November „/ 1968 YOl'R FRIEND, MY HEAD ■ j .Ioj.- -. Morgansterrij David l^ood causa doing your ovm tiling is not only sanitary, but necessary in this machine age, our advice to you is simple: If you have a thing, by all means, do it! Of Course, know ing how to do your thing is vital! Furthermore, it helps if you can do your thing and enjoy doing it! That is why we undertook the seemingly impossible task of composing answers to all your problems as artists and as human beings in our book Your Friend. Your Head. Chapter one will deal with Problem Solving Solutions. When you, as an artist, are de pressed, worried about your lessons, afraid of facing the world—when you are generally UPTIGHT!, we suggest that the organization provide you with a sign-up list—guaranteed to cure you completely and uncondition ally. If you sign your name there can be no backing out; and, the fol- iovring Saturday morning at 7:00 o clock a group of four strong men will drag you from your bed, bind you securely and take you to Friend ship Airport where you will be placed in a piper cub airplane. The plane then will take off, climb to an altitude of 30,000 feet, where you are immediately EXPELLED (with an automatic parachute, of course). guarantee that when you reach the ground you will be so happy with life itself that you will have for gotten all of your hang-ups. Another option is that on the following Saturday morning at 4:30 you are flown, via Whisper-Jet, to some pre-determined South American country undergoing internal revolu tion. Once there you will be smug gled to the capital and taken to the mansion of the beseiged dictator. Just before the rebels storm the mansion you will be dressed in the dictators uniform and turned loose. When - if ever - you return to N.C.S.A. your depression will be over - life, itself, will be all you’ll ever require. Yes, there are many solutions as you can see! If you are, for instance, worried about your mascu line image, (and are a male student), you simply sign your name to another list where upon we assign one pro fessional New York queen to you for a week. Any masculinity doubts will certainly be satisfied—one way or the other. If you are a snob of a musician, frowning on other musical forms, we have a solution. Sign your name to list A3-41, and upon your head will be taped a speaker during a performance by Captain Speed and the Fungy Electric Mothers. The perfect cure! ! Attention Work Study Program I I ' 1 I ( \A meeting is scheduled for Work | ■Study Students and Supervisors j next Wednesday3 Noveni)er 6^ at \ a.m. in the auditorium. I The fl.C. Essay If you are unpopular or feel you aren't loved - sign list KL-96 and we will send you notes, taped on your mail box so you can pick them up in front of people - tele phone calls in the dorm - telegrams during your classes. What splendor! What satisfaction! As an added attraction in the coming weeks, and because every school needs its share of smut, we will print our strange but true re ports: The Artful Application And Introduction To the Rumor or How To Destroy A Friend. Also - Our Fac ulty: What They Signed In Their High School Year Books, Something Fishy be Herring's Office, The Real Reason Mr. Ward Wears Bow Ties, Lewis Hawley: The Man Behind The Legend, What Makes Duncan Dance, What Snyder Can't Tell Harold Head, and Alan Bowman: Secret Agent. Yes - Fantastic! Stranger than truth! All included in our book Your Friend Your Head. So remember- Do Your Thing and follow our easy instructions to contented living. Good night, David. Good night, Mark bARBARELLAs ARI OR VOYEUR ISM ? Barbarella is more than a sat iric futuristic spoof based on the popular illustrated comic feature by Jean-Claude Forest. It is not a "peep show" designed to arouse "Pru rient interest," but a cleverfully constructed film which is suggestive of both literary and film classics, especially Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Dante's Inferno, and Fellini's Juliet of the Spirits. It is the year 40,000 and cham pion astronaut Barbarella (Jane Fonda) must interrupt her vacation to find Durand Durand, a missing Earth scien tist who has disappeared, taking with him the secret of the Positron- ic Ray, the most evil ultimate wea pon. The story begins with Barbar ella, with skin white as alabaster and perfect proportions, is like the statue of the love goddess which ador- nes her love-nest spaceship. Naked ness fits Barbarella, for the motto of Earth is love. Barbarella is not vamp, but a sensuous Alice in Wonder land who is terribly naive, and, for all her sophistication, terribly dumb. Barbarella's humorous qual ity prevents the movie from lapsing into non - plausible, distasteful melodrama. Barbarella is the master of comic understatement. When search ing for Pygor, the winged bird-man and an Angel of Love, she is con fronted by screams, and glibly she comments: "A good many dramatic situations begins with screaming."In Page ^ her travels, Barbarella, has learned how to make love the ancient, "bar baric" way. (Future Earthlings first compare psychocardiograms to check their electrical compatability then pop "exhaltation transference pills" into their mouths, and fin ally touch fingers until ultimate rapport is reached.) But the camera never focuses on the love acts; in stead, Barbarella, pink, glowing, humming, is seen later, lolling on rugs, wallowing in a bird's nest (Pygor's, who else), tripping and falling on her tail ^ fur tail, that is, of a costume she has to borrow. When Barbarella's spaceship is brought down, she is forced into a world of evil. During the descents the photography is brilliant. Rich glowing golds and purples, vibrant reds and oranges swirl across her screen, like living protoplasm swirling in phantasmagoric patterns seen jnder a gigantic microscope. After a series of both comic and grotesque exploits, Barbarella reaches the Labyfinth of the City of Night. H-she is beset by bodies who have been imprisoned by the Greek Tyrant because they are good instead of evil. The Labyfinth is rock, and like Dante's Inferno, the victims are imprisoned for all eter nity, slowly becoming fossilized and engulfed with cobwebs. With Pygor's help, Barbarella escapes into the City of Night, a world of perverted sexual pleasure reminiscent of the ribald house in Juliet of the Spirits. Here Barbar ella is Alice; the cunning Concierge is a perverted Mad Hatter; and the Great Tyrant, and overpowering seductress, is the Queen of (Evil) Hearts. In short, Barbarella becomes an immersion into a world of fan tasy and sounds, a world which stems from a long literary and film heri tage. The music, ranging from Baro que to Electronic to Pop Rock, en hances the film's constant fluctua tions of moods. The sets, photo graphy, and steam-line ultra mod clothing make it a film of todaj’. Barbarella should not be missed. L£TTER ID EDITOR by Ral Tyson and Jim Babbit Recent trends have led the in novative composer away from he piano and towards the new exciting realm of electronically produced sound. Such composers as Stockhausen, Babb itt, Pausseur, and Ussachevsky have led the way in experimentation of a fascinating and new mode of musical expression. Using complex equipment and various electronic instruments the new composers are creating striking ly original, and sometimes beautiful compositions.