n.c.c%«ay tucMla>; april 22, I»75 P“>{c2i Candidates Speak Out On Issues ELECTIONS, From Page 1 when I think I’m right and they know I’ll do my best to improve life at the school. David Winslow I feel that I am qualified for the job of Student Council president, and if elected I feel that I could make SG into an ef fective organization. Of all candidates, I am the only one to have been both a high school and college student at NCSA. I feel this is important in itself as I can identify with the unique problems of each school. I am the only candidate with previous S.C. experience (three years). I have learned how the S.C. works and how it most effectively solves problems. I am also the only candidate who will be a senior next year. With almost all my required courses completed, I feel I will have enough time available to make S.C. a success. I am also the only candidate with past ad ministrative experience at the school. Under my directorship, Applause grew by 400 per cent in money paid out to NCSA students and 100 per cent in the number of students receiving em ployment over last year’s operation alone. I support the N.C. Essay as an im portant part of this school but, in order to make it a more effective in^rument of the students, would propose changes in its format. I would first investigate other, hopefully cheaper, printing methods to lower costs in order that the paper could come out more often. Then, not stopping at the monetary support S.C. gives, I would give my full moral support to the paper and encourage it in its growth. I believe a good newspaper is of prime importance to any healthy institution. I have at times been very disappointed with the administration of the student bank. Complaints have come to my at tention of it closing early, changing hours, with the general feeling that it is only the bank’s secondary interest to serve the students-many of whom, because they are from out-of-state, have difficulty cashing checks locally. I would look into this thoroughly. Finally, I would investigate the prices at the snack bar. With the little overhead that they do have (they pay no rent, heat or electricity and S.C. owns their equipment) their prices seem extreme to me. Another S.C. responsibility comes in the form of student activities. Since I first came to the school, student ac tivities under the leadership of David Belnap and past student governments has made giant leaps in the af-ea of providing activities for all the students. Under an approximate $17,000 increase of this budget for next year, the improved film series can be continued. I will support Mr. Belnap in his job as director of student activities and relay to him student desires concerning activities. In closing I pledge to maintain comt munication between myself and the students, keeping their needs and desires always first. I hope to help the S.C. come alive again with a spirit of unity that will make it and the students strong. All I ask is your support. Paul Smith I an running for president of Student Council because I feel I can make con tributions to the governmental and social life here on campus. There are needs for more activities with the students, ac tivities that will bring the students closer together as one body, as one unit func tioning together for the welfare and well being of each other. I feel qualified because of my past offices. In junior high and high school I was a member of the student council for one year, I was on the executive com mittee for two years, I was president of my senior class and held presidencies or vice-presidencies in other clubs and functions of the school. Not only did I serve the people and listen to the people but I was there when they needed me and I plan to be here when needed if elected and even if not elected. I’m not running for office just to be running, I’m not running for a per sonality contest, I’m not running just because it’s a smart thing to do, I’m running because I know this school needs someone with power, authority, and willingness to work hard. Why should we change the standards now? The past two presidents have been that and I feel that I could keep up the standards and maybe go beyond with the help of you the students not just for your vote but for your back-up if I am elected. We the students have the power in our hands to make or break this school, to change it or keep it the same. Different things that have been brought up with me this year could have been changed if the students wanted them changed. Practice rooms are an example. If the students wanted them fixed badly enough, they would have had it done. I propose that if we don’t have the money to have them fixed we the students should raise the money through sales, concerts, etc. This goes for any of the other departments, too. Speaking of money, I think the students should know the budget of the school, how much is usually spent and for what it is spent. They should know what the income is and what the output is, so that they know where their money is going. I feel that we as artists should have more professional performers come here to hold workshops and classes, to be an inspiration, to help and challenge us as students to strive for the best. Another place that can be improved is our mail service. Mail should be put out on Saturdays. I know that paying a worker would take more money. I think we could have student volunteers, or else spend money to hire someone. Another thing concerning music is students having the possibility of lear ning to play some other instrument, not as a requirement but as an elective; for example, a voice and drama major taking flute or a guitarist taking drama. This could prove to be very interesting, plus educational, and you may even discover hidden talent. As I’ve stated before, these are things I’ve noticed and I want to change. This can only be done by you the student, your vote, and more important, your support after the vote. WE HAVE THE POWER Vincent Parks Within the world of N.C.S.A. there lives the grand illusion of hope. Outwardly, there is in every one of us a hope of fame and fortune. We have gathered together to create an atmosphere of work and suffering in hopes of obtaining a life-long reward. To receive this reward everything must be done to bring within reach the proper building tools. This is my objective in running for president. In all five departments (D & P, Dance, VA, Music, Drama) the basic foundation has been established for such a begin ning. Various teachers and ad ministrators have started the wheels Survey SURVEY, From Page 1 However many students had questions about the CLC. Othella Johnson, director of CLC, said, “Student government scholarships money enables children from low-income families to participate wlio would not be able to do so otherwise. A special grant for music in strument purchase exposes children to percussion instruments at an early age. This enriches the program opportunities for the children.” Other items in the SCA budget not referred to in the survey questionaire are: Black Arts Festival, $250; SCA salaries, $1,140; SCA telephone, $225; foundation loan, $1,000; education and current issues, $600; maintenance and repairs, $1,600; recreational trips, $600; student-staff training, $1,000; recreation assistants, $2,000; and printing press, $200. turning. The SCA is in the position to be the voice of students needs and desires. I commend the work done by Mr. White and his council. However, issues have been born anew that require fresh in sight. My hope is that next year these issues will be handled with utmost tact and descretion. It is my aim to look into the numerous pains presented by the music department. Much has been made over the many handicaps that live within the largest of the departments. The social life as established by the SCA (various beer busts, homecoming, etc.), grows in patronship every year. However, there are several events that fall short of the expected goal. Why? This is also a point to be taken into con sideration. Ninety percent of the N.C.S.A. students live on campus. There is a great need for a more varied activities program within our little haven. If I am elected I hope to receive a constant flow of fresh and new ideas. With such an interchange of concepts a golden age can only be around the bend. Adrian Durlester I wish to use this space which the Essay has granted me not to plea for my candidacy, but rather to plea for another cause. T^e cause of which I speak of is the survival of the School of the Arts; and if it is to continue, we must all be part. Our school is now ten years young, and in its continuing process of growth naturally suffers the pains of its own expansion. And we carry an additional burden-our school is unique. Our relative “newness” renders comparison with existing college level institutions valueless. TTien too, we must bear in mind that the long range goals of this school are along a most different plane than the course which today’s well- established fortresses of knowledge seem to be following. So we must examine ourselves in a different light. We, as artists (each in his own right), must be committed to the survival of the arts and particularly to the survival of schools such as ours where young artists can enjoy the benefit of an environment suited to their growth (albeit ours has many several limitations at present). Here at our school I have tried, in many various ways, to gain from the administration a fair level of response to student body input into the operation of the school. The school exists, must exist, as a framework in which students, and yes, faculty and staff too, may grow, liie school must therefore be responsive to input from all the segements of its population, and this does not exclude the community of Winston-Salem, the state of North Carolina, or indeed the entire country and the surrounding nations on this planet. The school’s constant response to my inquests is that no one shows enough interest, or as they put it, there is apathy. Our student government has been relatively successful in providing the escapist activities wiiich are a necessary part of our life here. But they have shied away from the more important concerns behind cries of “What can we do if there is all this apathy?” Well, cries of “apathy” only breed more apathy. My own artistic concerns would not leave me the time to undertake the awesome task of SCA vice-president, to challenge the school community to restructure itself to be more responsive to input from the various sectors of its population. The status quo here is not as bad as many believe it to be w^en one considers all the factors, but your vote cast for me or for any candidate in this election can only serve to add your voice to those students, faculty and staff who now cry out for the unalienable rights we are now denied. Survey Results The amount of $2,000 was budgeted for Campus Social Events. Below are listed some of the activities this money is used for. Please carefully review the questions and write your answers in the appropriate spaces. a. Do you attend Dances? 4T Often 38 Seldom 22 Not at all b. Do you attend beer bashes? 41 Often 15 Seldom 4& Not at all C. Did you attend Homecoming? 82 Yes 20 No d. Will you attend Beaux Arts Ball ? 83 Yes 22 No e. Is the $2,000 well spent? 53 Yes 45 No f. Should we spend 29 More 20 Less 6 None 48^ Same The amount of $430.00 was budgeted for Dorm Open Houses in high school and college dorms. a. Do you attend open houses? 25 yes 81 No b. Is the $430.00 well spent? 25 Yes 74 No c. Should we spend 11 More 33 Less 29 None 26 Same The amount of $3,200 was budgeted for the on campus film series. Rental of films is rather expensive. a. Do you attend the films? 90 Often 13 Seldom 22 Not at all b. Is the choice of films satisfac tory? 96 Yes 9 No c. Should admission be charged if we can get first run films? 32 Yes 76 No d. Should we spend 37 More 3 Less 2 None 61 Same The amount of $4,000 was budgeted for the N.C. Essay. a. Do you read the Essay? 81 Yes 25 No b. Do you find its contents in teresting? 12 Yes 47 No 4J Sometimes c. Is a student paper useful on this campus? 63 Yes 42 No d. Should we spend 13 More 37 Less 30 None 21 Same The amount of $1,500 was budgeted to subsidize the purchase of tickets to off-campus events. a. Do you use tickets to off-campus events 23 Often 57 Seldom 23 Not at all b. Should we continue this service? 89 Yes 12 No c. Should we spend 20 More 17 Less 10 None 51 Same The amount of $1,500 was budgeted for equipment, wliich includes the gym, game room, swimming pool, etc. a. Do you use the gym? 25 Often 44 Seldom 34 Not at all b. Do you use the pool? 24 Often 41 Seldom 24 Not at all c. Do you use the game room? 28 Often 49 Seldom 29 Not at all d. Have you used the new games? 53 Yes 53 No e. Is the $1,500 well spent? 56 Yes 40 No This year’s surplus, $1,375, has already been $200 overspent, being used to purchase the color TV’s and installing the cable system. a. Do you use the TV lounges 63 Often 30 Seldom 11 Not at all b. Was the money well spent? 87 Yes 15 No The amount of $750 was budgeted for Applause. a. Has Applause been of service to you? 21 Yes 82 No b. Irrespective of your answer to “a” is a student job.placement ser vice a useful service? 80 Yes 19 No c. Should we spend 19 More 19 Less 10 None 48 Same Following precedent the Student Council budgeted the amount of $500 for the Creative Learning Center (the Center was a project of a past SCA. a. Should we support the CLC 65 Yes 39 No b. Should we spend 10 More 8 Less 28 None 48 Same If more money is necessary to keep activities hust at their present level, would you be willing to pay it? 45 Yes 53 No Have you gotten your $45 worth in activities- 45 Yes 53 No