Tuesday, December 10, 1974 N.C. ESSAY Intensive Arts: Give It a Chance By DUNCAN NOBLE Editor’s Note: The Essay asked Duncan Noble, Intensive Arts co-ordinator, to outline his views and plans of Intensive Arts ’74. Intensive Arts is now in its third year. To quote a famous president, “Let me make one think perfectly clear.” I have been asked only to co-ordinate Intensive Arts, not to design it. In simple terms, that means I have been delegated to find out what each department is doing and when, and then to make this information available to the school community. With the help of Gary Burke, of the academic faculty, I hope this can be accomplished. Except in a very limited way, I am not initiating lectures, master classes, seijunars or other events which the individual schools are conducting during this period. With the aid of Brad White and Dr. Baskin, I have done some research into student attitudes toward the Intensive Arts period. This was done by reading your critiques of the 1973 Intensive Arts and the very limited returns on the questionnaires that Brad and I sent out last month. From this reading, I gather there is a general misconception regarding the genesis of this period in the school calendar. While it is true the initial impetus was given by Nutcracker, that was not the sole element involved. In the line of this research, I spoke to former chancellor Robert Ward. The original concept for these weeks was a time in which all students and all teachers could involve themselves more fully in their individual arts, and hopefully, broaden their learning scope by commensurate involvement in other related fields of their interest. This ideal has not been reached, but in some areas it has been approached. Comments Helpful Let me tell you some of the things I have found in reading your comments. Naturally, there were some loners- those who wish to do their own thing and nothing else. Four things were touched on by majorities. (I took five or more as a majority since many papers made no concrete suggestions.) The need for a general study and an early pre-planning by the school administration for the Intensive Arts period was the most prominent comment. There was a desire for the continuance of the language programs during this interval and, to a lesser degree, a wish on the part of certain collegians for some continuance of aspects of the academic program. The interest in visiting lecturers and master teachers was touched upon by more than a few students in all schools. Lastly, both in the 1973 critiques and the October questionnaire was the request for some kind of performance or performances involving students across the board on a voluntary basis. \ Kssuy Pholo Nutcracker’s Waltz of the Flowers Some of these concerns are being implemented in this upcoming arts interval. Not all the solutions will satisfy all of you. Nirvana is still beyond total grasp. One example of positive approach is the offer of most of the academic faculty to meet with students individually or in groups to do continuing and-or remedial work in all areas. This is a terrific chance to consolidate some learning or to catch up. There is a truism used to great advantage by those of us in the arts-oriented fields: Man does not live by bread alone. Conversely, he does not live without it either. To my knowledge there has never been a superstar or just plain top soloist in the arts or education whose vision and knowledge was tunnelled only into his or her own inunediate field. Dr. Suderburg has expressed his awareness of the need for an early planning session for next year. This is to be approached before the end of March if possible. If his busy schedule will allow, perhaps Mr. Ward with his rather finite knowledge of the workings of the total school, can be persuaded to lend a hand to this project. The needs and desires of the individual students and the individual schools vary. This makes any overall plan very difficult to formulate. If Intensive Arts is to remain and become an integral part of the school year, something will be arrived at. You, the student body, know what you would like to glean from this kind of program. Make your thoughts known to your faculties, deans and chancellor. Schedule Posted For this year, Gary Burke and I plan to do a master graph and to place it in a spot where its viewing will be convenient for all. Would you believe the Commons Bmlding! Rather than to delve into the minutae of lesson times and plans, we have decided to list only those events in each of the schools open to the school community in general. Following are a few of the things you might want to look for. The School of Drama has left open Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons for lectures, some of which will be of interest across the disciplines. For example, on the second Wednesday morning, Mme. von Nikolai will do a lecture-seminar on German theatre: from the Theatre of the Princes to the Theatre of Brecht. (From the Theatre of the Princes, or Patrons, come giants like Goethe, Schiller and Wagner.) At another time, Mr. Richard Kuch will discuss “The Importance of Movement to the Actor on Stage.” Maureen Trotto has agreed to a series of three Wednesday morning lectures on visual arts composition for the choreographic composition majors in modem, dance. Design and Product I on will have to lectures on scenic design and costume design. While their more detailed lyork in the scene shop may not be available to everyone due to space, the lectures will be. There will be open sessions both for participation and for viewing in the School of Music. Ernest Stuart for instance has a very exciting series on rhythm which you might want to sit in on. Sam Stone would like to invite William Phillips and his group from Durham to do a lecture-demonstration on the folk and ethnic music of Appalachia. (Mr. Phillips received a National Endowment for the Arts grant last year to further his work and take it into the public school systems.) To Wind up, I would like to comment from my own reaction to a feeling engendered by the attitudes of some of you as you presented your comments in both the critiques of the 1973 Intensive Arts period and the questionnaire Brad and I sent out. No matter who is present on this campus, no matter their brilliance or their stature in their field, whether they be a visiting luminary or a regular instructor in the school, if you approach them with the attitude that they have nothing to offer you, indeed you will receive nothing from them. Open yourselves up. Examine the offering. Study it before you reject it. Duncan Noble, a member of the dance faculty, is Intensive Arts co-ordinator. Hungry, Horny Flies Create Impression By BRYANT ARRINGTON I shared a meal at the snack bar today with about 20 flies. Or rather, we fought over a grilled cheese sandwich that was only about one quarter inch thick and not really worth the effort for any of us. But I don’t want to talk about the food. I want to talk about the flies. Flies are a scientific wonder. They grow from anegigto laying eggs in 10-12 days. Female flies deposit about 120 eggs in organic debris at one laying. The eggs hatch in about eight hours to become maggots. They molt their skins twice in the next 48 hours while eating voraciously-like a techie after an all day crew. After the second molt, the maggot feeds two more days in preparation for pupation. Pupation means the outer layer of skin turns hard and the insides start changing into a fly. G-r-o-s-s! It takes four to five days in the pupal case for a maggot to become a fly. The fly forces open its pupal skin and emerges hungry and homy from the decomposing refuse. The number of flies around the snack bar should be embarassing to both the school administration and student body. The flies breed, give birth, and live (not to mention multiplying) all year in the Commons building. I have seen, before every concert, people in formal dress fight flies for a cup of coffee. The impression our school makes on parents and visitors is important to the future of the school. Flies, no matter how hard they might try, do not create favorable impressions. “"Hie house fly carries the bacteria of bacillary dysentery.” -Encyclopedia Collins. That is awfully close to what student call the NCSA plague. Flies are ugly, dirty, obnoxious and they try to put maggots in my food. I’m sick of them. They must be destroyed! Bryant Arrington is a first year Design and Production major.