Monday, December 7, 1998 COLLEGE NEWS Pride What’s up with that? Question: What is the best gift that you have ever given or received? “The best gift I received was October 3,1994 - the day that I was married to my wife Donna.” —Lt. Carl Douglas Police and Public Safety Officer “The best gift that I have ever received (and am still receiving) is the plethora of acorns on the Methodist College campus!!” —Joe Squirrel The Nutty Professor “The best gift I will receive is having my whole family together this Christmas. The best gift I’ve given is sending boxes of toys for the unfortunate children in other parts of the world.” —Emily Bilog Evening College Secretary “The best gift I’ve ever received is the gift of my grandsons. 1 have two; one is seven and the other is almost two. They mean the world to me.” —Ann White Payroll Specialist & Methodist Student “The best gift I have ever received is the gift of being in a position to help someone else.” —Zelphia Hinnant-Jones Office of Academic Affairs “I think the best gift that I’ve offered to students is friendship, support, guidance ... to be there for them. The best gift a student can give me is to show respect and growth as a person - to grow from a young person to a young adult.” —Liauna Jordon Office Manager, Student Life “Let’s see. Hmmm. Meow Mix, Pounce, Friskies, mice, a squirrel or two, and a delectible blue jay would probably be the best gifts that I have ever received.” —Thomas J. Mullen, Junior Professor of Ornithology SPRING BREAK Cancun, Florida, Etc. Best Hotels, Parties, Prices. Book Early and Save !! Earn Money + Free Trips ! Campus Reps / Organizations Wanted Inter-Campus Programs 1-800-327-6013