Page 4 THE WESLEYAN DECREE March 28, 1962 SLA Gives Answers (Continued from page 1) Councils, and it may modify, up hold, or veto such council decisions. It may modify or suspend its own act.on, -\11 of its decisions are sub ject to review by the Administra tion. The Administration may up held, modify, or veto the decisions of the SLA. Appeals may be made the SLA to the Administra tion. The SLA also acts as an in terpreter of rules and the SGA Con stitution. It may recommend chang es of rules to the SGA Senate. Q. Wliat are the ,procedurcs for presenting referrals to the Student Life Association? A. Tlie Dorm and Day Students’ Councils are required to submit written referrals signed by their respective presidents as official re presentatives of their groups. Re ferrals should state the nature of ■ lie case or recommendation with tlie reason therefor and what ac- t.on, if any, has been taken. The SLA may receive the referrals of any group or individual members of the college community. Referrals may be given to the Chairman of the SL.\ or to the Directo.r of Stu- deno Life. Q. How aire punishments adminis tered? What is the procedure? The records? Peoples Bank AND TRUST COMPANY Extends Best Wishes To NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE And Its Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students A. The SLA members hear the case, listen to the testimony of witnesses and the testimony of per sons charged. If the person charged requests a person or persons to re present him, lie may have this pr'ivilege. At the request of the person charged the he_ ring may be open to the ecllege community, otherwise the liear^ng would be closed. The SLA rr serves the r ght to reach their decisions in private after all evidence has been ,pre sented, and rebuttals are ended. The decision is reniered by majo.’- ity vote of me mbers of SLA, or by unanimous vote of the quorum. The punishment is exacted by the ma jority agreement .n the SLA. When the decision has iceen reached a typed copy must be prepared and presented to the person or persons changed bearing the signatures of the Chairman of the SLA and Di rector of Student Life . . . The rec ords are tept in the files of the Director of Student Life and are considered iprjvate. They are sub ject to review by the Administra tion. They become a part of the stu dent’s ipenmancnt record only if and when expulsion is enacted. It is the attitude of the SLA to keep the matter iprivate as far as possi ble in the interest of the reputation of the student. A copy of ithe pro ceeding, however, is sent to the Dorm or Day Students’ Councils in cases referred by them and in which they share a responsibility to see that the punishment is car ried out, but no public announce- m.cnt is considered exccpt in cases where the public interest is involv ed. Statement Of Purpose . . the SLA looks upon itself as judicial body cha'tiged with the resipons.biLty of maintaining the Wesleyan Code. It regards itself also as an advisory ibody, offering guidance and friendly counsel in effort to help the student.” YOUTH SHOP’S CAMPUS ROOM 223 S. Main ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. We Welcome Your Charge Account THE JEWEL BOX 128 S. Main St., Rocky Mount 414 Main St., Tarboro, N. C. COEDS ENJOY SPRING — Jo Lynn Faulkner, Rita Lindley, Gay Finley, and Kay Hobbs (left to rght) agree that Spring is here. Compliments Of BULLUCK CLOTHING CO. PHOTOGRAPHS ON DISPLAY The display of the nation’s best pictures taken by amateur photo graphers will be in the Student Union Building through April 1. I oFFicc imifnian CO. / I SINCE 1971 FOR STUDENT AND FACULTY SCHOOL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 147 S. Main St. POWELL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CO. Office & School Supplies — Gifts — Hallmark Cards 127 Sunset Avenue Rocky Mount, N. C. Phone Gibson 6-6815 “When you care enough to send the very best” BUNTING, HARDY & MINGES MEN’S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS “EXCLUSIVE—BUT NOT EXPENSIVE” ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. N. C. WESLEYAN KNOWS . . . The PLACE to BANK ...and SAVE FtOERAl OfPOSIT lNS’jn*NC£ COHPORATlOM Mt FtOEBAL ftCSCHVE SYSTEM APPROVED SERVICE i Recommended by— HANDMACHER WORSTED-TEX JONATHAN LOGAN BOTANY 500 Bishop Laundry Co. Pickups Monday, Wednesday, Friday See your dormitory representative