NOVEMBER 1,1996 — THE DECREE — PAGE 3 Campus Life Sweet boyfriend turns into real ogre Dear Clementine: My boyfriend has turned into an ogre! He used to be so sweet and supportive before we started going out and right at the begin ning of our relationship. But now he seems bored with me half the time, and annoyed with me the other half. I’ve tried everything to make him happy with me, but nothing works. What can I do? Helpless Dear Helpless (or Spineless?): You seem to be a nice, forgiv ing, loyal person to those people in your life who treat you like G- A-R-B-A-G-E. If you were audi tioning for the next Lucky Dog commercial you’d be a shoe-in! I’m just joking around. But seriously, look at yourself. You’re acting like you think you deserve to be ignored and tor mented by your “sweetheart.” Do you? I sure don't think so. No body deserves such treatment from anybody. You say you’ve done every thing to make him happy. Obvi ously it’s not working if he’s still not satisfied. So don’t sweat it. When downing a beer, few col lege students stop to mull its subtle nuances or refined wheat flavor. But not the discriminating stu dents at Johnson and Wales Uni versity, where beer drinking — make that sipping — is a required part of “Principles of Beverage Service — Beer,” a new course at the renowned culinary school. Student connoisseurs test out a number of different recipes while attending class at the university’s Coors Brewing Lab, named after the nation’s third largest beer-maker. Although most colleges com plain about too much beer-drink- ing on campus, Johnson and Wales officials say brewing is simply another culinary art. And don’t try anymore. Your boy friend is not worth the paper your wrote the letter on! You say he used to be sweet to you before you got together, right? It seems to me your boyfriend enjoyed the pursuit more than the prize. Have you tried asking him why he acts so foul towards you? If he brushes you off and doesn’t lis ten to you when you try to tell him how his actions are affecting you then why do you still want to be with this person? He doesn’t care. Even if he says that he does he’s not showing it. Trust me honey, I know how hard it is to leave someone you love—no matter how horrible they are to you. But in the end, you’ll be the only hurting if you stay with him. Do you think he’s wrought with guilt over his ac tions towards you? Yeah, right. We could look at the situation “Beer appreciation is consid ered as complex as the apprecia tion of fine wine,” said ^ward Korry, brewmaster of the Coors Brewing Lab. “Learning the dif ferent characteristics of the many beer styles and matching them with complementary foods is an important skill for culinary pro fessionals.” The lab — a 2,400 square foot classroom — has the appearance of an upscale brew pub with hard wood floors and linen-topped tables than can seat the 20 stu dents in the class. Aside from brewing and taste- testing, students in the class also must learn the history of beer, its ingredients, and the differences between keg and bottled beer ser vice. another way. Maybe he’s annoyed because you’re bending over backwards just to please him. Were you like that before? If not, what made you decide to change? Is his acceptance of you more important then your self-respect? I hope not. Because ultimately, you are the one who needs to be happy with you. No matter what. There are plenty of men out there who wouldn’t dream of hurt ing the ones they love. They ac cept their partners for who they are and love them even more if their partners accept themselves for who they are. Trust me. The ones who are never satisfied seem to stay that way with whomever they end up with. My suggestion is for you to seriously reevaluate your relation ship. Compare the way you want to be treated and the way your boyfriend is treating you. If the two don’t match up, it’s time to say “good-bye.” Honesty is best policy Dear Clementine: I hooked up with this girl at a party last weekend and now she won’t leave me alone. I think she wants a relationship. We used to hang out a lot just as friends. But now she’s getting to be annoy ing. How can I make her stop following me around? The Single Guy Dear Single: First of all, let me give you my automatic female response — you’re a pig. Sorry. Just kidding. Well, not really. But you knew ahead of time that you didn’t want a relationship from this girl, so why did you hook up with her? Okay, that’s in the past and what’s done is done. Let’s deal with your present situation: You don’t like her like she wants you to. You can’t help how you feel. I understand that. But you have to realize that you gave her a pretty heavy signal at the party (I don’t care if you two were drunk or not). By hooking up with her, you let her know that temporarily, in some form, you wanted to be with her. Now she’s probably wonder ing why you’re avoiding her. Here’s a suggestion: Uh, how ‘bout you tell her the truth? I know, it’s a very uncommon con cept for most guys. But try it. She needs to know that last weekend was not a marriage proposal in the making. She’s obviously very confused. And do you know why? Because your physical actions at the party are not matching your actions right now. In fact, it’s pretty safe to say that the two actions are completely opposite. So let her know that you’re really sorry but the hook up was just a hook up. And that’d you’d really like it if you both could go back to being just friends. Be warned, however. Just be cause you’d be doing the right thing by telling her what’s going on with you doesn’t mean everything’s gonna go back to being normal between you two. She may feel a little upset, angry, or embarrassed towards you for leading her on and taking advan tage of her. She may not even want to talk or look at you any more. But in the long run, per haps, she’ll respect your honesty. (Yeah, right! Girls are vicious, man. 1 should know. I am one.) Hey, the sooner you tell her the sooner she’ll understand that you want her to lay off. Or the sooner you can say, “At least 1 told her” when she goes ballistic on you and blows up your pet rabbit in the microwave down the hall. (I had to throw in a “Fatal Attraction” gag.) And here’s one last attempt to remedy this situation for good: Next time you seek satisfaction, make sure you discuss with your partner that you want nothing more with her but a one night romp. And make sure it’s mu tual! (And use protection, please.) (Slide letters to Clementine under the door of the Decree of fice, across from the bookstore.) DOC’S SNACK BAR Located in Hardee’s Student Union Across from the Bookstore Open Monday-Friday, 11-3 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8:30-11:30 p.m. Big Screen Television! Monday Night Football I Tuesday Night — Games Galore (CAB) Wednesday Nigiit Movie, 9 p.m. Call-In Orders Welcome!! 985-5235 New Menu! • Weekly Specials Commuter Coffee Breaks Served Daily Free coffee and orange juice from 7:30-11 a.m. Transferability Schedule: M,W, F 1:15-3 p.m. T, Th 1:45-3 p.m. Beer educational? Television needed North Hall Council is looking for a new television to replace the one that was stolen last semester. Anyone willing to donate a television or is willing to sell one at a cheap price is asked to contact the Noilh Hall Council President, Michele (Buffy) at 5323. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!