THE PEN 15 The Inquiring Reporter By John Epps, Jr. Tlie purpose of this column is to bring to the reader’s mind some questions of current interest, being discussed by individuals picked at irandom in endeavoring to receive different opinions of tlie average tln'nking person. The questions for this edition are: A. Do you think tliat a male chorus [would be an asset on our campus?; and B. What do you think of tlie “curricula exchange” between St. Augustine’s College and Sliaw Uni versity? From Ativell Stewart, Senior in the College Dept., Captain of the current Basketball team whose home is in Nexv York state, the following opinions were received on the ques tion concerning the male chorus— “Any organization that brings the young men into closer liarmony with one another, is or should be an asset to any college or institution. Here at St. Augustine’s athletics is the only activity that gives the young men a chance to work together. Out of a grouji of seventy to eighty men, a- bout thirty are active participants in sports. Wliat is there for the rest to do? How^ are these two groups sup posed to get acquainted with one an other? A male chorus offers these young men a chance for self-expres- sion. It will make them feel that they are contributing something worthwhile, which they would be to ward a more enjoyable campus. St. Augustine’s needs a male chorus. First because it is a small institution and there i®n’t enough male activity on the campus. Secondly, there is too much friction among the groups. My solution is to combine these groups in a male chorus and half of your troubles would be over.” * « « t Audrey Gibson, Senior in the College Dept.’ Secretary of The Fortnightly Music Guild, whose home is in California, forwards the following opinion on the same ques' tion. “The idea of having a male chorus on the campus, seems to me to be a very interesting suggestion, and if it should ever become a real ity, I am sure it would be an asset to our campus, and I am sure it would work well with our music de- ])artment and as a source of enter tainment to the student body. As a nucleus, the present campus men’s quartet would serve the purpose ade quately. Those members have proven their interest in music and tlieir ini tiative in their successful appearan ces thej' have made so far. I believe their influence on just the right per sons would help organize a male chorus, that perhaps would not be very large in numbers but would have the quality that would start something which future students may continue.” * * • ♦ From Francis O. Constant, Senior in the College Dept, and resident of Raleigh comes the followinglopinion on the question. In my opinion the “curricula ex- cliange” between the two schools, St. Augustine’s College and Shaw Uni versity, might be to the best advan tage for each of the schools and also for the students as well. As we all know, there has always been the tra ditional antagonistic feeling between