#)t. ^upstine’si Eccorb Vol. XXXVI DECEMBER, 1930—FEBRUARY, 1931 No. 2 ST. AUGUSTINE’S GIVEN FULL COLLEGE RATING (Extracts from The News and Observer, Ealeigh, December 23, 1930.) That the Institution has been rated as a Stand ard “A Grade” College by the State Department of Public Instruction was the announcement re cently made by the Rev. Edgar H. Goold, Presi dent of St. Augustine’s College, of Raleigh, con ducted under the auspices of the Episcopal Church. The first class to take the full four year College course will graduate next May. Until recently St. Augustine’s has offered only a Junior College course, which was duly accredited by the State authorities. As a result of a careful inspection of the Insti tution recently made by a committee from the State College Rating Board, the four years course at St. Augustine’s has been duly accredited and notice to that effect sent to the College authorities. St. Augustine’s has recently completed an ex tensive building program which has made possible the development of College work. The new build ings include the New Benson Library, a gift of the Rev. Dr. A. B. Hunter, formerly the Head of St. Augustine’s; the Cheshire Building, containing the College Dining Hall, Domestic Science quar ters and other features; the Delany Building, a dormitory for college girls; and House for the Training School for Nurses at St. Agnes Hospital, ■which is connected with St. Augustine’s College. Another unit of the work is the Bi°hop Tuttle School for Religious and Welfare Workers, which has recently been enlarged and developed, and is in close affiliation with the State Department of Public Welfare. EDITORIAL {News and Observer, Raleigh) In 1867 St. Augustine’s School for the educa tion of colored youths was established in Raleigh by the Episcopal Church. It has done excellent ■vvork in all these years, adding a Hospital and Nurses’ Training School, which filled a real need. Another forward step was taken yesterday when the State College Rating Board gave St. Augus tine’s full College rating. Mr. Goold, President of the Institution, says that the first class to take the full four-year College Course will graduate next May, former graduates having been given only a Junior College Course. Raleigh is proud of St. Augustine’s and this new recognition. CONGRATULATORY LETTERS We print below some of the comments that have ccme to us as the result of the recent recognition given to our College work. FROM THE PRESIDING BISHOP OF THE CHURCH Office of the Presiding Bishop, Jan. 14, 1931. The Reverend Edgar H. Goold, St. Augustine’s College, Raleigh, N. C. My dear Mr. Goold: It is indeed good news, though not surprising, that St. Augustine’s has been given full college rating by the State Department of Public Instruc tion. You are to be congratulated, as is the Episcopal Church, upon this important step in the development of one of our great schools in the American Church Institute for Negroes. For two generations, the school has been leading the way in the movement for the education of the Negro people. I know that this leadership will be con tinued, and that the work of St. Augustine’s Col lege in its new status will be a cause of encourage ment and gratitude wherever its good work is known. I congratulate the graduating class of next May upon the completion of the first full four-year College course, and I look forward with interest and confidence to the classes which will have the same benefits in the future. Sincerely yours, James DeW. Peeey, Presiding Bishop. FROM DR, JAMES H. DXXiLARD President of the Jeanes and Slater Funds Let me congratulate you and St. Augustine’s most heartily on the happy fact that the Institu tion has become a fully accredited four-year Col lege. I have long hoped for this consummation. It is altogether fitting that St. Augustine’s should have become a College in the chain of the excel- (Continued on Page 2)