Page 6 SMALL TALK February 17, 1993 On Campus MC Ambassadors ’’Running start” Encouraged At Opening Convocation Reach Out by Kimberley Shackleford Methodist College is fortunate to have an elite ^oup of student representatives— The Ambassadors. ITie Ambassadors were founded in the Spring of 1992~their mis sion: to seek and recruit prospective students. The Ambass^ors are current Metho dist College students with a desire to share the advantages of life at Methodist with prospective students. A few of their many duties are guided tours of the campus, housing prospective students for overnight visits, phonatfions, and mass mailing pro jects. Becoming an Ambassador is not an easy task. Because Ambassadors must repre sent the epitome of the Methodist College student they are carefully scre«»ed by the Admissions Office. Once admitted. Ambassadors must maintain a suitable grade point average, attend scheduled organizational meetings, and render enough services throughout the semester to maintain their organizational standing. Ambassadors reap the benefit of their involvement in many ways, in particular, the development of a more professional attitude and the satisfaction of knowing that they have made a difference in their world-Methodist. For those who are interested in becoming an Ambassador, applications can be picked up from the Admissions Of fice. Mason Amuses... With Help From The Puppet’s Eye Comedian/ventriloquist/pianist Tay lor Mason flew into town on January the 28th for an 8 p.m. show at Methodist Boy, were his hands tired (Sorry, couldn't resist)! After barely missing the water tower/control tower at the airport, Taylor turned up at the Lion's Den, where he was greeted by a sizable audi ence. Taylor's comedy routine was a hit with all present. He tackled a wide gam ut of topics, from the women working at 7-11, to "Dr. Death", Jack Kevorkian, McDonald's, fishing sportscasters, and naturally, life at college. A strange com bination, indeed, but by the end of the first 15 minutes, the crowd was in stitch- ' es. And then, Romeo appeared. Romeo the puppet cracked everybody up with his antics, particularly with his constant attempts to pick up one of the female au dience members. Later on, Juliet (who else?) appeared with Mason’s "Nazi baby" puppet This trio of puppets served up humor on a sizzling hot plate, but the real highlight was Mason's singing rou tine. As if his impressions of R.E.M., Prince, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Bob Dylan weren't enough, he went right ahead and with his impression of Aero- smith doing the "Flintstones" theme. Hard to imagine? Well, instead of "Ja nie's got a gun...," try "Pebbles's got a gun, Bam-Bam's on the run..." How did it go down with the crowd. They loved it Besides that. Mason's composition, "I'm A Happy Blues Man" threw all conven tions about blues music out the window (Smnple line; "I've got no problems, my life's in order..."). All good things must come to an end, and this show was no exception. Af ter about an hour-and-a-half of side splitting entertainment, Taylor Mason called it a night Students laugh it up at convocation by Jessica Kiser Students who attended the Opening Convocation February 1 were encour aged to get a "running start" on their Spring semester. Mr. Parker Wilson, the faculty marshal, warmed up the crowd by performing a rap song which encouraged students to work hard and explain their "tardies" by saying "you've been at Har dees.'" The light-hearted mood of the event continued as Mr. Horace Davis, director of the Department of Community Rela tions for Carolina Power and Light Com pany delivered an address. Davis used numerous jokes and stories to point t> the three things which he said keep stu dents at Methodist College moving. First you care about people. Secondly, you have committed your lives and work to lifting people up and caring about them. Finally, there is a spirit of commu nity here that brings people together just as we have done for this Opening Convo cation." Mr. Wilson dismissed the convoca tion by reiterating the Convocation theme: "Hit the ground running, and get a running start. Mason Captures The Lion's Roar