2 "I’hc News Artois Opinion Tuesday, January 27, 2009 w\\-w. the new’sargiis .com Always Watching Determine your success story By Stephanie Douthit Editor In Chief Happy New Year Rams! 1 was not going to reemphasize the importance of the New Year and the change America ■ '. -p- STEPHANIE DOUTHIT Editor In Chief is witnessing, but its conta gious! 1 have never been this excited about the future and what will happen in this country. After witnessing Barack Obama becoming the 44th President of the United States of America, I feel a sense of pride knowing that everything is going to be okay. Nigel Alston, a columnist at the Winston-Salem Journal, wrote an editorial titled, "If you're stuck in 'can't,' change your story line." I take this to mean that we should not surround our selves with negativity, and we need to get rid of the poor me syndrome. No one is immune from problems of everyday life, but we can all change our focus. In the editorial Peter McWilliam.s, a writer of best selling self help books, was quoted, "Our thoughts create our reality. Where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go." With the sense of personal responsibility that has risen within the heart of American culture, pity stories should decrease. We all can visibly see the fruits of hard work and per sistence, but these ideals are often outweighed by excuses and lack of discipline. Hard work is the key to success. Therefore, we should be telling ourselves that we can and must be successful in all that we do. We have a responsibility to ourselves and the others who follow. Molly Gordon, a profes sional coach, is also quoted in Alston's column. Gordon says "Stories shape our experience; they explain or justify our decisions, focus our hopes and flesh out our dreams." It is a new year, and changes can be made. Learn what works best for you and make it a personal responsibility to become suc cessful. Determine today how you will change your future and change your story. m PRINCE HARRY: ‘I wonder what you would get if you crossed a Paid and a potato spud?’ How did WE miss that? The News Argus Correction Policy As a matter of policy, The News Argus will publish corrections of errors In fact that have been published in the newspaper. The corrections will be made as soon as possible after the error has been brought to the attention of the Editor in Chief at thenewsargus@yahoo.com Letter Policy The News Argus is a student publication of Winston-Salem State University. The News Argus encourages written comments to the editor and guest columns, but some rules apply: □ A signature, address and phone number must accompany all let ters. Letters should be double-spaced and no more than 300 words. □ Letters will be verified by The Neu’S Argus by a phone call prior to publication. If The News Argus is unable to contact the writer of a let ter, the letter will be held until contact is made. Letters intended as advertising will not be published. □ The News Argus does not publish "form letters"or letters sent to multiple newspapers outside the Triad unless the issue discussed in the letter is of importance to the WSSU community. □ The Neu’s Argus reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for clarity, length and libel. The News Argus will edit letters that are grossly inaccurate or cross the boundaries of good taste. □ The News Argus allows readers to reply to someone's response to any earlier letter only once. □ Guest columns may be no more than 400 words. The Neiu Argus will accept endorsements of candidate, but only one per writer per candidate. The letter may challenge a candidate's record, but no intensely personal attacks will be printed. The Nezos Argus permits candidates to write letters to the Editor to specifically respond to another letter. Campus Crew The Campus Crew section features comments from WSSU students randomly selected to answer a provoca tive cjuestion from The News Argus. Will you be a part of the Campus Crew in the next issue? Comments are those of WSSU students and do not represent the opinions of The News Argus staff. Some comments may be edited for space. Photos by ReDonah Anderson and Tiana Stewart What are the top three things President Obama should address within 100 days? r DR. ANNA L. LEE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR He should first work with the economy, second with edu cation and third with health care. GABRIEL RUSSELL LAB MANAGER He should establish an office that represents justice. Security should be firmly established, and he must quickly stabilize the economy. JAMALLTHOMPSON SENIOR He should build the econ omy, remove U.S. troops from Iraq and rescue America out of this recession. KIAYIA PROPST LAB MANAGER He should make healthcare affordable, secondly, provide all school's with their needs and thirdly, increase pay for jobs. DOUG OSMAN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR First, he must stabilize the economy, second, end the war in Iraq. Last, he should better the standard of living among all citizens.