that this is how black men think and operate. With the exception of a few select movies, Hollywood has done a sickening job of representing black men to the nation. It is up to black men to represent themselves to help change Hollywood and America’s stereotypes of black males. Black men will be standing up to show that we are now ready to be leaders in our community, we are now ready to be fathers to our children, we are now ready to eliminate all the ills in our community and give our women a rest when we take a stand for a change. Regardless of what America thinks, we do have a political agenda that is not only in the best interest of blatks but Americans as a whole. No longer will it be America’s job to baby sit the black man and send black mothers welfare checks in his absence from the home. As propheticized in the Bible, it is the black man’s time to stand up. We are the dry bones in the valley that have been resurrected and given life. How can you call yourself a man and not be present or at least support the Million Man March? Any work, ■ studying, partying, or foolish behavior you’ll be doing on that day isn’t as important as the Million Man March. We say Million Man March, rather than million men march because although there are a million men, we are united as one for one common cause and therefore we use the singular. The Million Man March is a holy day of atonement and fasting. A day for black men to stand up and repent for all his sins against his own race. The Million Man March is not about a separation of religions, preferably the Christian and Muslim religions. It is a day for all religions to come together and pray, teach, fast and stay together. It is vital we unite. The march’s organizers and heads Louis Farrakhan and Ben Chavis are a perfect example of this. Chavis, a Christian and Farrakhan, a Muslim didn’t change the fact they love black people and are willing to come together to save them. For too long we have let religion divide us when religion isn’t the real problem. Black men dying, drugs, fatherless children, poverty, miseducation and a corrupt government are the true problems. Reasons for the Million Man March are extremely obvious if you COLUMNIST Vince Woody look close enough at the issues. If you aren’t present on that day, don’t go to school or work and don’t spend any money unless its on black business. This will show America the power of the over $400 billion in spending power Black Americans have in the United States yearly. Come together with other religions and pray, fast and study together. Watch the Million Man March to the end and support what it’s all about. October 16, 1995 will be the start of a new beginning for the black people in America and I would hope that you’ll be a part of the cause. Staff Writers Kesha Bowden Terry britton JOHN BURTON, JR. DoUGI_AS CLARK Kimberly coffey CRAVEN MARTIN KENYETTA RICHMOND MEKO TAYLOR Marcus Manuel - Office Manager Monica Alexander - Advertising Manager CongratuCations :^nnie Tt. Hicks !Miss ALumni 1995 ~96 Ttona Tinch 1st A.tte,ndant Laura Hill-') or dan 2 net Atte-ndant "harbara Brocnile WiCtld-ms 3rd Atte^ndant