ST. AUGUSTINE’S RECORD 3 GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Dear Fellow Alumnus : Tliis letter is written especially to tell those of you who were not so fortunate as to attend the Seventieth Anniversary of our Alma Mater what a rounded pro gram was executed on January 13th. It would be im possible in so short a space adequately to describe the events, but you can believe me when I say that never was there a program that met with such an unqualified resj)onse as did the Anniversary celebration. For two years Mr. Cecil D. Halliburton, professor of Sociology, has been gathering material and making personal interviews in order to make a permanent record of the College and its haiipenings. The His tory of St. Augustine’s, 1867-1937,” is a tangible con tribution to the College and is a tribute to the ability of the author. JSTo alumnus, former student, and friend of the institution can afford to be without a copy of this book, and I am urging that you send $1.00 to the Treasurer, St. Augustine’s, and secure your copy. It was inspiring to see the oidy living membei of the first class that entered the institution in 1868 Mv. William Henry Leath, Windsor, X. C.; Mrs. J^annie J. Delany, who made the trip from N'ew York in order to be present at the Anniversai'y; the enthu siasm of the students and faculty to hear the Anni versary Address of our diocesan, the Et. Ixev. Edwin A. Peiiick, D.D.; to witness the fine fellowship that Was so contagious at the banquet, and to hear the iuldress of Dean Payng, which was a fitting climax of the celebration. Our President, Kev. Edgar Hunt Goold, will take his place with those who have contributed to the suc cess of St. Augustine’s, and will be remembered foi tlie expansion of the building program and placing the institution in the rank of those for college educa tion. The Anniversary will long be remembeied as O'le of the great days of our Alma Mater. Yours for tlie success of St. Augustine s, Edson E. Blackiiax. ST. AGNES HOSPITAL We who are acquainted with the histoiical facts about St. Agnes Hospital can better appreciate its •expansion. In order that our graduates may continue to maintain the same rating as graduates from o lei Class A training schools, we have recently comp ete ■■I microbiological laboratory with ample facilities and *^'Qiii])inent for the students. Along with the general routine of hospital work we have had a considerable increase in the number ot '■isitors to the outpatient department. This we belie\e to be the result of a series of health talks made at Intervals, through the Tuttle Community Center (Mothers’ Club), the Girl Scouts (I irst Baptist Cluirch), and the Well Baby Contest (Eush Memorial Church).—W. L. Z. EPIPHANY AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S One star, one candle, a flood of song which makes all hearts one are symbols of the spirit of Epiphany at the first service of that season at St. Augustine’s. Seldom has there been a year when all seats were not filled with men and women, with college students, and small children. One bright star shines from above the altar. The three kings, faithful pictures of the men of old, go before the choir, proceeding to ofi^er their gifts and their songs to the Christ Child. A single candle burns on the altar, in the shadow of the evergreens. This candle symbolizes the Child, the Perfect Light. Hundreds of people stand in awe, aware of nothing in the little stone chapel but the absolute communion of the Epiphany spirit, the manifestation of Christ. Every breath becomes a note of praise, and the tiny candle burns on, calmly, peacefully. When the hymns are sung the children’s voices be come louder than the choir. This is their way of show ing that they, too, belong. From the symbolic light a flame is taken which in turn is given by the three kings to lovely slender tapers held in the hands of every person. The choir is a picture of old England as the tapers light their faces. The girls in capes and Canterbury caps, the boys, regularly vested, stand in the aisle, while the congregation passes out between tliem as they sing. Once outside, the college girls form themselves into a cross, holding high their lights. In this manner they march around the campus singing, hymns of the season until the tapers are burned out. When man himself can praise with such reverence and beauty, think how great the blessings of the God who is the source of infinitely more and deeper love! From the Pen, student publication. THE ANNIVERSARY DAY BANQUET The banquet, attended by almost the entire student body and faculty, with the students and staff of the Bishop Tuttle School and representatives from St. Agnes Hospital, was a true family aifair. There were many alumni and about twenty guests from the citv, some of the best local friends of the College. Dr. Edson E. Blackman presided in his pleasing manner, and introduced the numbers of the program, which included music by Mr. Harper and Miss Chal lenger, students, a short talk by St. Julian A. Simi^kins, Jr., president of the senior class, and a word of remi niscence from William II. Leath, of Windsor, ISTorth Carolina, who attended the first session in 186’8. A splendid dinner was served under the direction of Miss Pitts, the dietitian, and those in charge of the decorations and other arrangements helj^ed to make the diiuier a memorable occasion. An address, outlining the important periods in the development of the institution, was made by Prof. Cecil D. Halliburton, author of the History of St. Au- gustines College. Mrs. N'annie J. Delany, who at the time of her retirement in 1928 had been connected with St. Augustine’s as student, teacher, and matron for fifty years, was presented a corsage by Miss Dorothy Graves, ’38, representing the girls resident in the De lany building. Remarks were made by Miss Maria Mclver, ’14, and closing remarks by President Goold. The event was closed with the singing of the “Blue and White,” by W^ Augustine Perry, ’027