Page 2—SMOKE SIGNALS, March, 1990 Relationships ... What are they? By Ken Traino I tried to find 'the word relationship in quite a number of dictionaries, but with a lot of effort I did not find anything. So I decided to look for the root word, relation. The Webster’s II New Riverside Dictionary defines relation as this: (1) A natural or logical association between two or more things: connection. (2) The con nection of persons by blood or marriage: kinship. (3) A relative. (4) Relations. Dealings or associations among persons or groups diplomatic relations. (5) Reference: regard. (6) An account or narration., Actually, the root word is relate, but after looking that up I did not find anything that I liked. For all of those who will read this article, do not think this is a biased opinion. From the definition we cannot determine a whole lot. So I decided the next best thing would be to go to a thesaurus. Well needless to say, the thesaurus said to see relation. Here is what it said: (1) A logical or natural association between two or more things: the relation betweeen hard work and success, syns: connection, correlation, hookup (informal), in terconnection, interdependence, in terrelation, interrelationship, link, relationship, tie-in. (2) Relative.2 Most human beings think that a relationship between two people is something very special. Honesty, trust, openness, love, and respect are just a few of the things that we look for. For a guy and a girl these certain aspects of a relationship differ. Girls may be a bit more choosy than guys. But that does not mean that all guys are brutes and have no feelings. ar Zot Most men have this “macho image” that they must maintain at all times. Some men feel that by showing their emotions they will be labeled as “wimps” or “sissies.” This is not true. Most women that I know like for a man to show his feelings. This is one thing that can hold a relationship together. Telling each other how you feel about one thing or another can sometimes hurt, but most times it can only help. I only wish I had more time to get a woman’s point of view, but because of our deadline, 1 could not. Sometimes, there are special things that two people do for each other that keep them together: dinners together, movies, a stroll by a lake with a picnic lunch, a bottle of wine, surprising him or her with flowers for no reason is one that I have found to work very well. Evenifyoujustcalltosay “hi,” you prove to that certain someone that you care. There are many different types of relationships. The one I think is the toughest to have and to hold on to is a long distance relationship. So much love and trust is needed to accomplish this feat. I hold the highest respect for those who can have a long distance relationship and make it work. There are so many temptations and people who may try to break the relationship up. Relationships in which the couple DearZoey, I recently returned home to find out that my best friend and her boyfriend committed suicide. I was full of mixed emotions. Part of me was angry, another sad, and yet another totally conftised. As I sat in the funeral home looking at her lying there in her casket, I remembered all of our good times together. She was always the one I turned to for advice. She had a level head and knew exactly what she wanted out of life. When things seemed to be going really bad for me, she would make me think of all the good things 1 had going for me. She showed that when everything seemed to be going wrong there was always something good in my life. I just wish I could have been there to give her some of her own advice. Since I could not be there for her, 1 would like to send a message out to others: No mat ter how bad things may seem to be going, always remember, there is Something to live for. Nothing is ever that bad. If you cannot go on, then get help . . . professional help. Signed, Concerned friend Dear Concerned, The first thing I would like to do is apologize for not getting this letter printed sooner than I have. I can sym pathize with you in the loss of your friends. Even though I myself have never had to go through such an ex perience, I truly wish that we could help those who need help. On this campus we have our own counseling center where one can get help. The Roanoke-Chowan Human Services Center, located in Ahoskie, NC, has a 24 hour Crisis Line and the phone number for that is 919-332-4442. The phone number for the center is 919- 332-4137. Please, if you feel depressed, or just need someone to talk to, do not hesitate to call. The people at these centers are trained professionals that can help you through the tough times. Don’t wait until it is too late. Zoey Ken Traino (Editor) Karen Uberti Jennifer Allen Holly Bradley can see each other regularly is the best around. One way to tell if you have found the right one for you is to consider how you are treated. If you are a girl, does he open the car door for you? Does he buy you little stuffed animals and give you flowers? For a guy, do you feel like you are on top of the world when you are around her? Do each of you get tingles when you kiss and perhaps a warm feeling when you’re together? There are so many different ways to tell if he or she is right for you. There is one thing to know, when you do find him or her, you will know it. That I can guarantee. You should never let go of a special guy or girl in your life that you care about very much. There is a special girl in my life and I hope that she will read this and understand what relation ships are all about. For the guys and girls, men and women who have read this article, I hope that by my writing this it can help you in your future relationships. I sincerely pray and wish the best for all of you. Resources 1. WEBSTER'S II New Riverside Dictionary, Berkley Book, New York (Aug. 1984), Page 590,1st Column. 2. ROGET’S II The New Thesaurus, Berkley Book, New York (Aug. 1984), Page 374, 2nd Column. T.F.TTTCRTO THE EDITOR Student expresses concern about dance program Dear Editor, A few students are concerned about the rumor that there will not be a dance program next year. We realize that cutbacks are neccessary for the benefit of Chowan College, but many dancers and many other non-dancing students for that matter feel that the dance program is beneficial to the students and general college. Dance is a good form of excercise. It teaches students to work together to accomplish Be prepared for cold season Everyone, old and young, gets colds. Typical symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, a stuffy head, cough, aches, pains, and fatigue. Because there is no one condition that can be labeled the “common cold,” you should pick your cold remedy according to the symptoms you have. For a runny nose and sneezing, use an antihistamine. A decongestant is good for a stuffy nose. For aches, pains and fever, take aspirin or acetaminophen products. Be careful about treating flu-like symp toms in children with aspirin. Aspirin use in children with fevers has been associated with Reye’s syndrome, a very serious illness. Colds usually don’t develop into something worse, but they can make you more susceptible to bacterial in fections. If you have a fever, a cough or a stuffy head that lasts more than 10 days, call your doctor. Soothe a sore throat When you have a sore throat, do you reach for a cough drop, throat lozenges or spray to soothe it? Before you use one of these treatments, you should know what each does. Cough drops increase salivation, which lubricates and soothes the sore throat. Throat lozenges and sprays contain anesthetic or an antibacterial compound to relieve the pain. However, there are no over-the- counter treatments with effective con centrations of anesthetic currently available. Some people experience up set stomachs when using lozenges or sprays. There are a couple of sore throat remedies that are effective, but often are overlooked. Hard, sugarless can dy can stimulate siliva and relieve a dry, raspy throat. A warm salt water gargle is still one of the best sore throat treatments. Mix two teaspoons of salt to one quart of water as warm as you can stand and gargle regularly. Do not swallow it. Try these remedies before trying lozenges or sprays. If you have a sore throat, help your self by careftilly selecting treatments, following package instructions, drinking lots of fluids and getting plenty of rest. something. The dance class also gives many students, who otherwise would never see a stage, a chance to perform. We feel that the dance program helps to attract new students and helps students who have never had interest in dance to find a new talent or at least a little skill in something they enjoy. William Rice, Jason Edwards, Stacy Barber, and Angel Ramos think of dance class as “enjoyable and a good way to express ourselves.” Debbie Dorrough finds dance class “A good way to work out my frustrations.” Jill Overton says, “I just love to dance!” Without the dance program, these students and many others in the future will be missing out on a beneficial ex perience, Jennifer Allen Real Estate Attention—Government Homes from $1 (U-repair). Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1-602- 838-8885 Ext. GH18723. Automotive Sales Attention—Government Seized Vehicles from $100. Fords, Mer cedes, Corvettes, Chevy s. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1-602-838-8885 Ext. A18723 Lost & Found FOUND: At Lxjngwood College, a set of car keys on the weekend of Feb. 3, 1990 on tenth floor at Frazer Dorm. 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Boohs about agriculture, energy, children, spac^' health, history, business, vacations, and much more. Find cataloff. PrSB Cataiog:.'.} ro. Bon 37000 Washington, DC * ^ The_^ 1 Ima^mdex ^TtorWcwnen Test Your POteiKial for Gettii^ Ahead. TlTe following test is based on the probability of making the best first impression on ^ ^eatest number of people in business and professional situations. To take the test, simply circle tt^ number opposite the entry that best describes you. Then, total up your score according to the directions below, and gauge your Image Index. BLOUSES 1. Longsleeved, silk or cotton, solid or small print, with conservative necklines. 2. Oxford cloth shirts with bows. 3. Lace and ruffles, sheer fabrics or plunging necklines. suns 1. Classic cut, navy, grey or black, made of quality fabric and well-fitted. 2. Coordinating jacket and skirt in complimentary colors. 3. Never wear suits. DRESSES 1. One ortvw>piece, natural fabric, classic styling, long sleeves, in navy, grey or black with a jacket. 2. Same as above, without a jacket. 3. Ruffled, sheer or mini-dresses. SHOES 1. Dress shoes, always freshly shined. 2. Casual or dress shoes, rarely shined. 3. Don't think about shining shoes. MAKE-UP 1. Lightly applied to enhance features and coloring. 2. Don't always wear make-up. 3. Applied heavier so that everybody notices it. HAIR 1. Classic style, well-groomed, shoulder length or shorter, 2. Generally groomed, no particular style. 3. Wear latest style to stand out. NAILS 1. Manicure at least weekly 2. Occasionally file and groom. 3. Wait until nails are chipped before polishing. JEWELRY 1. Regulariy wearoneortwo important pieces. 2. Wear small, barely noticeable jewelry 3. Wear as much as possible. PURSES/BRIEFCASES 1. Carry one well-shined classic leather bag for everything. 2. Carry a well-organized briefcase and a purse. 3. Briefed and/or purse is always overstuffed. HANDSHAKE 1. Rrm with men and vwmen. 2. Only shake when a hand is offered. 3. Don't shake hands. EYE CONTACT 1. Make frequent eye contact. 2. Not comfortable looking at someone often. 3. Normally look around the room or at feet. POSTURE 1. Usually stand and sit erectly. 2. Don't pay attention. 3. Tend to slouch. How to Score Ybur Image Index: Give yourself 6 points for every #1 answer, 3 points for every #2 answer and 0 points for every #3 answer. If your total score is: (Congratulations, you're on your way. You're on the right track, but have some work to do. 54-72 36-53 18-35 Careful, you may te sabotaging your chances of getting ahead. There's still hope, though. You've got a real problem. Without immediate action, your chances of makitig a good first impression are virtually nil. For Men Test Your Potential for Getting Ahead The following test is based on the probability of making the best first impression on the greatest number of people in business and professional situations. To take the test, simply circle the number opposite the entry that best describes you. Then, total up your score according to the directions below, and gauge your Image Index. SHIRTS 1. Longsleeved, all-cotton, white, striped or pastel. 2. Button-down oxford, any cotor. 3. Short-sleeved, or anything that is wash and vrear. TIES 1. All Silk with a subtle pattern or stripe. 2. Knit ties. 3. ClipK>ns. SUfTS 1. Traditional sin^e-breasted, navy or grey pinstriped, expertly tailored and well- pressed. 2. Designer double-breasted, with bold patterns or weave, molded to body. 3. Prefer sports jacket and slacks. SHOES 1. Classic dress shoes that tie, always fi-eshly shined. 2. Usually casual, rarely shined. 3. Don’t think about shining shoes. The Ima^ kxlex was devekxied in conM^ction with Kauftnan Professional Consultants of PNadelphta. C1968, KIWI Brands USA AM Rights Reser^d. SOCKS 1. Mid or over-the-calf, brown, navy or black. 2. Mid or over-the-calf, textured or patterned. 3. Ankle length, dress or casual. FACE 1. Always clean-shaven. 2. Have a well-groomed mustache or beard. 3. Not always clean-shaven. HAIR 1. Regularly cut in a conservative style. 2. Sometimes need a haircut. 3. Always wom in the latest avant-garde style. NAILS 1. Groom at least once a week, 2. Clip and clean nails occasionally. 3. Bite regulariy. JEWEIAY 1. Classic style watch, leather or metal band. 2. Wear a sporty watch. 3. Don't usually vrear a watch. HANDSHAKE 1. Rrm with both men and vwmen. 2. Firm with men and limp with women. 3. Squeeze hard to show superiority. EYE CONTACT 1. Make fi-equent eye contact. 2. Not comfortable looking at someone often. 3. Normally look around the room or at feet. POSTURE i- Usually stand and sit erectly. 2. Don't pay much attention. 3. Tend to slouch. ^'^you'self 6 points for every #1 54-72 36-53 18^5 0-17 Congratulations, you’re on your way. You re on the right track, but have some vw)rt to do. Without immediate action, your cnances of making a good first impression are virtual^ nil.