January 13,.1968 The N. C. Essay Page 2 What the Beatles Say ? I must disagree with Richard Goldstein's 'interpretation of the Beatles’s song, "Happiness Is A Warm Gun." The entire selection defi nitely connotes the use of heroin. According to the popular phras eology, a "gun" is a syrine which a mainliner (addict) uses to shoot (inject the heroin). Throughout the song there are inferences of addic tion. " I need a fix 'cause I'm goining down " needs very little ex planation. Addicts need to shoot when they physically require it and begin to feel "down". The line four times repeated is "Mother Superior jump the gun". To an addict, the pusher frequently be comes a mother figure. One recalls the addict in "A Hatful of Rain" re ferring to his pusher as "Mother". The reference to Mother Superior is obvious also. The syringe often takes the place of the cross and the pusher often become the Christ fig ure, seemingly able to relieve the addict of his pressures and burdens. Thus heroin becomes a religion. The last verse is in the same vein. Lennon and McCartney say that " When I hold you in my arms, and I feel my finger on your trigger, I know that no one can do me no harm". It is perhaps in the last verse that one truly senses what the song is really about. When the addict feels himself shooting up, he knows that he will enter a euphoric world that no one else may enter. It is also interesting to note that in the background, the back up lines are "Bang, Bang, Shoot, Shoot". The implications are fairly obvious. Once again the Beatles have commented on the existing social conditions of youth today. They have done it so subtly, however, that even an expert like Richard Goldstein could not perceive it. Micheal S. Kimmel, Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pa. THE N. C. ESSAY STAFF Editor Co-editor & Review Feature Writers Dance Editor Misic Editor Political & Editorial Typists Proofreader Design Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Production Art Advisor Tony Senter Lynn Bernhardt David Wood Mark Walsh Sandra Williams Celia Sparger D. Williamson Harold Ingram Pat Yancey Carol McCurdy Becky Troxler Ruth Critchley Tess Morton Polly Crocker Marcia Steel Jeanne Jennings Lorna Frady Anthony Fragola Dance News WALLACE TO RETURN FOR MASTER CLASS The modem dancers will again be pleased to have Carol Wallace teaching master classes to them this week. Miss Wallace has taught at NCSA two previous times during the summer sessions. Miss Wallace was a member of the Pauline Koner Company for three seasons. Her choreography has ap peared in New York by several compa nies. Also manu productions in Wil liamsburg, Virginia such as Macbeth and the Fantasticks have been chore ographed by Miss Wallace. Currently Miss Wallace is on the Modem Dance faculty of the Col lege of William and Mary. Two dancers recently took steps upward in their dancing professions. They are Ellen Parker, a former NCSA student and Marilyn Snyder a present student at NCSA. They both have re ceived contracts to join the Pennsyl vania Ballet Company. Congratulations to these two promising young dancers. Crafts f J'HJ"' Finishes THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER LOWER MALL WELCOME TO The Wagon Wheel Restaurant A18 Waughtown St. 10 A.M. - Midnight 7C>PAY5 CO^)CfR^>S A HNt) WROM CMiep a icse^. / we WAS mo\ AW THIS MAM WHOM e[/6R^O)e CAUeP A mR eeme miuemr / PR0^PefJTOF The uunep 6TAT5S. ^ AWP HIS I^He IS mi H0B6Rrr raARP AMP w ro BeLem)epmjTooR FROM 7H(5 16 iOHAT, eimie ? Va>'R5 A LOSeR..