TPl 1 he Uecree VOL. 7, NO. 9 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, N.C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1992 Candidate for Dean pays visit By JOANNA HOLLADAY Dr. Margariet Briujn Lacy, native of the Netherlands, visited ihe campus of N.C. Wesleyan College Feb. 10-11 as a^andi- late for Academic Dean. Lacy matriculated from the University of Kansas with both tier masters and doctorate in French. She is now at North Da cota State University where she iS a professor of French and fills he position of Associate Vice i^esident of Instruction. Lacy was very responsive in m interview and had many ideas ;o express. The college first im pressed her as being neat and co- lesive. While her impressions ater did not change, they became nore clear. “Only so much can be learned XI two days, however words and lubjects such as writing profi- :iency, curriculum development, ind retention came up repeat- 5dly,” she said, noting that if she vere offered the position and ac- :epted, she would'uncofef^tJie letails and “do her homework.” (Continued on Back Page) 1 ‘Gold War’ poses threat to U.S. role By CHRISTY SKOJEC When Dr. Roger Levien lec tured last week on “Winning the Global Game: A Tale of Four Countries” to a standing room- only crowd at North Carolina Wesleyan, the audience heard a shocking view of the United States’ declining role in the world economy. Levien, corporate vice presi dent for the Strategy Office of Xerox Corporation, reviewed a 90-year span of the economic se curity of the U.S., the former So viet Union, Japan, and Europe as part of the Spring Symposium. Levien described this security in terms of two global competi tion — the acknowledged and addressed Cold War and the un acknowledged and unaddressed (Continued on Back Page) Symposium poorly attended by faculty Spring symposium Dr. William Fischer, a professor of business at the University of North Carolina at Chapd Hill, discusses "The World Economy After Communism” during Wesleyan College’s 1992 Spring Symposium, held Feb. 12-13 on the flieme, “Understanding Life in the International Community.” The two-day event included lectures, demonstrations, and discussions. By JAMES OAKLEY and JOHN FENTRESS A survey conducted by The Decree shows that faculty par- tic^tion at last week’s Spring Symposium was at best only 63 percent and as low as four percent for any given event. Of 12 events attended by re porters, faculty participation ranged firom 29 membCTS, or 63 percent, at each day’s keynote speech, down to two members, or four percent, at some evoits. “The &culty need to make a commitment,” said Academic Dean Marshall Brooks. “If the symposium is important enough, (Continued on Back Page) Debate spirited over King’s significance By MARION BLACKPURN A day of tribute to Dr. Martin .uther King, Jr. ended with a sol- mn candlelight poetry reading md spirited faculty-student forum in the significance of the slain ivil rights leader and the national loliday in his name. The forum proved true to its Uling as an open discussion of hat is it about Dr. Martin ther King that warrants a na- mal holiday?” Panelists and i^dience members joined in an change marked by one /bman’s memory of a civil rights [Imonstration and another’s in- ipht into what those demonstra- ions accomplished. UXJ f: /iOnr The rousing consensus was yes. King’s anti-segregation campaigns and non-violent tech niques merited a national obser vance, but was tempered by dis approval of the exploitation his name offers retailers and the fad ing pursuit of his ideals in the United States. Panelist Dr. Steve Ferebee opened the forum with his own memories of the segregated South. To an early query aboutlECing, Ferebee was rebuffed wifti the description that King was a “black commie troublemaker” who “riled up otherwise h^py negroes and then left town,” he said. Ferebee, professor of English, said his study of King uncovered the larger goal behind the civil rights protests. “I realized that poverty was the real issue. That was a real revelation to me at the end, that Dr. King was saying that’s the problem all over the world,” Ferebee said. One panelist was Janice Silver, former assistant to the college president, Dr. Leslie H. Gamer. King, she said, became and lived the chiige he sought in others. “H^ was a prophet who came into this world to deliver a mes sage of peace, of love,” she said. “What gripped the world was not so much the message but the di vine, fearless power that sustained the message.” The holiday’s significance notes not just the man but also the dream of hope he offered, he said. “This holiday will serve as a type of glue to bond all societies of our culture together,” she noted. “Freedom is not a gift. It is ac quired if it is pursued incessantly.” Junior Shindana Bowen said the King holiday is a yearly re minder that the country must continue to work against hate and prejudice. “He knew that revenge Was not the answer. Instead, Dr. King persuaded this world that the way was to dissolve all hatred,” she said. “Everyone knows that there are still problems in the American . system. Thepie is still hatred among us. So now where do we go from here?” Senior Alan Felton enlarged the discussion to criticize continue class and race divisions based on poverty, and linked the country’s global injustices to King’s oppo sition to the Vietnam War. Equality has no meaning, he said, where there is not equality of access. Felton echoed Ferebee’s remarks that poverty was King’s true adversary. “Dr. King transcended the title ‘civil rights leader’ and addressed the more fimdamental economic questions dividing the country,” he said. (Con&ued on Back Page) y.. - 4