PAGE 8 — THE DECREE — NOVEMBER 1,1996 I I (Continued from Front Page) award was Lionel L. Bishop. The 25-year service award was given to Dr. David A. Jones. Ten-year service awards were given to Angela D. Bennett, Belinda G. Faulkner, Thetis M. Hoch, Samuel M. Holton, Dr. Jay R. Quinan, and Elizabeth A. Yancey. Five-year awards went to John C. Bullock, Dr. Elizabeth W. Edmiston, Carla W. Good, Ed ward F. Hill II, Tina W. Jones, Charlie T. Long, Jr., Beverly M. Small, Stephen J. Sparks, and James McKinley Williams. Dr. Richard Rosser gave the convocation address which fo cused on the importance of a gen eral liberal arts degree in a time when technology is changing rap idly and thinking, analyzing, and problem-solving skills are more important in the work place. Dr. Rosser is the past presi dent of DePauw University and past president of the National As sociation of Independent Colleges and universities, an association which represents over 800 pri vate colleges and universities across the country. Adult students honored (Continued from Front Page) must rank in the highest ten per cent of those who qualify; and must have completed a minimum of 30 adult degree program se mester hours, of which 15 should consist of credits in the liberal arts and sciences. Carey Fleming, an Alpha Sigma Lambda member from the Raleigh extension site, addressed the group. Others who partici pated in the ceremony were Pam Fennell, a Raleigh member who spoke on the signficance of the motto; Kim Sparks, Rocky Mount member, who addressed the sig nificance of the symbols; and Su san Burley, a Raleigh member, who discussed the pledge of mem bership. New members pledged their membership and received certifi cates and lapel insignia pins. The ceremony was held in the Powers Recital Hall, in the Dunn Center for the Performing Arts. A reception in the Carlton Board Room followed the induction cer emony and tours were held for the Dunn Center. Society mem bers plan a spring activity for all members from the four sites. Wesleyan’s Adult Degree Pro grams offer undergraduate degree completion programs in Raleigh, Goldsboro, and Rocky Mount for working adult students, including bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration, Justice Studies, Accounting, and Computer Infor mation Systems. There are also continuing edu cation classes available for non degree students including teach ers who are updating certificates, and people who are fulfilling pre requisites for admission to gradu ate schools. The College also has an accel erated degree program in Raleigh. Colleges have share of ghostly students GREAT TEACHER — College President John White (left) pre sents the 1996 Exemplary Teacher Award to Dr. Vivienne Ander son during last Thursday’s Founder’s Day celebration. Wesleyan celebrates 40th Founder’s Day By JANET SINGLETON A glow of red floating in the hall. A mysterious face illumi nating a window. The tap of fin gernails on a car window. Almost every campus has its ghost story, and most are full of enough chiUing details to send tingles up the spine. Here is a sample. At Huntington College in Montgomery, Ala., the “Red Lady” is said to roam the corri dors of Pratt Hall. According to campus lore, the “Red Lady” was so ob sessed with the color red that she decorated her room in a red carpet, cur tains, and bedspread, and wore red clothes. “They say she couldn’t keep a roommate because she was so weird,” explained dor mitory employee, who asked not to be named. Finally, the frazzled fresh man felt so rejected that she slashed her wrists in her red room. Her blood poured red onto the crimson carpet and ran be neath the door into the hall. Years later, students occasion ally say they see her or flashes of red shimmering in the hall. Or so the story goes. At Indiana State Uni versity, a resident ghost is heard, but not seen, said English profes sor Ronald Baker. “We have a barfing ghost,” he said. In Burford Hall, a girls’ dor mitory, residents claim to hear someone throwing up when there’s no one there. “First, they hear somebody vomiting, a toilet flushing, then hideous laughter,” said Baker. Often campus ghost stories in volve stressed-out students who suddenly ended their lives. “There’s a building on cam pus where they say a woman hanged herself,” said senior Adam Miller at the University of Florida in Tallahassee. “It happened 20 or 30 years ago, and supposedly she’s still there and wanders around.” Simon Bronner, a folklore pro fessor at Penn State University in Harrisburg, lists a number of resi dent campus ghosts in his book. “Piled Higher and Deeper: The Folklore of Student Life.” A tour of his crew of creatures includes: • Stephens College in Colum bia, Mo. There a student host and her lover, a Confederate soldier, haunt Senior Hall where the two supposedly met. • The University of North Ala bama. Around exam time, the ghost of a young woman named Priscilla, who killed herself over failing,grades, wanders an old dorm. • Oberlin College. The appari tion of a student who killed her self during finals can be heard sobbing and has been spotted peering through a dorm window, pleading for help. • The University of California at Berkeley. A ghostly woman with long diamond-painted fin gernails taps on the roofs of parked cars at nearby Tilden Park. Her daughter was raped there, and she is trying to warn other young women. • Michigan State University. The ghost of 17-year-old James Egbert, a computer genius who committed suicide, is said to haunt Holmes Hall. On most campuses, ghost sto ries arc easier to uncover than actual witnesses to the appari tions. But banquet manager Luis Cutolo insists he has had run-ins with UC-Bcrkclcy’s Faculty Club ghost. “I can honestly tell you that sometimes you hear noises,” he said. Once Cutolo left a darkened room and locked it, but when he returned the light had been turned on. “1 was the only person with the key,” he said. The Faculty Club has a long history. Built in 1903 for male faculty members who wanted to avoid the commute to San Fran cisco, the 24 rooms once were occupied by different professors, now each deceased, Cutolo said. Since the club has been con verted into a hotel, maids and guests have claimed it is haunted. A professor visiting from Japan reportedly woke in the middle of the night and sensed he was being watched. “He saw a shadow sitting next to the fire place watching him. At one point, the shadow’s head separated from its body and came flying toward the man. The visiting pro fessor screamed and came run ning out of the room,” he said. Still, Cutolo said the club’s in visible long-term boarders dem onstrate how content they were with the former club. “The pro fessors loved this place so much that even in eternity they come to visit us,” he said. ■ But it’s hard to convince Bella Scheiber that any of the campus ghost stories are based on actual sightings or events. He’s the founder of the Boulder, Co. based organization, the Rocky Moun tain Skeptics. The organization says there is no such thing as ghosts and goblins, ESP or (sorry, X-Files fans) outer space aliens. He offers alternative explana tions to campus ghosts. Students who see and hear bizarre things probably are either studying or partying too hard, he suggests. “I know what it’s like to go 24 hours without sleep from my days at CU-Boulder,” he said. “You start seeing things.” Or maybe students just want to believe in make-believe, said Scheiber. “Ghosts are wonderful because they’re forever,” he said. “They satisfy our need for mystery and immortality. People just like to think there’s something more to life than making a living or tak ing tests.”