ft, ECREE VoluME XX, NuMbJ FrIiTOR's Corner From tHe EdiTOR's DEsk Dear Reader, Well, the end has finally conne to this sad, sad political season. With all the mud slung and all the attack ads packed away ‘til ’06 the time is at hand to move forward with the job of being Americans. I listened closely to the victory and concession speeches made by both camps on the Wednesday after the election, and with the exception of John Edwards, who just could not come to grips with the reality of the situation, all the principal players conducted themselves with grace and dignity. do all I can do to deserve your trust. A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation. We have one country, one Constitution, and one future that binds us. And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America.” Mr. Kerry was a perfect example of grace in defeat. Choking back understandable emotions Kerry spoke of his hopes for a united country in President Bush’s second term saying, “We are required now to work together for the good of our country.” For his part Bush was gracious in victory saying, “Senator Kerry waged a spirited campaign, he and his supporters can be proud of their efforts.” And he reached out to Democrat and moderate citizens saying, “Today I want to speak to every person who voted for my opponent. To make this nation stronger and better, I will need your support and I will work to earn it. I will I hope that the anti-Bush folks will do one simple thing, a thing that will answer the President’s plea for support in a way that will make them OK with the outcome of this election. Be Kerry-like in your conduct, take heart, and embrace the inspiration of Senator Kerry’s finest line in his speech Wednesday, and possibly of his whole campaign, “In an American electfon there are no losers, because whether or not our candidates are successful, the next morning we all wake up Americans.” If we all follow the Senator’s example, we can make it, together. Oh, yeah, it would be a good idea to ignore Edwards (it only encourages him) and encourage Dan Rather’s early retirement. That will ice the cake quite nicely. Faculty Adviser to The Decree Dr. Bill Grattan English/Journalism 985-5336, PC 171 wg286655@ncwc.edu ft E ECREE Since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan Community” Meetings are held the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month, from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, upstairs in the Hartness Center and are open to anyone interested in having a voice in the content of The Decree. If you can’t make it to the meetings, you can stop by the Decree office Wednesday & Friday from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. If you are unable to come by the office, please contact the Decree staff at 252-454-1681 or e-mail at ncwcdecreel @cox.net or ncwcdecree2@cox.net The Decree is published by the students of North Carolina Wesleyan College, and is printed by J&S Printing, AL. Recent CAB Events Campus Activity Board is an organization that plans activities and events for students of Wesleyan College. The organization includes Victor Brown (President), William C. Jones (Vice President), Nicolle Womack (Secretary) and their advisor is Chanelie Miller. According to Womack, “the main purpose of CAB is to promote and plan educational and social activities to enrich students’ college experience.” The organization is here to benefit the students and faculty as well. New events that CAB is hosting include spade tournaments, open mic night, and movie nigtitl Recent events were the Turkey a Hunt during November 15th through 17th, and comedian Se4 Carlin performing in the Dunn Center November 17th as well There was no cost for the comej show. The last open mic nighti the semester was December 2uf Womack also told me that students that are not involved in CAB can give ideas to the organization. If anyone wants donate thoughts and suggestion they can attend the meeting eve- Wednesday at 7:15pm in theC/; office located in the Hartness Center. -RS nf Q Ki V P IT w I *1* t itfcdLLE DE€1 ©UNI 004 Pregnant? YouPfeed: Facts Options Solutions • Caring & Confjdential Services • free Pregnancy Testing • Accurate Information on All Options 252-446-2273 . I-800-395-HELP Pregnancy Care Center 330 Sunset Avenue Rockv Mount, NC 27804 DECREE Editing Statement The Copy Editor is respon sible for ensuring adher ence to the AP Stylebook in editing, proofreading, and checking of facts and sources in every submission except editorial (opinion) columns. Opinions may, however, be checked for the truth of any assertions made or facts cited and may be proofread for consistent grammar. The opinions found in the Decree are those of the individual author of the article. They do not necessarily represent tfie | opinions or policies of Norl| Carolina Wesleyan Collegi or the Decree Adviser. \ P LC • ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRF‘5'; NoRTh CARoliNA WEsleyAN CollEqE Rocky Mount, NortJh CaroIIna 27804